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I put natsus scarf around my neck my eyes red and puff I've been crying in my room all day yesterday. I had my blade in my hands well not really a knife I went to cut my wrist when Erza came in she saw my.

"Give me the knife Lucy"Erza said

"No this is the only way I can control the pain I feel"I said


"NO"I yelled at her I stood up she tried to grad the knife from me but I moved my hand. I kneed her stomach and it knocked her out. I layed her in my bed I put the knife down and I ran I ran for the forest I didn't stop.

I couldn't I just hurt my best friend I stopped at a cliff I heard people crying I walked closer I saw faces that looked familiar.

"Are you guys okay"I said they looked at me there is like six of them.

"Who are you"one said she looked like Wendy she was bleeding badly.

"My name is Lucy Heartfilia I own this property mind telling me why you all so hurt"I asked

"We were all sold as sex slaves"a girl that looked like levy said

"Oh that's terrible poor things here let me help you"I said and I got my keys

"Open gate of the maiden"I said and she came out.

"Virgo get my a first aid kit two of them "I asked and she disappeared and reappeared with two and left.

"You use magic"a red head said.

"Yeah I'm a celestial Mage whose first"I said and the littlest one went which was a girl that looked like Wendy.

"What's your name"I asked before I started.

"Skylar marvel but call me sky"she said

"Ok where are you hurt"I asked

"My stomach and chest "she said

"Can you take your shirt off so I can put the bandages on"I asked she nodded and she took it off she had a sports bra on thankfully I opened the kit and I wrapped her stomach and it was her shoulder that was hurt so I made the bandages go up and wrap up there to.

"Your good you can put your shirt back in now and I need the next person"I said and then the next one was a pink haired girl she was the worst.

"I need you to lay down and take off you shirt"I said she nodded and did what she was told I got some stuff to clean the wounds.

"This will sting okay"I said and I sprayed it on her cheek. She winced in pain I put a huge bandage on it and then moved down to her stomach a stab wound I sprayed that to it looked dirty I sprayed it a few times she had tears in her eyes I felt bad.

"What's your name"I asked

" Katelyn Dragneel "she said

"I have a friend that has the same last name as you same with you sky"I Said

"What's there names"sky asked

"Wendy marvel and Natsu Dragneel "I said and I finished wrapping her.

"Next and your name please"i said and a girl with bark hair came up I smiled she had a deep cut on her leg so I sprayed it and wrapped it then she spoke

"My name is gracie Fullbuster "she said . The next two had a few scratches so they said they were fine.

"Come with me to my home I would like to talk with you guys"I said they nodded and they followed me I took them to my hall since me and Erza has our own halls each have seven rooms,A infirmary, each room has a bathroom,a kitchen and a living room. So Erza claimed one hall and we each form a team these girls are perfect I looked in my room Erza is gone. I took them to the living room.

"So what did you need to talk to us about"Katelyn asked

"So I ran away from a horrible place they ignored me and it caused me to cut my wrist"I said and I showed them.

"Who was it that made you do this to yourself ""gracie said

"His name is Natsu Dragneel I loved him and he was my best friend but his old friend came back he didn't talk to me but a month after she came back there was a party to celebrate her birthday and everyone got drunk I didn't I was home since I wasn't invited he came in my house and now I'm pregnant with his child "I said Katelyn was crying she hugged me.

"I feel bad I am so sorry for my brothers actions "she said I hugged her back she soon let go and sat back down.

"You guys have no home I'm guessing"I asked

"No we don't oh my name is Leona Mcgarden "a girl that looked like levy. Said

"You guys can stay here if you join my team I work for the castle"I said

"We would like be to"they all said happy.

"Well welcome to your homes my room
Is the first on and the one that has baby stuff in it is for my child but the other rooms you guys can pick one that you guys want but only in this hall the other one is for a different team"I
Said they nodded and left they all graded a piece of paper and a pen and wrote there names on it and tape to hand it on there doors and they left. I smiled and went to erzas hall and I couldn't find her in her room so I went to the living room and I saw Jellal and a four other people I can sense there powers.

"Erza is this your team"I asked

"Yep did you get yours "she asked

"Yeah I was just checking up on you then going to make food for them well got to go bye"I said and left.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now