Part #2

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I can't leave my apartment even though it's midnight Natsu is at the front of my door crying I want to hug him so bad. I want to hold him and let him sleep in my bed lol he used to but I can't. I took off the spell I'm four months pregnant my stomach is huge. And before you start wandering who the father is it's that pink haired dragon slayer at my front door crying his heart out. I look at my bandaged wrist I have to go to fairytail tomorrow I'm sure they all know now cause of Erza. She is the only one who would speak to me in five months she is leaving with me. I layed in my bed and I unwrapped my bandages in my wrist I stared at them as I sat in my bed.

"I faught my battles and i have the scars to prove it "I said to my self I looked to the side of my bed I saw my blade or covered in dry blood. I reach over and slowly grad it. I held it in my hand I stared at it tears streaming down my face as I put the blade to my wrist and I started to cut each one for a reason

Being stupid
Giving trust
The guild
My family
My broken heart
My tears
My pain
My feelings
Being weak
Hiding behind my spirts
Best friends
Being a failure
Hoping for a new start
Hoping for a new family

My list went on and when I was down my two wrist were covered in blood the cuts went up to above my elbows so I put
My bandages back and I let the darkness takeover my body for the night.

The next day-
I slowly opened my eyes my arms in lots of pain I look at my bandages the blood soaked threw the bandages. I put a tang top in and some black pants I graded my letters I looked at my cloak it's noon everyone should be there. I need to drop off these letters and get Erza and leave I already had my stuff mailed to the mansion. Same with erzas stuff I opened my door Natsu was gone I sighe din relief. I ran to the guild I wanted to get this over with I arrived at the guild I pushed open the gates slowly I got to the doors I look at my arms my bandages still in great there visible. I open the doors they saw me it went silent I saw everyone look at my bloody bandages I didn't care. I saw Makarov I handed him the letter and held my hand out he knew what I was doing he erased it then Erza came up to me people were shocked even Makarov when she pulled up her sleeve and her guild mark showed he erased it he did it with tears In his eyes I noticed Natsu not here weird. We left the guild no one stopped us no one will ever get in our way.

"Where to first Lucy"Erza said

"Well I have to give the key to the landlord so get in the train and I'll meet you at the mansion okay"I said

"Sounds good"she said and walked to the train she was about to get on but she looked at me I nodded she sighed and got on I went
To my apartment I saw a box it was addressed to me I will open it at the mansion. I waited there as the landlord came I gave the key and left I got to the train station I saw Natsu he looked at me his eyes red and puffy I boarded the train and he let me. I guess he does not care I stared at him in my seat he didn't have his scarf on. Something is wrong with him now but before I can go see what is wrong the train leaves. I stare at magnolia as it got smaller and smaller until it became a memory I got to the mansion I graded the box and went up there I removed the spell to make it look like I'm not pregnant. I got there I got into the house and Erza is no where to be found but her stuff is all gone probably went to set up her room. I walked to my old room I put the box down I graded a steak knife and opened it I put it back. It was a letter I opened it.

Dear Lucy,

I hurt you and I can never forgive myself. And I want you to know how sorry I am Lucy when Erza told me you attempted suicide I bolted from the guild I ran straight to you apartment I stayed at her door all nigh you didn't come out so the next morning I went home I wrote this letter to tell you I want you to have it it's in the box it's to show you I do care and I will never stop caring for you because I love you. I always have but I thought you would hate me after and it would end our friendship. So I stayed away from you to see if these feelings would go away but they got stronger. I felt bad for ignoring you day after day but I wanted to keep you safe,safe from me but I hurt you at the same time. But when your ready to come home I'll welcome you home I'll wait for you to come home Lucy don't forget this and happy will be there too.

Natsu Dragneel

I cried I noticed tear stains in the paper I put it back in the box I open the box up more and it was his scarf I screamed. Erza running in I cried she held me.

"Lucy shhhh it's okay tell me what's wrong"Erza said rocking me

"He loves me Erza he cares "I said she pulled away.

"What do you mean"Erza said I handed her the letter she opened it cautiously and she read it she covered her mouth then looked me in the eye.

"Wha did her give you lucy"Erza said I point at the box it was she looked at it she looked back at me.

"Lucy"erza said I graded the box I pulled out the scarf I held it.

"Can you please leave me "I said she stood and left it smelt like Natsu I cried into it.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now