Part #29

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"Nashi what was that man doing"juvia asked kneeling infront of her.

"He was kissing mommy while mommy was unconscious "Nashi said I looked at Lucy she was knocked out her head was bleeding and all over. Except her stomach.

"Nashi was he just kissing your mommy on this lips"levy asked gray and gajeel went over to the dead man that Nashi killed.

"No "Nashi said and walked over to Lucy we followed. She pointed st this new hickeys on Lucy's boobs.

"That man did this to mommy then he was about to stab mommys stomach so I flung mommys spear at him"Nashi said

"Levy juvia get Nashi out of here and get her changed please she don't need to be in here anymore "I said

"I'm going to get gramps "gray said and ran out the door.

I ran to the guild I told the kids to stay on the couch. I ran into th guild gramps was drinking I was panting.

"Gray sit down come get water"kinna said everyone looked at me.

"Gramps you need to come quickly and Wendy to"I yelled gramps put his beer down and Wendy came up to me.

"What's going on"gramps said

"No time to explain hurry"I said and I ran they tried to keep up. I ran up to the house and ran up stairs.

"I got them"I said and ty came into the room and there eyes widened.

"What happened here"gramps asked

"Well that man was hurting Lucy so Nashi killed that man"Natsu said

"Let me see if Lucy's okay"Wendy said and came to Lucy's side.

"Natsu do I have permission "Wendy asked weird.

"Yes"Natsu said Wendy started to heal Lucy.

"Natsu take Lucy to the guild I can heal her more there"Wendy said so Natsu picked up Lucy and left. Gramps got a body bag. And we carefully put the man. In.

"I'll take him to the council they have been looking for him they wanted him dead or alive so dead will work"gramps said and left me and gajeel started to clean off the blood off the walls it took two hours with the help of juvia and levy.

We got to the guild I put my shirt on Lucy since she was half naked. I took her to the infirmary. I sat her on the bed and Wendy got to work.

"Wendy she has hickeys on her chest can you get rid of those"I asked

"Yes I can"Wendy said then she left and I stay with Lucy she woke up twenty minutes later.

"I'm sorry Natsu"Lucy said

"Why are you sorry"I asked

"I'm to weak"she said

"No your not your the strongest person I know"I said

"Who saved me"she asked

"Nashi did she killed that man"I said

"She what"Lucy said

"She said she heard you screaming and came in to see you getting kissed while you were unconscious so she graded a spear and flung it at the man and it went into his heart"I said

"Is Nashi okay"Lucy said sitting up

"Yes Nashi is fine juvia and levy are watching her while gray ,gramps jand gajeel get rid of the blood and the body."I said

"Okay I want to go home to my baby"Lucy said.

"Lucy you should walk "I said she got up and ran out the infirmary door I ran after her I'm guessing she was getting lost because it took two hours to get to the house and then she ran up to Nashis room to see her playing with the kids Lucy ran up to Nashi and hugged her Nashi hugged Lucy back.


"I'm glad your alright Nashi"I said

"Mommy who was that man he said you were his"Nashi said

"I don't know who he is dear but he can hurt us okay "whispered to her she nodded I let go of her.

"Nashi why don't you guys go find wolfing"I said they all ran out to find the wolf. I walked into my room gray and gajeel just finished. Juvia and levy were there levy saw me and ran to me and hugged me.

"I'm so glad your okay Lu-chan"levy said crying.

"I'm fine"I said

"I though you were going to die"levy said crying I hugged her back.

"I have a question "gray said

"Shoot"Natsu said

"Why did Wendy need your permission to heal Lucy"gray asked

"It's a dragon thing you see dragon slayers mark there mates and once that happens they can't be separated and to show respect for the two you have to ask permission to heal someone"levy said

"So then Natsu marked Lucy"juvia said

"Yes"I said

"Oh okay now everytymakes since"gray said

"OH SHIT"I yelled

"What is it Lucy"Natsu said

"Tomorrow is Gracie's birthday "I said

"How old"gray asked

"25"I said gray is 24

"What are you doing for her birthday"juvia asked

"When do you all leave"I asked

"Tomorrow night why"juvia said

"Levy I need your help"I said

"With what"levy asked

"Well every year we sing gracie this song and Erza isn't going to be here since she left yesterday for a vacation "I said

"Are you singing that song"levy asked

"Yes"I said

"I'm in"levy said

"Who else is singing"juvia asked

"Kate "I said

"What are you guys talking about"gajeel asked

"Find out tomorrow "I said evilly laughing I graded levy.


"OKAY"she yelled back I ran to Kate's house and I opened her door she had a dress on.

"Hey girls"Kate said

"Okay I found Erza replacement for the song"I said

"Hello miss Redfox "Kate said

"Please call me levy"levy said

"Yes mam"Kate said laughing.

"Okay so lets go over the song for tomorrow then me and levy will head over to my house"I said and me and levy left at 5 pm.

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