Part #39

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I put my hand on the door and I opened it and all eyes were on me I walked up the stairs not looking at anyone not speaking I know they are staring at me is sadness I'm guessing what happened between me and to
So got out to everyone. I went In masters

"Wendy good to see you and oh my lord it was true your pregnant "he said I laughed.

"Yep"I said and he gave me the file.

"Here and there is a letter in there for you Wendy "he said

"Okay see you hopefully soon"I said and I walked out I got to the stairs all eyes on me but there was pain in my head I graded the railing and then everything went black.

I am in the sport world watching Wendy when she starts to fall everyone went to catch her but I teloported there and I caught her everyone stared at me I didn't pay attention.

"Who the hell are you and why are you holding Wendy"a older woman said

"My bad I'm such a bad person my names Tyler I'm the guardian of Wendy I come from the spirt world to come to her need"I said

"Wait guardian are you her father"a young man said.

"I am indeed her father now if you excuse me I must bring Wendy back home so she can recover "I said and I teloported to Miss heartfilias house and she saw me.

"Tyler"she said

"Lucy take care of my daughter she is the last thing I have left "I said I put Wendy in the couch and I left.

Wendy layed peaceful on my couch and I graded the file and a letter came out I picked it up. It read To Wendy so I placed it on her stomach and I looked at the paper work. It was a list of names that they need of people to take down this thing.and there need next year.

Gracie Fullbuster
Kate Dragneel
Wendy Marvel
Skylar Marvel
Ryan Jackson
Jellal Fernandez
Mason Dragneel
Natsu Dragneel
Erza scarlet
Lucy Heartfilia

Wait me the council wants me and Wendy we will have babies to take care of how could they ask us to go to war right after we get back. Then I got a letter.

"Leave Nashi take Wendy and get out of there Nashi will be find they are just looking for you two it's more dangerous if you guys stay there. Wendy started to move.

"Wendy wake up"I said she opened her eyes.

"What's the matter Lucy"she asked I quickly wrote a note and put it on the table

"Get up we have to leave quickly no time to explain "I said before she could reply I ran out the door I don't care that I'm pregnant I ran to the woods I don't know where I'm going I just can't think this baby won't go threw that Wendy right behind me we ran for five straight hours. We were in the middle of no where. It was night I made a fire.

"Lucy what's going on"Wendy asked

"This dark guild is after us for some reason we can't go back for awhile. "I said Wendy layed on the grass.

"Okay we'll get farther tomorrow "Wendy said and we both went to sleep.

A week later

I went inside my house I just got home from my mission I open the door Nashi hiding on the couch.

"Nashi where mommy and Antie Wendy"I asked her going up to her.

"They disappeared the day you left they disappeared only a note to be left "Nashi said

"Where's the note"I said she pointed at the table. I went to the table and picked up the letter tear stains on the paper

I'm sorry

Was all it said I picked up Nashi.

"Lets go to the guild and tell them"I Shad and she nodded and I ran to the guild I burst threw the doors everyone looked at me I was panting.

"Natsu drink some water"Erza tried to say but I smashed the cut and I ran up stairs to gramps and I open the door. He looked at me.

"Natsu what's going on "he asked

"There gone gramps they disappeared "I said

"Who disappeared "he asked

"Mommy and Antie Wendy"Nashi said crying gramps stood up.

"Let me see where were they"he demanded I graded his arm and ran out the guild and to my house I let go of gramps when we got there he looked around the house and then the hole guild was searching.

"Guys I found something "romeo said and he passed me a letter it was the letter Lucy wrote levy quickly graded it.

"There's a spell in here "levy said and chanted something and then started to read.

"Help they are coming for us we don't know why please save us we can't run forever signed Lucy and Wendy "levy said

"Someone is after them"I said

"Who would target them well want to"erza said

"Don't know but we need to find them fast before who ever is after them does"Jellal said and they All left Nashi fell asleep on the couch. I saw Carla in the couch.

"We'll find her Carla"I said Carla was in her human form.

"I know I know I just hope it's not too late to save them"Carla said and stared at the wall tears falling down her face.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now