Part #37

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I opened the door and Wendy stood there in tears i let her in she was soak it was raining. I graded her a blanket. And some hot coco.

"Wendy what happened "I asked

"I went to the place I was supposed to meet him when I got there he was standing by a tree and kissing this girl"Wendy said crying.

"Wendy maybe that girl kissed him"I said

"No Romeo had his hand around her waist he saw me and tried yelling for me to come back But I ran I got lost and I found your place"Wendy said I hugged her.

"It's okay Wendy"I said

"No it's not Lucy I'm pregnant with his baby and he's out making out with other girls"wendy said

"It's okay Wendy if he would cheat on you then he's not worth it if you want come here you can stay in the guest room I'll help you raise your child Carla can come too this is a ten bedroom house"I said

"Really but don't you have to ask Natsu"Wendy said looking me in the eye

"I'll talk to him and this way Nashi can come home and we can help her at home where she belongs "I said

"Okay okay if it's not to late can we go to my place and get my stuff I don't want to wake up tomorrow to romeo banging at my door and I know Carla is there"Wendy said

"Sure lets go and if you want I can tell Carla what happened and that your pregnant "I said she nodded and I put some sweat pants on and we went to her house. I open it and Carla was sleeping Wendy woke her up.

"Wendy what's going on whys Lucy here"Carla asked

"Carla pack your stuff we are moving to Lucy's house"Wendy said and went to her room.  Carla looking at me.

"Carla Wendy is daring Romeo and is pregnant with his child"I said

"But why is she going to your place she should move in with Romeo "Carla said

"Carla tonight Romeo asked Wendy to meet up with him when she got there he was laying out with another girl"I said her eyes widened.

"I knew Romeo was getting frustrated on why Wendy would let him touch her stomach but that is to much cheating in her"Carla said

"Yes now hurry romeo could be here any minute looking for here"I said and we hurried.

Shit I knew crystal shouldn't of came here with me tonight I was going to break up with Wendy she was getting distant Mira just kept saying to give her time that she was going through something big. I was running down the streets.  I saw Mira,Laxus,gray,and juvia eating at this restaurant outside under an embrella.

"Romeo come here your soaked and you look freezing"gray said

"No time have you guys seen Wendy "I asked

"Yeah she was with someone walking to her house why"juvia asked

"I messed up really bad"I said and ran towards her house I ran up the path I banged on her door no answer I broke down the door and all her stuff was gone I walked in nothing I went to her room not but all my stuff I went to the living room and leaned against the wall and fell to the ground crying I heard four people running up then Mira,Laxus ,gray and juvia stood there I didn't look up I was crying.

"Romeo what happened did Wendy runaway"Mira said

"She hates me she fucking hates me"I said

"Romeo what did you do"Laxus asked

"I messed up I knew I shouldn't of trusted her"I said

"Trust who Wendy"Mira said

"No crystal I went to the place I was going to meet Wendy and  crystal followed me then she kissed me and then when I got her off of me I saw Wendy standing there and she ran"I said crying

"Romeo why would crystal do that I heard so much good things about her from Wendy they were best friends "Mira said

"I've been hanging out with her a lot lately and some friends because Wendy wasn't telling me things anymore she would barely talk to me "I said

"Romeo there is a reason for all those things she was trying to hide a big secret "Mira said I looked her in the eye and looked at everyone and told them to leave and they did she looked me dead in the eye. And she started at me for a long time.

We are back at Lucy's house we were setting up she had a bed in the room she gave me I put my boxes in my room Lucy used her magic to teloport it here because we heard someone banging on the door so she teloported us and my stuff here. I still have tears in my eyes Carla is sleeping in the bed and im putting my stuff away Lucy went to get food cause neither of us ate yet then we will go set up Nashis other room so we'll work out room for Nashi she will be to learn there and levy has been teaching Nashi but school is out now and if Nashi can learn to walk over the summer she can go back to school if not Lucy teaches her. And Lucy is eight months pregnant so she should give birth some time next month. And I think Lucy feels bad for missing Nashis birthday. But i finished my room and Lucy got back with pizza and we ate the hole two boxes what were two pregnant ladies. She the. Got her spirts to get her some stuff and put it In the room right next to Nashis. And while there doing that we set up her new kids room.

An hour before
Mira looked me dead in the eye.

"Mira what is Wendy  hiding from me"I asked

"Romeo Wendy is pregnant with your child"Mira said I stared at her in shock.

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