Part #21

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Jellal went out of the office first we now have our hoods down. Jellal had Erza in his back I'm on Natsu I told Natsu to follow Jellal it went silent when we walked out my wolf following Natsu.natsu took my to my house I jumped off his back. I stood infront of him he graded my waist and kissed me i out my hands on his face. To deepen the kiss natsus arms around my waist tighten my chest is against his.

I was at the park with gajeel and Laxus.

"I don't believe It "I said we just left the guild master said Lucy ,erza and Jellal are joining the guild. Just then Lucy goes by on natsus back.

"Did you guys see that"gajeel said

"Let's follow"Laxus sad and we followed in the bushes they got to this house and lucy jumped off of Natsu and stands infront of Natsu and they kiss we all looked away two minutes later we see Lucy heading inside and Natsu leaving.

"There dating"we all said. We all look at each other.

"But Natsu was there when master said lucy was pregnant "I said

"Maybe Natsu got her pregnant again"a voice said we all look to see levy,Mira ,Juvia and Wendy.

"Were you guys following us"gajeel asked

"No we were following Natsu and Lucy and we found you guys who are spying to"levy said

"Well damn we were caught "I said

"SKYLAR"we heard Lucy yelled from inside the house.

"ILL KICK YOUR ASS I DONT CARE IF YOUR PREGNANT "Skylar yelled back levy was holding back laughs.


"MAKE ME"they both said Bang they yell loud.

"They tell really loud"Mira said

"Yeah and over a cupcake"Laxus said and we all laughed.

"Should we head to the guild"Wendy said

"Nah it's cold here and really warm out there. "Levy said

"We can hand out here"juvia said and layed on my chest and fell asleep.

I put all my stuff in my room now waiting for Natsu to come back with my stuff from my old home. I heard a knock at the door sky answered it was Natsu. I heard foot steps and Natsu appeared at the door.

"Hey I'm back beautiful "he said I turned he held a box.

"Heye you can put that box with the rest"I said he put it in the pile. And came over and hugged my waist.

"So how's my Lucy"he asked

"I'm fine in the afternoons"I said

"Why not mornings"he asked

"Morning sickness "I said he laughed.

"Sorry I got you pregnant "he said

"Don't be sorry Natsu now come help me set up this bed"I said he helped me. I put a black sheet in it then a black blanket.

"Lucy is your new favourite colour black or something "Natsu said

"No it's just I want my blankets black "I said.

"Okay what colour is your walls going to be"he asked

"There going to be pink and red and the paint is by the door"I said Natsu graded it and we started I did the red Natsu did pink. Then I splashed paint at Natsu he turned and  splashed me to them Skylar came in with Natsu and they got paint all over them.

"Wow i was just coming to say Kate and gracie are here with fairytail in the backyard but I can play that game"Sky said and splashed us both with paint same with Nashi.

We are in the backyard everyone in fairytail are back here.

"Are Natsu and Lucy dating"Mira said

"I believe they are "gracie said

"Are they in the house"levy asked

"Yep with Nashi and sky they are painting that's why we can't go in "I said. Then a window broke.

"Whose room is that one"gracie asked me.

"That's Lucy's room"I said then Nashi came running outside covered in paint and hid behind a tree.

"Nashi what are you hiding from"Mira asked

"Mommy,Natsu and Skylar we are having a paint wars"Nashi said

"Can't you guys go without doing that "gracie said

"Natsu and mommy started it"Nashi said then Lucy flew out the broken window into the pool then the other window broke and Natsu came flying out and into the pool everyone started to laugh. Then Skylar came out and started laughing as they got out Natsu put Skylar over his shoulder and threw her in the pool then Lucy tried running but Natsu graded her waist and they both fell in. Then Nashi ran and jumped in they played everyone left the little family to play sky got out and dried off and came with us leaving while they were laughing away.

It soon became dark Natsu put Nashi in her bed,got her pjs out and read her a book when Nashi was asleep Natsu came down as I was sitting in the couch.

"Well see you tomorrow Lucy"he said and went to head out the door.

"Where do you think your going"I asked standing up.

"Home"he said

"You are home Natsu"I said

"Lucy Happy will get worried plus this is yours and Nashis home not mine"Natsu said

"Natsu you see this ring on my finger "I said raising my hand.

"Yes I put it there"Natsu said

"You are mine and I will not lose you again Natsu it was hard to spend over five years without you I missed you so if you think your leaving your wrong get up stairs and go to bed in my bed "I said tears streaming down my face Natsu came close to me wiped my tears and kissed me passionately. Soon we separated.

"Okay Lucy"he said and he picked me up and we went up stairs and I fell alseep in natsus arms and his hands around my waist.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now