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If you have never seen Fairy Tail OVA 2 you probably won't get this chapter.. what so ever. Anyway I made this if Sabertooth was in it so you know.. Rogue. Alright let's go.

Amu Pov

"Wanna skip school?" Cana hands me a cigarette box.

"As much as that enlightens me , getting screamed by Ms, Principal Carla isn't what I want." I push away the box.

"Such a buzz kill . Still I agree with you got in trouble today for my clothes like what the hell man."

I glare at her , then glance down to her "I mean your boobs are practically showing, and ypur skirt is literally 3 times longer than mine."

She says "guess your right."

"I guess?" I tell her then we both stare at each other before we burst out laughing.

"You know what? Let's go out get a drink. Don't feel like going to school anyway!" I blurt out of no where.

"Yeah! Let's-

"Hold it right there you two! Where do you think your going? Out I don't think so!" as we turn around slowly we see none other than-

"Miss Student Council Erza Scarlet. Damn." we both say in unison looking at each other.

"At least take the courage to represent the school we have a big competition coming up and we need people to enter."

Crap forgot we have a district competition between schools. Basically like the olympics but less.. crazy.

"Um no thanks right Ca-" as I turn Cana seemed to have disappeared. I glance back to Scarlet who is glaring at me.

I sigh "fine let's go..."


"Amu you are the only one that can win the tennis competition blah , blah" I mock Erza's voice walking home.

Guess I should practice more if I want to be able to win. Damn Cana left me when I needed her the most. I sigh heavily and walk home.


I turn around to see a dark haired male in a different uniform than me. Must be from another school .. still how does he know my name?

"Do I know you? On second thought I don't wanna know" I walk away from him.

"Hey!" he takes a grip onto my wrist.

I glare up to him "excuse me? who the hell are you to touch me huh you-" as I look at his chest he has a sabertooth pin.

"Sabertooth huh?" I pull myself away from him crossing my arms.

"So you do know me?"

"Of course not you! Your school on the other hand has won conservatively for the last five years. Still this year you won't win I guarantee that because we're winning!" I point down to my bag showing the Fairytail High logo."

"Fairies pfft pathetic name of a school.."

I sigh heavily and I push him back "don't talk about my school like that! What is it you want a fight right now? So let's rumble? But don't get upset when the famous sadistic tennis player beats you!" I get into a fighting position.

"I won't!"

He runs over to me as I swing at him he dodges it and swifts right behind me quickly.

"Rookie mistake" as he gets behind me I kick him in the mid section causing him to fall to his knees. I glare at him right before I kick him right across the face.

As I place my foot onto his chest I begin to laugh "that was fun wasn't it? How about round two next time say the finals for the district competition?"

His face full of shock doesn't move. I remove my foot from him and pick up my bag from the ground.

I glance back whispering "pathetic".

Now no matter what Fairy Tail High cannot lose at any cost. I guess extra practices between classes can be good if we were to win. No matter what Sabertooth... You are going down!"

1 week later>

"Your done!" as I take down Lyon from Lamia Scale in the tennis competition I look to the score board going up.

Lamia Scale is done guess they couldn't bring there A-game.

"Amu!" I felt a warm embrace me from behind.

As I look back I see Gray who's badly injured in his fencing match with Ruffus.

"You won!" I hug him and then I look across the room with only one last competitor left.

"Sting" I mutter.

"Let's go!" Gray says.

"You lost Sabetooth Fairy Tail has won give up." I shout to Sting.

"I can't this guild will be ruined a-and-"

"We won't go easy on you no matter if it's 5 against 1." Erza says with such a smug look.

"I-I surrender." he says.

We all cheer in excitement from those words that Fairy Tail is the winner.

I hug Erza then glance at Sting walking off in anger.

As I pull back from her I begin to walk towards him.

"Hey-" I feel my wrist get pulled on , getting pulled to the side.

"Hey y-" I stop myself before I spot Rogue in front of me.

I give him a smug look "guess you lost loser. Shouldn't have underestimated us."

"I admit we lost , though i would like for us to go one on one with each other-"

"Again! Ha you got a death wish. One that I'm willing grant." I cross my arms.

"You've always been that way.." he mutters softly enough for me to hear. Then walks away from me.

"What does that mean-

"Next week .. Round 2?" he says in such a low tone.

I raise an eyebrow "s-sure."


This is like an OVA 2/ grandmagic games.

The Sadistic Slayer (Rogue X Oc)Where stories live. Discover now