Part #16

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I woke up to a warm feeling I snuggled closer I know it's Natsu who is in the bed I look up he is sleeping so I snuggle as close as I can get I feel his arms tighten around me I wanted to sleep In but I can't. I sat up he didn't wake up I got dressed I hate laying in bed with nothing to do. I walked to the living room then into the room fairytail was staying in I looked around for Makarov no sign of him everyone sleeping so I went to the kitchen I saw him reading some files.

"What is it this time "I said he looked up and laughed.

"Natsu destroyed a mountain "he said signing something.

"He is never going to change is he "I said

"He did change Natsu rarely comes to the guild anymore after you left he didn't come to the guild for over four years"Makarov said.

"What"I said

"Not even Happy could get him out of his house"he said looking up

"Oh"I said

"So I know you came looking for me what is it"he asked

"Just checking how long you guys are staying it's been quite awhile "I asked

"Tomorrow "he said

"Got it"I said and then went to erzas hall I saw Jellal.

"Where's Erza"I asked

"In her room sleeping and let her sleep"Jellal said

"Ummm let me think nope I need to
Talk to her"I said and I ran into her room and jumped on her she was still asleep so I went out Jellal was gone he left a note saying he was in my hall. I filled up a bucket of water freezing cold water then Ryan and Mason came in.

"Help me with this I need two more"I said they each Filled one up.

"Okay lets go dump this one Erza "I said and we went to we side she was peacefully sleeping then we all dumped the water on her at the same time she woke up screaming. She looked at me and glared. Ryan and Mason ran.

"Really Lucy"she said

"What I tried being nice but you still wouldn't wake up"I said

"What did you need "she asked sitting up rubbing her eyes.

"Nothing really just need to talk to you about something "I said

"Okay lets go to your halls secret room"Erza said and she requiped into some booty shorts and a tang top same as mine we walked to the library I guess I woke up everyone except Natsu of course.

"Lucy I told you not to wake her up "Jellal said

"When do I listen to rules"I said

"Lucy your turning into ty"Jellal said I realized Natsu was here just hiding.

"Who's ty"sky asked

"I'm Lucy's ex boyfriend from when she was fourteen "a voice said I turned to see ty holing Lilian his daughter she is a year old.

"Hey ty when did you get back in"I asked

"I got in yesterday morning I got in just in time to see you get you ass kicked "he laughed

"You better go before I beat your ass"I said he walked up the stairs then we went into the secret room that only the two of us can get into. We sat on the couch.

"So what was so important that you had to wake me up "Erza said

" Erza I'm pregnant "I said her eyes went wide.

"What who is the father,when's the wedding"she asked

"The father is Natsu and there is no wedding"I said

"I need to seriously talk to Natsu now where is he "she asked getting up.

"That's the problem I have not told him"I said looking down.

"Why the hell not"Erza said

"Because Erza I don't know what he will say last time I had a child I didn't even tell him myself how will I tell him now "I asked

"Lucy it's going to be hard but trust me you don't want to go through that alone Lucy it was hard to first time it will be even harder this time"Erza said

"Fine I'll tell him tonight he basically shares a room with me"I said she burst out laughing.

"Now back to the topic of wedding when is this"I said

"Um me and Jellal wanted to talk to you about that"Erza said I smirked I got up.

"Lucy where you going"Erza said

"I'm getting Jellal in here"I said and I went out of there.

"That was quick"Kate said

"Jellal come"I said

"Why"he asked

"I need to talk to you about yours and erzas wedding got it"I said

"THERE GETTING MARRIED"everyone yelled expect Jellal

"Fine"Jellal said and he came in I closed it. He sat next to Erza.

"So the wedding when is it"I asked

"It's in week and we wanted to have it at fairytail "they said

"Did you talk to Makarov about this"I asked

"No "they said

"Be right back "I said I went out.

"Who is it this time"Kate and gracie asked at the same time.

"Mavis and Makarov come"I said they came and they sat in a different couch.

"So what did you need Lucy"Mavis asks

"Well Erza and Jellal wanted there wedding at fairytail"I said

"But they are not in fairytail"Makarov said

"Well me,Jellal and Lucy want to join fairytail with our teams"Erza said

"Okay lets go where should we meet"Makarov said

"Tomorrow we will pack our stuff and come to Fairytail okay and don't worry Natsu is probably going to stay with me"I said we all laughed.

"So Lucy who's the father"Mavis asked

"What"I asked

"I know your pregnant so tell me"Mavis said

"It's um Natsu"I said and looked away.


She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now