Epilogue Part 1

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A/n enjoy this new boy group song while you read for a chapter that people have texted me to put out.

Amu Pov

"Another mission now?" I get up as fast as I can before I feel a slight pain on my back.

"Hey don't get up so fast." Rogue places his hand on my stomach. I sigh and I slap his hand.

"I'm probably going to give birth any day now why right now?" I angrily say.

As of today I'm almost 39 weeks pregnant. And yes you guessed it Rogue Cheney is the father. It's been over 4 years since the day of Achnologia death.

Who knew that at age 24 I would be waiting for my first born to arrive. For the past two years be and Rogue we're trying to get pregnant, but nothing seemed to work.

Going to doctors constantly it made me lose hope of ever having a child. I mean over the years of over working myself can really affect a person's will to give birth. Still less than a year ago we finally .. finally managed to get pregnant.

Being pregnant made me get sometime off , still Rogue on the other hand works.. A LOT.

"I know im sorry but this mission is important. Plus it's going to be two days I promise to be back by the time you give birth.

I sigh and turn my back away crossing my arms from him. As much as I don't want him to go , we do need someone supporting the family. I mean it was easier when it was two people working full-time but now Rogue must work for 3 mouths.

He places his hand on my back "I promise I'll be back I don't break them so easily do I? Anyway they need a shadow mage according to the job. Still.. There's someone I trust, that can stay with you while I'm gone." I raise an eyebrow.



"Hey! Wooh you look huge!" I angrily glare at him and glance back to Rogue.

He begins to sweat a little then says "I trust him plus he'll be like your helper need something he'll do it." I glance up and down to him. He is Sting's loyal best friend.. Shit. I sigh heavily.

"Fine." I chuckle.

"Gah!" I blurt out. Soon Sting wraps his arm around my neck.

"Oh come on being with me isn't the worst thing that could happen."

"Hey hands off of her , under no circumstances should you touch her unless an emergency" Rogue pulls Sting off of me.

"Well.. I guess you should go then. The faster you do this the quicker you can get home right." Rogue glances to Sting.

"Right I'll give y'all a moment to make out and you know tell each other goodbye" he sticks out his tongue laughing exiting the room.

I roll my eyes and I stare up to Rogue.

"Now I think I'm second guessing myself with Sting."

"You think? Ha It's fine I might be pregnant, but I still have the same old strength when I was 20" I wink at him and smile up to him.

He places his hand on my head and strokes my hair. I lean close to him ready to kiss him when-

"Dude Jin is here are you ready!?" Sting opens the door wide open shouting to find me and Rogue an inch away from my lips.

I glare at Sting, as he cheekily smiles at us "haha.." he runs out the door.

"Idiot" Rogue says angrily.

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