Part #18

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Natsu looked me in the eye I can see happiness in his eyes. I smiled.

"Lucy I've always wanted to tell you something but didn't get to because you left"Natsu said

"What is it"I asked

"I don't like your last name"Natsu said

"What why"I asked

"I know a last name it should be instead "Natsu said

"Oh and what is that"I asked crossing my arms the pulled something out of his pocket then the next thing I New he was in one knee I covered my mouth tears forming.

"You should change your last name to Dragneel"he said he smiled.

"Are you asking me to marry you"I said happy.

"Yes Lucy heartfilia will you marry me"he said

"Yes yes I will"I said he put the ring in my finger I kissed him tears streaming down my face good thing this room has a sound barrier up.

"I love you natsu"I said he was standing and me in his arms.

"So can you tell me where your leaving to"Natsu said

"I'm going home "I said

"Where's that" Natsu asked pulling me apart.

"With you in fairytail"I said he looked at me in shock.

"That is why your not heading back with everyone you are helping me"I said he smiled.

"Your noting telling them your surprising them aren't you"Natsu asked them Erza came in seeing me In natsus arms.

"Did you tell him yet Lucy"Erza asked

"Yes I did"I said

"So I hear your coming home Erza"Natsu said

"Yes I am and I see you and Lucy are going to live together "Erza said

"What do you mean"me and Natsu said

"Lucy I see that ring on your finger "Erza said smirking and walked out locking the door I chuckled.

"So who else knew before I did"natsu asked

"Gramps,Mavis ,Jellal ,Erza and my team"I said

"So that is why you kept throwing up yesterday "Natsu said

"Yep side effect to being pregnant and this time you get to handle a moody me"I said laughed so did he.

"Now let me help you"Natsu said.

"Got it go get a box from the closet"I said he chuckled and then came back with like four.

"We are not sleeping for awhile are we"Natsu asked

"Nope and besides since you've been here did you ever go to bed early except yesterday "I said

"I guess not"Natsu said we both laughed and we started putting books in Natsu reading the tittles.

"Lucy what kind of books do you read"Natsu said I looked at the book he had it was a guy kissing a girls neck it was called

"Don't ask what happens in the dark"
(Not real book)

"Well um that is erzas book"I said Natsu looked at the book then at me.

"I'll jut go give that back to her"I said and I graded it I went to her hall and knocked on her door.

"ERZA"I yelled the door swung open and Jellal was standing there probably just woke up. He is shirtless to and only had pj pants on.

"Lucy it's midnight what do you want. "He asked

"Where is Erza"I asked

"She is hanging out in the fairytail room why"Jellal asked

"Just need to return her porn book"I said he laughed.

"Okay goodnight Lucy"he said

"Night"I said and I went to the fairytail room. And I saw them sitting in a circle.

"Lucy is Natsu in your room"gray asked

"What do you think he is not here"I said

"Good point did you need something "levy said

"Um Erza Natsu knocked a book off my shelf it was your book"I said I handed her the book she laughed when she looked at it.

"Can you do a request for me"Erza said.

"Sure"I said

"Burn this"she said

"Ok DRAGON RIDER IGNEEL FORM"I yelled and  fire consumed me and I took the book from Erza burned it and then deformed.

"There happy"I said

"Very "she said and I left I went to my room Natsu was sleeping so I locked my doors took off my shirt and bra I went to get my shirt when two hands graded my breast. I slightly turn it was Natsu.

"Natsu what are yo-ahhhh"I moan and he pinned my nipples and sucked on my neck.

"Natsu "I said quietly he smirked.

"What is it my princess "he said turning me around and putting me on the desk.

"Natsu I though you were asleep"I said as he played with my breast.

"I was then I heard you come in"he said he put his hands on my thighs.

"You know you turn me in so much"I said.

"Oh do I now ,so if I do this"he said moving his hands up. I bit my lip.

"Am I torchering you princess "he laughed.

"Very much so"I said trying to not let moans escape. I noticed now that I had his scarf on as he took it and tied my hands together. And threw me in my bed.


He pulled my shirts down and my panties and tied my legs with rope.

"Natsu what are you doing"I said.

"Now you can stay there"he said and the got more rope and tied my hands to the head board.

"Natsu come up tie me now and why can't I use magic"I said

"Magic proof rope "Natsu said he went to my shelf and I realized now that I should of put those books away he looks at them raises an eye brow he is in erzas section. Which was the last section.

"Lucy mind explaining "he said

"That is where Erza stores her books""I said he graded one of my books and came and sat Between my legs put was on my waist to that is where he held it he starts to read

"The knight and the princess "he read why was I naked when he is just reading to me.

"Knight sounds a lot like night the child said to her mother as she looked in the night and all the Knights marched the boarders of the castle "Natsu said I felt his hand on my part. He just played with it making me bit my lip harder.

"The little girl didn't know what to do anymore all she could do was watch the knights road there horses"he said I'm trying to hold my self from releasing myself. He puts the tip of his fingers my entrance basically asking from permission. He put his fingers in and pumped them really fat now I can't hold It. I released all over his fingers I was biting my lip so I didn't moan. He took his fingers out and he put them in his mouth he ate it all.

"Want to try"he said

"No thanks "I said he put his hands in my thighs and licked my part.

(I better leave it at that)

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