Foe or Friend?

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1 month later

Amu Pov

I begin to soak in a nearby lake that looked very clean.

"Haven't felt this sore in a while my back hurts like hell. Kyo how about we take a day off or t-two" I begin to feel like im drifting to sleep to be soon waken up by a splash of water.

"No time the grand magic games are 2 months away . We can't stop now" I nod and cross my arms.

"I know still it's kinda boring with us two you know. Last I heard of Gray was a month ago wonder how he is doing?" I place my finger onto my chin wondering.

"How about your stalker" Kyo tells me making a lovely dovey face puckering his lips.

"That loser I won't be dealing with him no more . Still it feels like I've meet him somewhere . Who knows ?" I begin to take put my hand.

"Probably still I hope we get to kill the games this year" he begins to soak into the water.

"Kyo.." I tell him.


"Will I ever get to see Shi Fu again? I still don't understand to this day why he left me. " I begin to place my hand onto my chest.

"Don't worry we will find him , still remember you have others who has been what you have been through" I widen my eyes and think of Natsu , Wendy , and Gajeel .

They probably felt the same way when their dragon left them. Still why did they leave on the same date they all have to br connected some way.

"Talking about dragon slayers , isn't it strange that Rogue fella had an exceed. It's like maybe hi-"

"Pffft I doubt it , he probably found his exceed out of luck. Besides that it's time to get out this was getting depressing" I begin to emerge above and getting out the water.

2 months later

Amu Pov

"Water bubble explosion" I scream out aiming for a target I place at the top of the tree.

As my bubble touched it , the target exploded and I feel chest filled with relief.

"Once again you scored" Kyo says and I fall back losing my breath.

"Maybe I should invent a new technique, because silly bubbles aren't going to do it" I huff and puff.

"New technique is impossible with only a month away" he tells him not believing in me.

I sit up right away and look back to him "what! I can so do it care to make a bet?"

"Fine let's see if you can't succeed in making a new technique then you buy me fish for a whole month-"

"And if I succeed then your buying me all the beer I want ... And beer can be quite expensive" I smirk at him and I hold out my hand.

He hesitates a little bit because he knows who will mostly likely win "fine" he takes my hand and shakes it.

Soon I begin to hear sniffing behind me and I immediately turn around and see the lost little exceed from last time.

"You again"? Me and Kyo say in unison.

"Rogue" the exceed says and I cross my arms.

"This Rogue sure doesn't know how to take of his partner"says Kyo going up to him.

"Frosch!" I hear a scream and I grab Frosch and place him on my shoulder waiting for him to pop out any second.

Soon I see that guy who tired to fight me last time and u immediately takes him from my shoulder.

"Your welcome" I tell him and we both in front of each other.

"Amu your still here?" I nod.

"Of course I have a goal you know. Plus the games are coming up and I don't plan to lose you know".

"Yeah , well will see about that. I'll be going"


He widens his eyes as he turns to me "are you a dragon slayer"?

"That's none of your business is it?" I nod "true".

"Still if your a dragon slayer then tell me.. When did your dragon leave" I tell him

He turns his back "on day year x777" he begins to walk away but soon I place my hand on his shoulder "I'm sorry".

He widens his eyes and I look down "I know it's hard to lose someone close to you. My dragon Shi Fu he loved me but to this day we don't know why they left."

"My dragon didn't leave on x777 unlike you. I killed my dragon with my own bare hands on x777" he tells me and I begin to back away from him.

"He killed him" Kyo says getting away from him.

"He was your parent how can you do t-that" I begin to feel sick from what he said and begin to feel pale.

His emotion hasn't changed not one bit , it's like he didn't care.

"You make me sick scum , not caring about him. Your dragon didn't deserve this-" I squeeze my hand into a fist.

"He was too w-" I slap him across the face before he can finish that sentence.

"Amu" both are exceeds say.

"Shut up! I know you loved him your just trying to forget the past. Still talking about your parents like that man you have no soul" I begin to walk away from him and pick up Kyo immediately.

"Lets go!" I tell him and I look back to him and I see my hand mark on his face still.

"The nerve he has ? How can he say that too his dad"

"I've never seen you like this Amu. It's kinda scary" Kyo trembles a little. Shit I made him scared.

"Ah whatever forget him how about I get that new technique ready" I giggle trying to forget what just happened.


"Kyo time to lose that bet" he soon turns his frown upside and begins to pull on my shirt.

"I don't think so" he says and I begin laugh. I hope one day Kyo can meet Shi Fu I can definitely tell they will be friends.

A/N I would say Amu is like me when I try to forget about something. And that's by changing the subject well onto the next chapter.

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