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Amu Pov

It's been two days since are crazy battle with Achnologia. I'm still determined to leave everything behind for now until my mission is complete. Still breaking up with Rogue was one of the hardest things I had to do. I'm sorry Rogue...

"Are you leaving a letter behind?" Kyo says and I shake my head.

"No it's better this way , now can we get packing?" I begin to change the topic. It's not like I didn't think of writing one. I almost wrote one to Rogue but if he saw it he probably would get up and leave with me. I can't drag him with me , it's better this way...

As I begin placing taking the last few things needed for the trip I begin to come across an old guild picture. I begin to stare at little old me standing next to Erza arguing for what I think is another dumb argument.

"Pathetic" I begin to leave the picture in the drawer and as I look back I see Kyo holding his bag.

"So your going?" I tell him crossing my arms.

"Where ever you go .. I'll be there to support you in anyway" I sigh and I begin to nod.

"So be it , let me talk to the landlord and we'll be on are way" I begin to head over to my coat rack placing a black hooded cap .

As I enter the land lady's office first place she's at is on that couch smoking on her pipe.

"Old lady I'm leaving for a while , and need the place to be taken cared of" she turns around and reaches her hand out to me.

I soon grab a bag from behind me and place it right on her hand "I'll be on my way then.. good bye".

"Hey brat this seems like a year's worth of rent how long-"

"One year.." I shut the door on the old lady and I throw on my hoodie.

"Ready?" I hear Kyo's voice .


As nightfall begins to come early me and Kyo slowly begin to walk. I can begin to hear footsteps from behind us.

"We have visitors .. water slicer" I cut the bush from behind me .

Soon I see a pink haired head , as a fluffy cat ears.

"Natsu! Happy! What the hell are you doing here!" I begin to yell at them going up to them lifting Natsu from the ground.

"I should be asking you that are you leaving too?" I widen my eyes and I release him .


"Yes I'm training for a while , and we I come back I'll defeat him" he begins to give me a cheerful smile.

How is he smiling this isn't the time to do that. And he wants to go train as well..

"How are you so damn happy? We just watched are parents die! Ho-"

"I won't mop around like you! My father wanted me to be happy. As for Shi Fu he would have wanted you to be happy" as I angrily look to him I felt a teardrop fall my cheek.

Not again I immediately wip my tear away in front of Natsu. I watch as he begins to stare at me.

"Tears" Happy says.

"Amu I know he died but we got to do everything we can to be happy for them" he begins to cup his hands onto my cheeks.

I begin to feel my knees getting weak making me fall to the ground.

Suddenly more tears begin to fall upon my face.

"Dammit!" I yell slamming my fist right onto the ground.

"Amu get up right now" I hear Natsu calling me to get up. I hesitate and soon I feel both Happy , and Kyo coming to my side on my thigh.

"Your with me.. right" I look up to Natsu who reaches his hand out to me.

As I look up I reach my hand towards him.


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