Day 4

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Amu Pov

"Please Amu let me go redeem myself from last time" I nod to Lucy who begs to do the next challenge.

Today is the day I come back to the games . I don't know if there will be any challenges left for me , but I'm back. Lucy wanting to be in games she's very brave , and gaining some great battle experience while at it.

As the announcer announces the next challenge a giant water barrier appears.

"Don't tell me that the next challenge is a w-water-"

"The next challenge is the survival of the water barrier" I look behind to the rest of the guild who's feeling a bit blue.

"Amu why didn't you go!?" everyone yells even including people in the arena.

I begin to scratch the back of my head I mean

"Lucy has Aquarius so I'm pretty sure she's okay" Damn picked the wrong time not to enter the games. I look over to Fairy Tail team B and no surprise there Juvia is the lucky contender.

I look over to Rogue's guild and it seems they have a new girl guess she's going. I smile up to him soon he looks down to me I raise my hands with my pointer finger up "fighting" I mouth to him.

He gives me a quick smile before he turns back in the serious man he is. The match begins to start and out of no where everyone is where a bikini.

Everyone goes at it girls begin to fly every where throwing each other. Good thing Lucy summoned Aquarius right away but it seems Juvia is going up against her.

"Hate to say it but Juvia got the best advantage damn" I slam my hand on the wall behind me.

"You have to trust Lucy to become the last survivor" Erza says.

It finally comes to a closing when Juvia falls out the water bubble. Such a dumbass trying to impress a guy for the games. Still I'm glad she's out the way now it's up to Lucy against the sabertooth woman.

"Territory Magic!" she casts a spell on Lucy but it didn't do anything. Soon a small explosion hit Lucy all over her body.

"Lucy" we all scream in unison. Shit that bitch just what kind of magic does she hold within her.

"It seems like some space time warp magic" shit at this rate while Lucy survive.

I look up at the time until the 5 minute challenge is over. Come on Lucy only 1 more minute don't lose.

"This is going to be the longest minute for Lucy" Gray says.

As Lucy endures the pain for another minute the time is finally up. Now all Lucy needs to do is-

"Don't you dare defy me" Minerva begins to beat down Lucy intending to almost kill her.

"What the hell does she think she's doing? Stop this Lucy now!' I yell but Minerva has her in her hand holding her outside the water bubble.

"People who don't corporate with me get hurt you know" she begins drop her and we all stare as she falls.

"Lucy!" we all yell I jump off the balcony and I run as fast as I can.

"Lucy I'll heal you" Wendy says going towards her good.

"I'll assist you" Shelia comes on to help as well.

As Natsu , and Gray goes to her before me I go up to Minerva's face.

"Why the hell did you do that you knew she already in bad shape-"
"Easy to entertain the crowd of course we don't want a dull challenge" I glare at her ready to knock her out but soon her guild members come to back her back.

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