Part #3

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It felt weird without my scarf but I want Lucy to know I still care about her and that I love her.i went to the guild after seeing her leave with that box I gave her she didn't open it yet good. I walked in the guild people's eyes went wide when seeing me.

"Natsu where's your scarf"Mira said

"It's somewhere where I won't be getting it back for a while "I said

"Natsu that scarf you never taken it off before not to wash it or anything "happy said

"I know I'm trying to prove a point "I said and I  sat down Lis came over smiling.

"You gave your scarf to Lucy didn't you"Lis said

"Yeah"I said

"That is sweet Natsu I hope she forgives you but I have to go this girl got a date"she said and left I laughed. Happy flew over to me and sat in my lap and fell asleep I sat there thinking. I soon also fell asleep.

Later that night ~

I woke up to someone shaking me I open my eyes to see Mira. She smiled.

"Natsu time to go home the guild is closed "she said

"Okay thanks Mira"I said and I got up and left I went to Lucy's house for sale sign was on it. I saw the landlord coming out I ran up to her.

"Miss can I buy this hiuse"I asked

"Sure you can pay me tomorrow and you can stay here tonight "she said And gave me the key I opened it and went inside it smelled just like Lucy her bed still here. She just took all of her jewelry and clothes with her and pictures. Her furniture is all here I got on her bed and fell asleep crying into her pillows.

The next day~
I woke to the sun in my face and banging on my door I opened it and it was the landlord I handed her the money and she went away and I went home and started to box some of my stuff up and I put them in the corner and got a gym bag of my clothes and took it over to Lucy's house I noticed happy following me but I un packed my clothes at Lucy's house.

(Sorry for the short chapter)

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now