Attack on the Dragons

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Amu Pov

"Dragons?" I say as my heart soon begins to beat . Would I possible get to see Shi Fu or dragons from another time? It's hard to figure out when the king barely tells us now.

"You hear that Amu!" Kyo says and I nod .

"I know still we will all fight to help him of course . Now Kyo stay by my side never leave me" he shakes his head left and right.

"Never" he begins to sit on my shoulder.

"Now please help me" says the king bowing his head to the people of Fiore.

"Of course" everyone says. This dragons just how many will it take them down. We have to stop them or Fiore and this world will be destroyed.

I feel the touch of someone's hand on my shoulder "I'll fight right by your side" Rogue says and I soon take his hand and I squeeze it.

"Let's do it together" I smile at him , but soon the ground began to shake.

"Woowoo" my balance begins to lose focus and I feel as Kyo begins to fall off of me.

"Amu" Rogue says as he grabs my hand and pulling me to him.

As we look up dragons begin to appear coming right behind the king "holy shit" I say .

And immediately the first dragon begins to swipe his hand across the crowd . He soon begins to wreck the town causing people to run.

"Charge everyone" I bear Erza commanding.

"Stay by my side " I hear Rogue and I nod.

"Don't die on me " I say .

"Shadow dragon roar"!
"Water dragon roar"!we both say together but it hardly fazed him.

I look behind the other and I see six more coming.

"Shit six more Rogue! How about it Rogue a unison raid together"?

"Let's go then" I take his hand and we both begin to fuse are powers together.

"Water Nebula"!
"Shadow Storm"! We both say together as we attack the same one again. As it hits the dragon it hardly hit him .

"How did that not even hit him?" I widen my eyes as well as Rogue. Shit just how many more will we have to take down? I glance once more and I see the door has closed. No way who did that must have closed while we did that unison raid.

"Amu" I lool back and I see a fire dragon setting fire towards me. I soon feel Rogue coming towards me and grabs me pushing me away from the flames.

"Thanks" I huff and puff glad I didn't get caught in that fire.

"We have to form a bigger attack" Rogue says and soon I see Sting walking to us.

"How about a trio?" I smirk at him .

"Let's do it we need to do something" he puts his hand to me , then Rogue places his hand on top of him , and then I place mine on top of Rogue's.

"White , shadow ,water fusion" we all stand next to each other hitting are attack to the dragons heart.

"Let's go guys!!" I scream as I feel as my magic begins to drain a little from that attack.

We all begin to fall back a little hoping for a small dent in him but he still stands. I widen my eyes staring at it in shock.

"It can't be we gave it are all!" I fall back and as I look up I see Natsu on top of a dragon fighting with someone.

"Who is that?" I look up , I can see Natsu getting a couple punches in. He needs my help .

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