Part #32

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Two weeks later-
My stomach is definitely noticeable and today is natsus birthday I have something special for him my brother is bringing Luke to me today. Yes for natsus birthday he gets to meet his son. Natsu is at the guild opening presents then there was a knock at the door and I open it and there stood my wonderful son Luke.

"Hey Luke ready to meet your father"I said

"Yes mommy"he said he has blonde hair and two different colour eyes one like mine and one like natsus and when he gets cold his hair turns Salmon and when he is too wa his hair is blond so right now his hair is a mix of colours. He has a black jacket on right now and knee high boots yes my brother dressed him. But I picked him up and I thanked my brother and I ran to the guild once It's in view I put Luke down and we walk in the guild.

"Any lasts presents for Natsu"Mira said

"I got one"I said everyone moved. Luke was not seen for some reason he went invisible.

"Oh Luce your late by two hours"Natsu said

"Yep but the person who brought my present for you took forever and technically this is a present for both you and Nashi"I said

"Ohhh what is it"Nashi said

"Natsu I would like you to meet Nashis twin and your son"I said Luke made him self visible everyone stared at him.

"LUKE"Nashi yelled running up to Luke and tackling him they laughed then Nashi got off Luke and Luke stood up clearly taller then Nashi but a foot. Then his hair started to turn completely blind everyone's eyes wide.

"What he buddy had a mix of salmon and blonde hair."Natsu said

"My hair blonde when I'm warm mix when I'm between hot and cold and salmon when I'm cold"luke said

"Mommy when did Luke get back and where's uncle"Nashi asked

"Luke literally just got here and uncle had to go he had to get back home quickly "I said

"Hey Nash "Luke said soon everyone went to start the party. I picked up Luke and I brought him over to Natsu Natsu was kneeling Luke stood infront of him.

"You look just like your mother"Natsu said

"I think that's a compliment "Luke said

"Luce he got your humour to"Natsu said

"Shut up"I said

"Mommy is luke staying for good now"Nashi asked

"Yes sweetie but he has to go back when he is fourteen until he is eighteen to make sure he can master it "I said Luke stared at Natsu then runs up to Natsu and hugs him Natsu hugged Luke back I quickly took a picture.then Luke came up to me.

"Mommy did you get fat while I was gone"Luke asked Natsu laughed.

"No Luke mommys pregnant "I said

"Natsu enjoy your party I'm going to fill Luke in okay"I said he kissed my forehead then hugged Nashi and Luke  then went to his friends and graded a beer. I walked the kids home it was early two in the afternoon.

"Nashi why don't ou go show Luke around and if you run into trouble come to fairytail I'll be there"I said she graded Luke's hand I gave her some money to go get ice cream. I went back to the guild Natsu hanging out with gajeel,gray ,juvia and levy. I walked over and sat next to him.

"Oh hey Lucy where Nashi and Luke"Natsu asked

"Nashi is showing Luke around the town"I said.

"What magic does Luke have"gray asked

"My magic and a random magic that my dad had "I said

"Oh cool"gray said

"So did you just trust your kids out there"levy said

"Yes I told them if they run into any trouble come to the guild but if anyone other then family touches Nashi your dead"I laughed.

"What is luke overprotective of Nashi"Natsu asked

"Yes very much so it took awhile for my team to get near Nashi because of Luke but for the last two years my brother has been training Luke because Luke was born with too much magic"I explained.

"Oh okay so when are you and Natsu getting married"levy asked

"Don't know but Erza is gwtting married when she gets back here at the guild she'll be back next month"I said we all talked it was five no sign of Nashi and Luke.

"I think I'm going to go look for Luke and na-I was cut off by the door breaking everyone quickly moved a small person came flying in the dust cleared it was Luke and Nashi in his arms Nashi bleeding badly Luke's hair was turning black then he put Nashi down and disappeared then I heard explosions outside Wendy went to Nashis side everyone went ou side and Luke hitting and hitting a person.

"Luke stop"I yelled he can't hear me

"Lucy why is he not stopping "gramps yelled

"HE CANT ITS A OVERPROTECTIVE THING HE HAS OVER NASHI WHEN I SYA YOUR DEAD IF YOU HUET NASHI I MEAN IT"I yelled he is going to kill that man and he is by a steep cliff I don't care I secretly casted a spell on my baby and I ran towards Luke he was near the edge I graded him and fell off the cliff.

"LUCY LUKE"I heard Natsu say I look up everyone is watching I closed my eyes and I used all my energy and teleported Luke to the top and everything went black.

I watched as the love of my life fall then Luke ended up next to me and Lucy's body disappeared it's a very deep cally down there.

"Mommy "I heard a small voice we all look and saw Nashi she walked to the front. She pulled out her keys.

"Nash what are you doing no spirt can get down there that fast"Luke said

"I'm not calling a sport"Nashi said and pulled out a black key she raised it in the air and she yelled.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now