Part #34

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I woke up happy I rolled over and faced Romeo and played with his hair it's longer. And the tips of his hair is lighter and blue. I felt him move i looked at his face his eyes slowly opened.

"Morning beautiful "Romeo said

"Morning "I said back still playing with his hair.

"Going to the guild today"he asked

"No and Carla is going on a mission today with gajeel and levy"i said I stop playing with his hair and look at him.

"How did I get so lucky"Romeo asked.

"I should be asking you that"I said

"Why"he asked

"Well people always say I'm annoying, ugly ,stupid "I said

"Well your not annoying,your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and your not stupid I find you really smart that's why I love you"he said

"Really"I said

"I though I showed you that last night"he said I blushed he kissed me.

I'm outside of fliore i can't go back home I hurt Nashi she might die I cant believe I did that I'm a monster.

"Luke your not a monster"a voice said and grandeeny came out she is the only key I have.

"Yes I am I hurt my own sister"I said

"Listen to me Luke yes you hurt your sister and she might not forgive but running away is not the answer luke. Your mother she is going to be so worried when she wakes up to know her only son is gone luke"grandeeny  said

"Moms dead "I said

"No she's not"she said

"But mom said she was pregnant so I did kill someone "I said

"No your mother put a spell on her baby to keep her from dying"grand said

"It's a girl"I said

"Yes like I said your her only son Luke and she is going to stop and nothing to find you Luke your sister I don't she will recover from what you did luke why did you hurt her"grand said

"I didn't want her to stop me from leaving and what do you mean she might not recover. "I asked worried for my little sister.

"Luke Nashi can't Remember what you did and you hit a never when you hit her head she ha sto learn to walk again and might not be able to walk again"grand said hugging me.

"I'm a monster"I said

"No your not like if you want to control your powers come with me to the dragon realm you'll be there for a year but time moves faster here"grand said

"Okay but how fast"I said

"Luke when you get back you'll be sixteen "grand said

"Okay lets go"I said and she got me to the dragon realm. This is the last time i be in earth for a very long time. Well a year for me but not for mom.

I sat in my Bad playing with storm he slept in the infirmary last night to stay with me.

"Hey Nashi are you going to forgive Luke"storm asked

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now