Part #23

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It's been a week since I last saw Natsu I just got back from a mission with Erza. We walk into the guild everything went silent they all looked at me I got confused so I went to masters office we walked In his office he was grinning.

"Master what's going on"I asked sitting in front of his desk with Erza.

"Is it true that your dating Natsu"master asked

"Yeah is there a problem "I asked

"YASS"he yelled

"Wait is this what this is all about"Erza asked

"Yep everyone was betting on it since Natsu Gets in tonight and you got in now we were all waiting a week for this"master said

"Lucy I won the bet"Erza said said I chased her out and around the guild I heard Natsu and Jellal laughing with everyone then a loud voice angered came which scared me and Erza since it was cadenza man she can be scary I transformed into a wolf and hid Erza hide behind Jellal I hid in the shadows I'm a black wolf.

"Cadenza look what you did you scared Lucy"Jellal said laughing.

"Shit Lucy you can come out "cadenza said in a soft voice which scared me even more.

"Cadenza why do you still insist on trying to scare Lucy when you know this happens every time"Alana said

"What Erza and Lucy were fighting I was just putting a stop to it"cadenza said and they started to argue then I saw Skylar come in and then everything went dark.

Apparently Lucy is a wolf right now hiding they don't know where she is and cadenza and Alana are fighting.

"Skylar what are you doing"Alana said and Skylar was pulling something out from under the stairs.

"I'm pulling out Lucy Natsu come pick her up and take her home "Skylar said and I went over to her and I carefully picked up Lucy.

"Woah Lucy's a wolf"levy said

"It is what happens when cadenza gets mad since cadenza won't hurt an animal so she is safe in that form. "Erza said.

"Natsu she should be back to normal in about twenty minutes and should be awake in a hour or so I don't know what I used to knock her out so it can take up to A month for her to wake up"Skylar said and I left Nashi was laughing as she saw people running around I laughed with her soon we got home and Nashi runs up stairs to go play with her toys I place Lucy in the couch and I walk up to Nashis room she was playing with her dolls.

"Hey daddy want to come play with me"Nashi asked smiling.

"Sure what are we playing"I asked

"You can be the dragon okay me and mommy play this game all the time I'm the princess"Nashi said handing me a stuffed animal of a red dragon that looked like Igneel. I sat down next to her and we played for an hour.

"Daddy can you make me some food"Nashi asked

"Not really but let's go try okay"I said she nodded smiling and held my hand and we walked down the stairs. Lucy was in her human form and still sleeping.

"Daddy can we  have pizza mommy didn't go shopping"Nashi asked giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Sure lets go "I said I graded the house keys and we left I locked the door and we went to the plaza. And we walked up to the pizza place.

"Can we have cheese with lots of hot stuff"Nashi asked

"Sure "I said and I ordered it.


It's been over an hour since Natsu,Lucy and Nashi left I walked out.

"So gramps are they dating"Mira asked

"Yep"I said Mira passed out and Laxus graded her she is a month pregnant. Laxus went into the infirmary with her.

"That is why Natsu is always with Lucy now"levy siad

"Probably "gray said as I went back to my office and I started to fill out paper work I looked through them none of them are from Natsu maybe Lucy is helping him and there will be less damage. These are all from Lucy and Erza really. I sighed and started to fill them out.

We got back from eating Nashi is reading in her room well trying. I look at Lucy still asleep. It's been two hours now. I walked up to Nashis room.

"Hey Nashi want to help me with getting  all my stuff over here"I asked

"Really daddy your moving in"Nashi said

"Yep lets go "I said she jumped up from her chair and I picked her up and held her.

"Daddy after can you teach me how to ride a bike mommy can't really teach me she does not know"Nashi asked

"Sure "I said and we walked through the forest and then I saw my house and I let Nashi down and we went in and we started to pack my stuff. It only took an hour to put it all away in boxes.

"Open gate of the maiden"Nashi said and Virgo came out.

"Good to see you Natsu"Virgo said

"Same with you"I said

"Virgo can you take all daddy's stuff to the spirt world and put them in mommys room"Nashi said

"Sure kiddo"Virgo said and placed a hand on one box then disappeared and all the boxes were gone.

"Ready to go Nashi"I said

"Yep daddy where is happy"Nashi asked

"He'll be back later he is with a friend right now "I said she held my hand as we walked to the house again she was getting sleepy it was eight in the evening. I picked her up and she fell asleep I walked back in silence. I opened the door to the house. I walked in and closed the door behind me and went up to Nashis room layed her in her bed. I put the blankets on her I went to walk away.

"Night night daddy"Nashi said

"Goodnight Nashi"I said and I kissed her forehead and I turned her light off and left the room. I went to me and Lucy's room and I started to put all my clothes in the other half of the closet once I was done I felt two arms wrap around my waist I turned it was Lucy.

"Well hello"I said I turned now she is hugging my Chest.

"Hello "Lucy said

"How was your sleep "I asked

"Good I'm still tired"Lucy said she then fell asleep I picked her up and I placed her on the bed I took off my shirt and my pants and put pj pants on and I layed down next to her and pulled her into my chest.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now