Part #15

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A hour later
I woke up I don't feel sick as much now I looked around no one is here except a sleeping Mira then sky comes in. 

"Oh your awake"she said and put her hand on my forehead

"What happened I only remember walking into the arena to fight Kate and gracie "I said

"Lucy they used the fire and ice combination speak with is why you can't remember anything"Sky said

"Oh god what did I do"I said

"Well you broke Abby's nose"Sky said

"Tell her I'm sorry but where are my friends"I asked

"They just went out for lunch should be back in here any minute "Sky said then they all came in they didn't see that I awake.

"Lucy your awake"levy said and jumped on me and hugged me I hugged her to.

"How you feeling Lucy"Mira said

"Ugh "I said

"Is that all you can say now Lucy"gajeel said

"Your lucky I'm on this bed or i would of beat your ass"I said then I realized juvia holding her son.

"Juvia come here"I said I sat up she came up. He looked just like gray he was awake.

"Can i see him"i said she placed him on my bed infront of me he graded my fingers and laughed I raised his hand using my fingers.

"Your so adorable "I said he made a fishy face.

"Lucy is this how you are going to be with all children "Sky asked

"Of course they are adorable and most of them can't talk back like some kids I know"I said looking at Nashi she ran away evilly laughing.

"Lucy you kid is messed up"Sky said laughing then she got out some medicine.

"Lucy I know you hate this but you have to eat it"Sky said

"Nope"I said crossing my arms.

"Fine I'll do it myself "Sky said she got in my bed punched my nose I opened my mouth to breathe sand she put the pills in. I didn't swallow them.

"Open"she said I hid them under my touge

"Okay thank you"she said and turned to leave I spit them all out she turned and glared.

"Really Lucy"she said I evilly laughed i stood up and ran she chased me my Ivy's are out she took them out when I woke up. I ran down the hall but then ran into a wall and knocked myself out.

Storm was in the bed laughing he butt off then later a tall boy black hair blue eyes came in carring a knocked out Lucy and sky following. Kate started to laugh I realized she was here.

"Did she knock her self out again"Kate said

"Yep this time running into a wall then into then Ryan who caught her"Sky said and he placed Lucy in the bed and sky gave her meds.

"It's Natsu right"she asked

"Yes" he said

"Can you carry Lucy to her room it's night and she doesn't like sleeping in here"Sky said Natsu went over and scooped Lucy up and left.

I got to Lucy's room I put Lucy on the bed I went to leave but there was a hand on my wrist it was lucys.

"Please don't leave me"she whispered I was shocked but I layed down next to her I held onto her. Her chest in my face I put my head in her neck and her feet intertwined with mine. I sniffed in her scent but soon the darkness consumed me.

It's been an hour and Natsu has not come out of Lucy room so I went to Lucy's door and it was unlocked I opened it to find Lucy in natsus arms I ran out. I graded my camera from my bedroom and I went and took pictures I went back to the living evilly laughing Kate stared at me Lucy's friends went to bed so I show d them the picture Erza was there too.

"That's normal when Lucy was in fairytail Natsu and Lucy basically shared a apartment Natsu basically lived with Lucy. It must of been hard for both of them to just leave each other "Erza said

"Why did Lucy leave fairytail anyway "Alana asked

"Lucy loves Natsu and Natsu has the same feeling but when natsus childhood best friend comes back he started to ignore Lucy because he didn't know how to tell Lucy he loved her. He realized it was to late when she ran away then he found out he had a kid with her and felt bad. "Erza said

"Why didn't he come and find her "Leona said

"Because he was respecting Lucy's wishes for her not to be found"Erza said

"Your right it was hard for Natsu to get to Lucy not being there and he didn't come to the giluild for four years after she left"a voice said and we all look at the door to see Lisanna.

"Your supposed to be sleeping"Kate said

"Eh I heard your guys conversation when going to get some water for Mira"she said

"I didn't think it would hit him that hard"Erza said

"It did Happy couldn't even cheer him up when his team went on missions they gave Natsu some money is sympathy "Lisanna said

"Oh"Erza said

"Well Mira is going to get mad got to go"Lisanna said and left. We eventually all went to bed.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now