Finding Frosch

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Amu Pov

After a long battle we faced I find myself wearing a two piece bathing suit. It's a simple floral design though as I look down at my chest it might be to small for me.

I honestly hate bikinis I sigh . I begin to hear foot steps behind me coming towards me I look behind and soon I see a running Sting coming to me and pushing me inside the pool.

As I fall back in the pool I immediately glare at a smiling Sting scratching the back of his head.

"Welcome to the guild's pool" I begin to get out of the pool slowly and I grab his hand and pull him in.

He begins to laugh and soon I feel someone place there hand on my shoulder.

"Sting stop being a child" I see Rogue who's wearing some trunks. As I grab his hand from my shoulder I push him in the pool along with Sting.

"Amu how dare you" I clasp my hands behind me and I give him a wink.

"Good one Amu" Sting soon begins to splash him with water

"Both of you are children" Rogue soon begins to get angry and I just watch as I try to hold in my laughter. Soon I decide to sit next to the pool and watch them both argue.


I begin to hear both Lector and Kyo voice echoing over to us. As I turn my head over my shoulder they both come together with a worry face.

"Something terrible happened!"
"Yes master Sting something happened"!

"Lector you know I don't care about that now what happened" he crosses his arms.

"W-well all three of us were shopping then Kyo and I were looking together at something then we look back and Frosch was gone"

"Both of you lost him you know he doesn't know how to get back"! soon he begins to get angry at both of them.

"Hey it's going to be o-"
"No don't you know Frosch will get lost" he slaps Stings hand away.

"Hey both of you stop it let's just go find-"

"Amu your cat lost Frosch-"

"My cat 'Kyo' didn't lose him Frosch got lost himself now calm down" I get up in his face and soon he begins to glare at him in anger.

"Stop it let's go find him before it's too late"! Sting says and I look at Sting then glare back to Rogue.

I sigh and soon I begin to get out of the water "come on Kyo!" I yell to him.

"Where are you going" Rogue says getting out the water.

"To go find Frosch what else!? Are you going to get change or what?" I sigh walking away.

The nerve he has giving me an attitude . Not like it was both there fault or especially Kyo "Amu are you and Rogue going to be okay?" I look down to Kyo with such a worry face.

I smile to him placing my hand on the waist "of course now let's go"! I run over to the changing area.

Rogue Pov

As time passed by we've been searching for Frosch for quite a while yet no sign of him. I look over to Amu who hasn't said a word. I did scream at her pretty bad and still haven't apologized to her yet?

"Hey there's Wendy she probably seen him I'll go over to her" Amu says pointing at her .

"I'll go!" I run over to her and I grab her "have you seen Frosch? If yes then where?"

"Stop being a creep" soon I feel as Amu slaps upside my head.

"Thanks Wendy see you later" Amu smiles to her and as she turns to me she gives off a mean glare to me.

As we move on forward I begin to imagine what horrible things could have happened to him. How small and fragile he is against the world.

"There's Ichiya I could ask him!" as we walk over to ask him "hey have you seen a small exceed pink suit looks like a frog".

Soon he shakes his head and begins to lean forward to her for a kiss "hey back off of her" I slam my fist on top of his head.

"Your okay?"
"I'm fine! Ichiya are you fine?" she turns back to him wearing a speedo.

"If your trying to find Frosch I know where he is" he says all fine .

"Where" I run over to him.

"Right here"! He jumps wearing that disgusting speedo right in front of my face.

"Take this" I blast him away from my sight. I hear snickering behind me of laughter.

It's Amu who's laughing along with Sting . "are you two done?" I annoyingly say.

"Yeah I'm done well let's get to it should we" Amu says smiling again to me.

3rd pov

As time passed they just watched and observed him for the past hour.

"Rogue hurry up and grab him my feet hurt following him" Amu says annoyed.

"Please have trust in Frosch he will get back to the guild" he says watching Frosch carefully.

She rolls her eyes and as Frosch begins to walk towards a new path Amu speaks "wait this is the way to F-"

"Well I'm here" Frosch says happy standing in front of the Fairy Tail Guild.

"Well at least he went to a guild right?" Rogue says scratching the back of his and as he turns slowly behind him both Sting and Amu are folding there hands with such a furious glare

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