The Grand Ball

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Amu Pov

As I stare at myself in the mirror I begin look down at my dress. It was quite different from the rest of the girls. It was a bit plain like the others , but I thought it looked perfect.

"Amu you look amazing"! Lucy grabs my hands and admires my dress.

"Thanks you look beautiful yourself" her long majestic pink dress looked beautiful. It was perfect for this occasion.

"Should we go?" I nod to her.

As we step outside I spot Gray over the food court shirtless ?

"Gray your clothes?" I sigh and I watch as he look down and shrieks.

I laugh and soon I begin to admire how beautifully place the food was.

"Im grabbing that"! he takes a small tart and shoves it in his mouth.

I grab the nearest strawberry and stuff it in my mouth. As I begin to slowly finish it I begin to blush "that was good , why can't we get stuff like this in the guild".

"Here" soon Gray stuffs a chicken leg to my mouth. I begin to giggle as I remove it away.

"Jerk!" he backs away I look down as I swipe my finger on the icing to nearest cake and put it over his face.

"Hey-" soon I look over and Juvia begins to angrily walk over to us. Got to get put of here before another argument with her.

"An eye for an eye " I soon begin to back away laughing and soon I felt my back hit someone.

"Sorry" I glance back and I spot Rogue wearing a suit and tie along with Sting. He looks quite nice today compared to other days.

"Hey Amu how about it we drink to my favorite Idol" Sting says holding a bottle of champagne but I shake my head.

"It's fine no champagne for me" and soon I look up to Rogue's eyes who's eyes are on me.

"Ah it's fine , i'ma go find Natsu then" he runs off smiling.

I begin to clear my throat nervously "Hey didn't think you'll be here ... but you are" I clasped my hands behind my back so he wouldn't see them shaking in embarrassment.

"Sting wanted me to come , you have a little something" he points at his mouth.

I immediately turn my back to him rubbing the food Gray placed on my earlier. I slowly turn back to him smiling " please tell me it's off yet".

"No" he says and I turn my back away from him and he grabs my hand and turns me back to him. He reaches his hand to towards my face. I squint my eyes , but I feel as he places his fingers on my lips.

"There" he removes his hands.

I look at his face so gentle and nice .. I can't imagine seven years from now this happening to him.

"There something wrong?" he asks.

"N-no just thinking you know-"I take a deep breath and sigh.

I shake my head but soon I feel as he grabs both my shoulders "Amu I want you to know.. That you can tell me anything on your mind".

I widen my eyes , Rogue has changed over the past time I've been with him. He never fails to surprise me . Still I can't let him know what will happen I'll just protect him instead ..

I laugh out "don't get serious me you know. I'm just thinking that tommorow we should go out before I leave. You know we both got a guild to get back to" I smile to him.

He let's go of both my shoulders and sighs "I'll be fine with that tommorow as long as we're together" he smiles to me.

"It's a date then" I take his right hand and clasp it with mine.

"Please can we have ypur attention the king has a couple of words to say" we look up and see the kings right hand man announcing it.

"The king what does he have to say about this" Rogue says.

"Probably give words of his appreciation about the whole commotion that happened" I glance up.

"Ladies and gentleman the king .." we all wait for the king to make his grand entrance , but didn't get the person we wanted.

"All hail king Natsu!" Natsu raises his hand in the air wearing the king's crown along with his cap.

"Natsu!" we all scream out in shocked.

"Such an idiot" I smile up to him as the guards try to stop him.

"Natsu will always be same don't you think"? I nod to Rogue.

"Of course that guy will never change he'll always be Natsu" I cross my arms.

"Your right about that for once?" I hear Gajeel next to us telling us.

"Gajeel! You came"Rogue says surprised.

"Of course I'm pretty sure if I didn't I would get an ear full from her" he points over to Levy who's talking with Jet , and Droy.

I go over to him and I wrap my hand around him "someone is in love" I smirk to him.

"Don't you dare what about you and him" he points to Rogue.

"H-how do y-"

"Y'all we're really close before I came plus Panterlily told me" he sips on his drink.

"Panterlily.. Kyo damn him" I sigh . He must have let it slip out of his stupid mouth.

"So it is true guess your secret is out, and someone won't be happy when they hear this."

I place my hand onto my waist "who?" don't know anyone that would be mad.

"Yes it's true still who is this person that will be mad"? Rogue says placing his hand on the back of my shoulder.

"Forget about it , just get back to what you were doing . Anyways how are you healing up Rogue"?

"Fine , I'm glad I got to face you it was an amazing match. One that I lost fair and square" hr says smiling.

I'm glad his friends with Gajeel now I feel like them two are more similar than I thought. I hope this sweet , mysterious guy .. won't ever change into that man .

"Amu how's the party so far?" I hear Kyo getting on top of my shoulder.

I glare at him and I squeeze his purple tail tightly.

He shrieks in pain "oucchhhh"!

I smirk at him and gently whisper into his ear "that's for letting my secret out".

He begins to widen his eyes in fear "sorry I just came out still I only told Happy , Carla , and Panterlily" he begins to beg.

"Yeah , well what's done is done . I guess everyone will know now well it was bound to happen anyway" I rub the back of my head and as I look over to him he still looks down.

I giggle and I pat his head " Kyo it's alright is not like I wanted to keep it a secret forever you know .. thanks".

His face lights up and lands on my head "alright now that were done with that have y'all gone are your official date yet?"

I bite my lower lip "no but-"

"Amu!" I hear Rogue call me from behind. As we turn around he takes out his hand. I look to up to him who's looking up.

"Wanna dance or something?" I burst out laughing and I take his hand.

"Not the best dancer Rogue so prepare for the worst".

"Good luck"! Kyo hops off me and flies off .

I sigh in relief and I clasp my hands behind me . I look to Rogue and I give him a closed eye smile "shall we dance?"


Sorry took a break over the spring break and pretty much was playing video games 90% of the time .

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