Part #22

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I woke up really warm because if Natsu I smiled then got up letting him sleep. I woke up Nashi she got ready and I went to make food. I found happy eating fish in my kitchen.

"You never change"I said I then realized I had natsus scarf on.

"So you got his scarf"happy said

"What do you mean"I asked

"The day you left Natsu came in without his scarf then now you have it I've seen it with you at the mansion and when you saved us and Nashi also wears it"Happy said throwingbhis bones from his fish in the garbage.

"Yeah Natsu gave it to me"I said and I started to make food.

"Happy did you want some"I asked

"He'll yeah"he said and sat on the counter next to me I made pancakes.

"How have you been over the years Happy"I asked

"Good me and Carla are together "he said

"That's great I knew it would happen "I said laughing then Nashi came down in her normal clothes which was a white dress like mine but hers fades to light blue. She has a dark blue flower crown on.

"Hey baby girl how was your sleep"I asked giving her some food which was the same amount as natsus. She ate it slowly though.

"She is definitely natsus daughter "Happy said looking at her.

"Yep you can see it in everything she does "I said

"I hear your pregnant again "happy said

"Yep"I said and I gave him a pancake.

"Who's the father"he asked

"Natsu"I replied with.

"You two should get married you two already have a family together "Happy said Nashi put her plate on the counter and ran to play with her wolf.

"Hey Happy did you see the ring on her finger "a voice said I turn Natsu was leaning on the door frame. I saw happy look at my hand then grad it and bring it closer.

"Woah nice ring where did you get it wait it's an engagement ring"Happy said

"Yep"I said

"Are you getting married to Natsu"Happy asked.

"It appears that way"I said laughing I gave Natsu his food and I sat at the table and ate mine. We are in peace then Nashis wolf came running in and started to bite my dress.

"Lucy what's that"Happy asked

"It's Nashis wolf hey Happy why don't you go play with Nashi she would love to meet you"I said and the wolf let go and Happy flew out with the wolf I cleaned up the plates and Natsu was gone probably upstairs. I walked up stairs and Natsu was changing.

"Hey Natsu"I said he didn't have a shirt on.

"Hey"Natsu said

"Is it normal for you to walk around with no shirt"I asked walking up to him he laughed and he held my hands.

"I love you Lucy" Natsu said

"I love you to"I said and I layed in his chest i have my hair braided to on side today his arms moved and were now around my stomach. I felt his breathe on my open side I now what he is doing he wants to mark me I know it that's why he is waiting.

"Go ahead Natsu"I whispered then I felt his mouth on my neck then I felt shocking pain it only last for about two seconds then pleasure.he released my neck and blood came out all over my neck I went to wipe it with a towel but Natsu beat me to it he licked up the blood. I looked in the mirror and I said red scales I then put my hair down. It covered.

"I'm heading to the guild"Natsu said and kissed me on the lips and left I went outside and I saw Nashi playing out side with her wolf named wolfie she called him something else I forgot then she changed his name. But Nashi is playing with happy too I walked out.

"Nashi ready to go to the guild"I asked she nodded and held my hand happy flew behind us and wolfie stayed home and went to sleep. We walked to the guild we got there my team was waiting for me at the bar I smiled and sat with them they got there guild marks then Erza came in by her self in a black dress like mine and sat next to me then Jellal came in. Nashi went with him and we all talked laughed.

I sat at the bar talking to gray ,Laxus,gajeel and Mira. Lucy has not come to the guild yet.

"Natsu are you dating Lucy"Mira asked

"Ask her"I simply said she glared then Lucy came in with Nashi and happy and sat with her team. Soon Erza also came I continued eating my food rven thought I already ate. I noticed Lucy took off her ring good so no one knows we are together.

"Natsu want to go on the mission "a voice said and Wendy stood there

"Sure did anyone else want to come"I asked

"I'll come "gray said

"Mira me and Erza want to go o. This job please"a voice said we turn and lucy is showing Mira a job she nods and they leave.

"Go find a job gray"Wendy asked he got up and went to the board I went to my house and I got my bag ready. I went to the train station where the two waited for me I got on and my motion sickness took over.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now