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Present X791

Amu Pov

"Saber who?" I tell Romeo who tells me the top guild in Fiore.

"Sabertooth they dominated a little after their new guild master and when five new members joined" he tells everyone and Natsu looking confused and begins to laugh.

"Good now we can beat them" he clasp his hands together.

"How the heck did they get so strong ? Five wizards ?" gray tells romeo.

"Yeap but the only reason is because of the grand magic games-"

"NO! Not that again we're done being in last" says Alzack

"Grand magic games? Tell me more now!" I command as I slam both my fist together.

Alzack sighs and begins to explain "it's basically a competition between guilds and it shows who is the top guild in Fiore."

"Then it's settled we join it" Gray says and I nod my head in agreement.

"What is this games?" Makarov comes waking in.

"Master" everyone says.

"Romeo says some games determine are rank in Fiore sounds crazy if you ask me " I cross my arms.

"Still if you win there's like a huge prize in money-"

"Sign us up" master says and I begin smirk.

"Hell yes let's get the name of fairy tail back" says Kyo raising his paw up.

"Yeah!" everyone begins to raise their fist in happiness.

"We might have came dead last place but this year Fairy Tail will beat every guild from the whole country" I slam my hands on the table and everyone's cheers.

"Well when does it start?" says Natsu.

"In 3 months!" Romeo says .

"It's settled then we train in that time" Erza says and I nod.

"There's another thing only five members can join the games" Romeo says.

"The question is who.." I say and soon everyone begins to have wandering eyes looking to everyone.

"Where's guildarts?" I command and Cana shakes her head in sorrow.

"The bastards gone" she says.
"WHAT!" we all say in unison but his are top man , damn him didn't get to drink with him.

"It's fine because I have a group in mind.." gramps says smiling evily.

"What are we doing let's get to work guys!" Gray says.

"And I have the perfect place" says Erza who looks very mysterious.

Meanwhile ..

Rogue Pov

"Huh it sure takes you back remember . Felt just yesterday we both were right here to him" Sting says as he shows a height about an average of 2 feet.

"Remember being a big fan of Gajeel as well as Amu?" he goes on and begins to chuckle.

"I didn't care for both of them I was more on Nat-"

"Stop bringing up the past Sting we choose to follow a different path then them" I tell him interrupting Sting for his stupidity. It's true I admired them both but now I hope I get a chance to kick both their butts.

"I found you" I hear one of the soldiers looking for us I begin to hear someone arching their bow.

They aim for me and Sting and I grab it and immediately throw it to Sting who takes the bow and begins to munch on it.

Sting begins to gobble it fastly and then uses his white dragon roar. He tries to aim for the back of the guy's head to scare the poor fella.

"Man I guess I'm out of practice his heads still on".

"Oh no I knew it y-your the twin dragons from sabertooth guild white dragon Sting and Black Shadow Rogue the dragon slayer duo" the man says and runs away like a coward. Pathetic..

"You sure don't like to hold back Sting" I tell him.

"Dang Sting that was awesome" I hear Lectors voice and look over to see if Frosh is with him.

"It's Lector and Frosh" says Sting and we watch as they come to us smiling.

"We're glad you took them out before we came" says Frosh as he begins to hop onto my shoulder.

"Maybe I can finally get a taste of Natsu's power?" Sting says showing off .

"Count me out" I tell him and think about both Amu , and Gajeel two wizards I looked up to. Maybe I'll get to fight them soon..

Short but the next chapter you'll see some Amu x Rogue 😜😜

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