Part #5

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I walked back to my hall and I they were still picking rooms I went in the kitchen and I made some chicken and some mac and cheese. It didn't take long I set the table and put the food on the table I got my food.

"GIRLS FOOD"I yelled they came running and sat down and got there food I laughed so did they and we ate. Once they were down they went to there rooms each room has a bed in it. I picked up all the plates and I walked back to the table and Kate was still there.

"Kate why you still here "I said

"Lucy thank you for helping us everyone we asked for food gave us each a half piece of bread I haven't ate in over a week the food I get I give to Sky she is only fourteen years old she is still growing"Kate said I hugged her she cried.

"It's okay Kate your not alone I feel you pain "I said she pulled away confused.

"I didn't just cut my wrist I  barely ate and drank anything for awhile"I said she looked sad.

"Follow me "I said she hesitated but followed we went to my mothers room it had all this armour and combat clothes.

"I want you to pick out four outfit "I said she stared at it but soon looked through them. She picked out four and shows me.

"I have the exact same clothes as you and size you could wear my clothes "I said she laughed and we went to my room she put her stuff in her room and came back and and she fell asleep next to me I smiled  not alone anymore

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"I have the exact same clothes as you and size you could wear my clothes "I said she laughed and we went to my room she put her stuff in her room and came back and and she fell asleep next to me I smiled not alone anymore. I noticed my arms are not wrapped up and the blade and knife next to my bed I put it in a bag and put it in erzas travel bag since she is going to fairytail tomorrow since she needs a to get something. I felt a relief like I can finally move on. I walked out I saw Erza sleeping and I went to my room Katelyn was still sleeping I started to write letters one for master ,Levy and Natsu. They won't ever know where I am I can't face them yet I finished writing. It was late at night so I hoped in bed and fell asleep for once not crying.

The next morning~

I woke up Katelyn was still sleeping so I went to Erza and gave her the letters she smiled and left. I went and made breakfast for my team I made eggs,bacon and hash browns then I waited for them to wake up. I suddenly had the urge to cut myself I opened all the cabinets not a razor the pencil sharpeners I went to my room and found a extra blade. I went to cut myself but was soon stopped by a hand I had tears in my eyes I turned to see my old friend Ryan he looked at me.

"Your not alone Lucy remember that"he said I started to shake.

"Lucy your not alone "he said again . A few more people came in and Katelyn woke up.

(A little after Erza left)
I made it to fairytail I went and sat at the bar everyone barely spoke master said someone had to get my money for all my help at the guild I gave Natsu and levy there letters they just started to read them. Levy looked at me she had tears in her eyes I showed no mercy.

"Erza Lucy is pregnant "levy said

"Four months pregnant "I said

"Who's the father"Wendy asked

"I-I-I a-a-m"Natsu said studering

"Correct"I said then a lacirma popped up and it was glowing red.

"Master is this your doing"Mira asked

"No it's mine"I said and a picture came up Lucy had a blade to her wrist and was about to cut when a hand graded her arm with the blade Lucy froze she started to shake as she turned her head she tried jolting her arm back he started to talk but then Lucy's team came and he left then Lucy gave up the blade and they all left Lucy wanted space. Lucy drank water then quickly spit it out and clunched her stomach then it shattered Lucy let out to much magic.

"What happened "Natsu asked

"Lucy let out to much magic "I said and Makarov gave me the money and I left I wouldn't be back for a long time I was heading for a train and I saw Jellal at a bar I put the money away with my magic. I walked up to him and went next to him and sat down.

"Hey Jellal"I said he looked at me and smiled oh god that smile I love it.

"Hey Erza what you doing here"he asked

"I had to pick something up at the guild and then I saw you and decided to come sit with you"I said. He chuckled and he order some whiskey for the both of us. He gave us two glasses and a big bottle of whiskey. And let's say that bottle didn't last long. I could think straight and I don't this Jellal could either we went to his hotel room.  I searched jellals hotel for more alcohol but could find any then I was suddenly pinned up against the wall. It was Jellal I kissed him and he instantly kissed back I still could quite comprehend what I was doing but before I New it Jellal was asleep next to me naked. And I was naked to. I felt really tired so I went to bed without thinking about it anymore.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now