Part #9

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Mommy put me in this room behind the book shelf with uncle Ryan. She looked scared and mommy is strong and never scared. But Antie Erza disappeared and so did Antie sky,Antie Alana and Antie Leona they all disappeared maybe mommy has to go and find them. And be a good citizen yeah maybe that's it.

"Uncle Ryan I want to leave this room"I said

"Nashi it's not safe out there"he said holding me rocking me then rosemary is thrown in I crawled over to her. Her head was bleeding.

"Uncle Ryan she is bleeding"I said he came over and sat next to her.

"Nashi give me your scarf"he said it was mummy's special scarf that she got from daddy no way.

"No this is mommy she special scarf"I said he sighed and I noticed him not wearing a scarf she he graded the edge of my shirt and ripped it. Only half of my shirt then he wrapped her head but then he fell to the ground and the door blew up I got scared a cloaked man came he walked over to uncle Ryan and stabbed him in the stomach I felt tears raise and same with my power fire soon covered my body tears streaming down my face.

"You hurt my uncle I won't let you get away" I said my voice is deep.

"What the hell are you"a girl voice said

"And don't say your worst nightmare "another female voice said

"Don't worry caus so wasn't I'm worsta the your nightmare"I said and I summoned a flaming spear and I blocked the one girls attack then more people came and I felt pain strike my shoulder I screamed in pain the another pain in my head but I got back up and this time my eyes red.

"WHAT THE HELL IS SHE"a male yelled

"retreat "one yelled they started to leave but I graded there Leader but they still ran he was cloaked in black I locked him up in a flaming cage. I knew it was him I saw him before I kept my hands out I felt pain in my leg I was stabbed in my leg I realized I'm in the back yard and that I have him in my most Deadly cage called Fire Lock now all I need is mom. She has been trying to track him down for as long as I can remember. I fell tired but I'm forcing myself to stay awake.

We seached the hole building for the master no sigh. Erza is with fairytail I'm with my team we can't find him Erza is heading to the mansion to get everyone healed.

I see the mansion well the back of it then from the back of the group I heard Mira yelled


"NASHI"I yelled back then she went silent I saw smelt ashes that's weird I get to the back yard I see and chamber of fire.

"What the hell is that"I heard Makarov asked

"Head back to the forest and I'll explain follow me"I said and we got to a clearing with a lot of seats well logs placed in a circle and a fire pit. We all sat down.

"What was that"levy asked

"A fire lock"I said

"But a fire lock can kill the caster and they have to be a fire dragon slayer so only Natsu should be able to do that spell"levy said

"The person who was casting that spell could only be three people Natsu ,Katelyn and Nashi let's see Natsu is here,Katelyn is fighting with Lucy so the only person left is Nashi"I said

"Wait so Nashi casted that big of spell"Makarov asked then I heard someone talk in my head.

"Erza did you getting at the mansion "I heard Lucy say

"Yes and the master is here and Nashi casted fire lock"I said in my head to reply to Lucy.

"What stay with fairytail me and my team will head to the mansion I'll have one member head over there to stay with you in case your attacked "Lucy said

"Got it"I said in my head then I looked forward to see someone clapping in my face it was Wendy.

"Sorry "I said she giggled and sat back down.

"So we are little confused how could she me of us have siblings that we don't know about"Lisanna said

"Well it's quite simple before you guys were born they were sent off and became sex slaves"I said I saw some people's eyes widen.

"That's terrible how did they get out"gray asked

"Lucy she found them in the woods if they stayed there they would have been taken back.lucy found them in only a ripped up dress and there head all messed up but Lucy fixed them up and they came up with a team symbol"I said

"What's the team symbol "Natsu asked

"A heart with some words in it I dont know what is says but they all got there's even Lucy "I said

"For your information it says we faught our battles ,and we have the battle scars to prove it"a voice said from the forest.

"Who's there"gajeel yelled then two girls came out it was Kate and Gracie came out laughing.

"What are you two doing here Lucy said she will send only one"I asked

"Miss scarlet with all of respect did you really think Lucy's orders can even separate us"gracie said  

"Natsu gray why can't you be like your older sisters"Cana asked

"Because there stupid "Kate said I laughed.

"She got a point Natsu"Laxus said

"Oh shut up"natsu said

"So what's your guys background story"levy asked they sat down next to me.

"Well mine is when I was little my mom was having another kid which is gray and they need money I had a twin sister they sold her to a different sex slave owner and I went to the other I was like five at the time. Gray being just born and I was to young to do what I was sold to do so the made me work I carried boxs after boxs until I was ten then they used me for what I was sold for and I was there until I was eighteen even though I hated it there I met some really cool people most of them didn't make it they were killed. "Gracias said tears streaming down her face she quickly wiped them.

"I'm sorry for crying please don't punish me"gracie pleaded.

"Gracie no one is going to hurt you Lucy promised she will do her best"I heard Kate whisper to her.

"My story well I'm really old well not really when I was younger Natsu was learning his fire magic I taught him our father died I also taught Mason which is my brother to he was natsus twin. Mason and Natsu wanted to show mom what they could do but she was always busy with her job. To keep a roof over our heads. One night we were all sleeping and the house set on fire me and my mom got out but Natsu and Mason were still in there even though they were fire users they were to new at there magic to withstand that heat I ran in there to get them back out but once I reached there room the house exploded we all died even mom she was so close to the house my older brother casted a spell and me and natsus bodies we put in cryistals and it was over 400 years until we were unsealed I was given to a slave owner same as gracie and I was there until I was eighteen "Kate said she was not crying she has really grown up I remember how she used to cry over the littlest things. Lucy really helped her she is now a strong girl.

"What's your brothers name Kate"I asked

"His name is um Zeref"she said it went silent.

"You mean to tell us the Natsu is the youngest brother to Zeref"Laxus said

"Yes Zeref revived him "Kate said

"So you know who this E.N.D. Person is"levy asked

"Yes"Kate said

"Who is he"they all asked even me.

"Well it's Natsu he wasn't able to be revived since how hurt he was so he had to be turned into a demon so Zeref made him his strongest demon and E.N.D. Stands for eithorus Natsu Dragneel"Kate said then I heard Lucy talk in me head.

"It's clear to come back"she said I
Stood and walked over to the tree and graded my sword I put it on my back I turned someone had a spear infront of gracie and Kate's necks but they did t look scared they were smirking.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now