Part #30

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Me and levy got to the house everyone we sleeping Natsu on the floor gray and juvia cuddling and gajeel laying in a separate couch.

"Um where can we sleep"levy said

"My room"I said we checked on the kids the are asleep.

"Why is everyone sleeping it's only 5-it's 10:30"levy said

"What Kate's cloak was wrong crap "I said we went into my room and we fell asleep.

The next day-

I woke up levy still sleeping I walked down stairs they were just awake.

"Good morning "I said

"When did you guys get in last night"gray asked

"About 10:30 Kate's cloak was wrong it said 5  sorry"I said

"It's okay"gajeel said Natsu was now on a couch by him self so I went and I layed on him.

"How's the song going"juvia said

"Good levy is actually really good at singing "I said

"Speaking of levy where is she"gajeel asked

"Sleeping in my room "I said and he got up and went up stairs then came out of my room with levy. And he layed her in the couch the levy moved and put her head on gajeels lap.

"How cute"I said

"Shut up"gajeel said

"So you marked levy"I said

"Yeah what about it"he said

"Well you and levy aren't married and I didn't know "I said

"How did you know I marked levy"gajeel said

"Kate when levy entered the room yesterday she immediately changed for hey levy to miss Redfox she sensed your mark every dragon slayer can do that it just didn't hit me as quick"I said

"Your a dragon slayer"gray said

"Elemental "I said

"You use all elements "Natsu said

"Yeah you didn't know "I said

"Lucy you seem to leave a lot of things out like important stuff too"a voice did we all turn it was Mira and Laxus. They came in and sat in a couch there is about ten two seat couches.

"Hey how are you guys"I said

"Good now why do you leave out important details "Mira asked

"Well you see I kinda forget"I said

"Are you turning into Natsu"Laxus said

"Actually when you mark stuff you will start to share stuff like forgetting stuff so stuff like that,senses and anger so say if Natsu hates this person I automatically hate that person"I said

"Woah"gray said

"So did get worried if I randomly start to pick on gray and spar with him it's because of Natsu"I said

"So if I asked Natsu a math question he could answer it and so could you"juvia said

"Yes. "I said

"Natsu what's 99 x 1569"levy asked oh she is awake.

"155,331"Natsu said his eyes widened.

"See "I said

"Cool"they all said

"How did I know that"Natsu asked

"Because you marked me it's apart of it"I said

"So Lucy you know a lot about dragons"Laxus said

"Well yes I grew up learning about them and so does Erza because Erza mom created the magic of dragon slaying "I said all there mouths hung open.

"What it's not that shocking"I said

"Girl not all of us just know this"Mira said

"Oh well my friend is watching the kids while we celebrate Gracie's birthday "I said

"What's her name"

"Actually she is not a friend she is my step mom"I said

"Okay where is she and what's her name"gajeel asked

"She should be here in about a minute and her name is Irene Belserion erzas mother"I said and there was a bright light and there stood Irene.

"Woah she looks just like Erza"gray said

"What did you expect hey Irene"I said

"Hello Lucy where are the brats"Irene said

"In Nashis room you'll find it it's the dark one feel free to wake up the kids"I said

"Got it"she said and put her staff up against the wall and went up stairs. (By the what the girls look like is up top)

"Okay when I'm going to say goodbye to Nashi okay then we can leave"I said and I went up and she was still sleeping Irene just watching I walked up to Nashi and kissed her forehead and I walked down stairs and Natsu was waiting so we walked to the guild Natsu held my hand. It felt nice we walked hand in hand for the first time. We soon approached the guild. I let go of natsus hand so I can go up to masters office to tell him last night levy and Kate were questioning why there was a fourth position so they didn't sing that part but I broke out Gracie's twin just for her birthday. But I got to masters office and walked in making a sound barrier.

"So today is Gracie's birthday and me and some girls always gracie a song every year are you okay with that and I know half the guild is on mission or on vacation for the weekend. "I asked

"Yeah that would awesome who's singing with you"Mavis asked

"Well it's me ,Kate ,levy and one extra person that you'll find out her name later. "I said

"Okay is gracie here"master asked

"Yes can we start now"I asked

"Yes you may"he said and we walked ou and Gracie's twin kiva had her hood up and stood there waiting for me.

"You took forever to get here"I said everyone looked at me she laughed.

"Well I walked it took a month dumbass "kiva said

"I though you would of taken a train that would of been a day in a train"I said

"Yeah yeah shut up"Kiva said then I motioned for my two lovely friends to come up and kiva we all stood on stage I had the mike.

"so gracie this happens every year for your birth as well as the other wonderful 5 ladies and I actually spent the last two year trying to find this lovely women I have here and gracie I want you to try and guess who she is after the performance is over"I said then we started.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now