Part #38

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The next day
I woke up and then went to Wendy's room to wake her up and I shook her she looked at me.

"Morning already"Wendy mumbled

"Yes Wendy come on if you want to get to the guild be fore anyone else"I said she got up and we went in our pjs and we got to the guild and went into Nashis room and woke up Natsu he slowly opened his eyes and stared at me.

"Lucy Wendy what are you guys doing here so early"Natsu asked

"Well explain later we need to pack up all Nashis stuff "I said and we graded her three bags and once they were pack Natsu wrapped Nashi in her blanket and we walked to the house he put her in her bed.

"Lucy what's going on and whys Wendy here"Natsu asked

"Wendy is leaving with us for reason I will tell you later so Nashi can be here since Wendy cant go to the guild for awhile so I'll stay with her while you go on missions"I said

"Okay I guess I can finally take a mission today"Natsu said laughing.

"Yep and you can go now"Wendy said and he got up and went for the guild

"How long can I hide from Romeo"Wendy asked

"At least a year then you have to face him"I said

"Why a years"Wendy asked.

"Because my team will be back from there mission and sky will watch the kids "I said

"Okay"Wendy said and I went up stairs and woke up Nashi she woke up her eyes widened.

"I'm home"she said

"Yes baby Antie Wendy is going to come live with us so you can stay here and I'll teach you how to walk while daddy gets us money"I said she nodded happily and i picked her up. And brought her down stairs.

"Mommy why downstairs "Nashi asked

"Your eating at the table"I said

"Really I always had to eat in my bed because gramps didn't want me to get hurt even more out in the guild"Nashi said I smiled as I sat her at the table and Wendy gave Nashi food. And I ate quickly.

"Hey Wendy can you work with Nashi today"I said

"Yep"Wendy said I kissed her forehead and I went to the guild after walking twenty minutes I got to the guild Mira just told the hole guild Wendy was pregnant so much for keeping it a secret everyone was shocked to hear what Romeo did how did she know maybe Romeo I didn't see him here his dad was angered.

"Mira where's master"I asked

"Office"she said and I went towards the stairs I was half way up the stares.  I'm still in my pjs cause there comfy.

"Lu-chan did you just get out of bed"levy asked all eyes on me.

"Yep"I said and I went into masters office

"Hey Lucy how can I help you"he asks

"I'm sure you know about Wendy and Romeo "I said

"What about them I know there dating "he said

"Master Romeo  cheated on Wendy"I said

"He did what"he said angery

"Gets worse Wendy's pregnant with his baby"I said

"Why would he cheat"he asked

"That's why I came here would you be nice enough to find out for me and me and Wendy won't be back In the guild for a year"i

"Okay shall I tell the guild"he asked

"Sure"I said he stood and he walked out and caught everyone's attention I saw romeo was here.

"Listen up brats Lucy here and Wendy are leaving the guild for a year "he said everyone gasped.

"And Romeo please come to my office immediately "he said everyone knew what this was about. He went into his office romeo passed me and he said.

"Tell Wendy I'm sorry"he whispered and I walked down the stairs. And out he door levy came running after me.

"Levy"I said

"Lucy why you leaving"she asked

"To take care of my child and to help Wendy with hers don't worry we'll be back in a year"I said and smiled.

"Lu where are you going"she asked

"My house that's where I'll be and if anyone wants to come see us don't let them"I said she nodded and hugged me and went back to the guild. I went home and I went to the work out room Nashi was walking in a straight line but soon fell I clapped she was smiling. Wendy smiled then Nashi got up all on her own and started to walk to me I walked closer without her knowing and she went to fall and I caught her.

"Mommy is proud of you Nashi"I said.

"Really mommy"Nashi said

"Yes sweetie"I said and I lifted her up.

"Your doing so well"I said

"Mommy can I go sleep I'm really tired "Nashi asked

"Of course"I said and I she fell asleep then I heard masters voice in my head.

"I need you to come pick up some paper work for me"he said

"Wendy can you do me a favour "I said

"Sure what is it"she asked

"I know I told you didn't have to go back but master has a file a really important file can you go get it please"I asked

"Sure I just domt have any baggie close there all dirty"Wendy said

"I gave a tang top that should fit you"I
Said ma do gave it to her and she put it on along as some black pants I saw her arm she had tattoos all over the one.

"Woah Wendy"I said

"Don't worry I did this before I got pregnant and no one knows except for you but everyone will now know"she said and left.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now