Part #13

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It's night now Mira woke up a few hours ago but I'm getting ready for bed I'm siting in my bed reading then somehow Natsu ended up next to me.

"How did you"i began

"Don't question it"Natsu said I giggled then he kissed me I kissed back instantly dropping my book natsus hand is in my thigh

"N-Natsu"kiss"we"kiss"did"kiss"this"kiss "last night"I said between kisses he pushed me back words so he was on top I pushed his chest up and back so I was on top he was shocked by my sudden actions I pull his vest off and started sucking,kissing and biting his neck he groans I put the spells up from last night. He rips my shirt to shreds.

"Really was that really needed"I asked he sat up my legs around his waist he kissed my neck yep that's leaving a mark for sure.

"Yes it was need it was in my way"he said.

"You know we cant do this every night "I whispered in his ear.

"Oh I know"he said he went back to my neck he reached behind my back and unclipped my bra and threw it to the side. And he worked down to my breast I felt his dick get hard I smirked and I gently touched it.

The next morning:
I woke up to the sun shining in my face I sat up sore I looked at Natsu who was still sleeping I sat up and tried to leave but was pulled into natsus arms on his lap.naked.

"n-Natsu"I said

"Where do you think your going"he asked his arms on my waist my legs around him.

"I was going to g-get dressed"I said blushing.

"Don't think so "he whispered his hands rubbing my curves.

"Your my Luce got it"he said

"I'm your Lucy"I said

"I'm the only one who should see you like this"he said

"I-okay "I said blushing really red then there was a knock at the door.

"Lucy can I talk to you"I heard Erza yell

"Can it wait"I yelled

"No"she yelled back

"Okay on second "I said

"Hide okay and take your clothes "I said he nodded as gathered them up. I put a house coat on. And I opened the door.

"Hey what did you need"I asked

"I wanted to say sorry for yelling at you yesterday "Erza said

"It's fine I'll talk to you about it later I was just about to have a shower"I said

"Okay got see you later"she said and left Natsu came out of the washroom with pants on.

"That was close"he said laughing i kissed him.

"You better get to your room it's 5 in the morning no one will notice and if they do say you went for a walk"I said he put his vest on and left I hoped in the shower. I got out and I put on a outfit with a black leather jacket,jeans and a lose tang top I went into the infirmary no one there except Mira who was sleeping I told Laxus not to tell her she was pregnant.

"Mira wake up"I said lightly shaking her she opened her eyes she saw me.

"L-Lucy"she said

"Yes can I talk to you about you"I said she sat up with my help.

"Go for it"Mira said

"First when were you shot "I asked

"When we were captured that's how they got me it knocked me out"Mira said

"Okay and Mira congratulations "I said

"What did I do "Mira asked

"Your pre"I said she started to tear up.

"Really"she said

"Yep and Laxus already knows and no one else"I said

"Why laxus"she asked

"I know your dating him"I said she was red

"How do you"she asked

"I have my ways but get some rest you should be able to get up tomorrow "I said I helped her lay down then I left and I woke up the girls it's 6 in the morning now and it's my teams turn to train for a week. I got to the field and I waited then Kate came out and took her place then gracie,sky,Alana,Leona and cadenza sat in the stands watching.

"Okay girls do your warm ups you have thirty minutes "I yelled they started running Kate and gracie in front they always like to complete with each other. They were done there fifty laos in five minutes then they had to do fifty sit ups when they were done there sit ups the rest started there's. Kate and gracie did there fifty push ups in u see two minutes then they held there planks for the rest of the time. I was amazed with them.

"Okay everyone battle your partner Alana cadenza is your partner I can't battle you roght now Kate gracie come to me please"I yelled I noticed fairytail is here all of them are here the two came up to me.

"Did we do something wrong "they both said

"No I want to personally tell you guys have really improved since you got here so did all of you guys but you guys are trying really hard okay keep it up now go spare the battles start in fifteen minutes "I said they nodded and Nashi came in I picked her up I saw Erza up by fairytail with her family and her team heading into the areana. I walked up to her she stood same with Jellal.

"Levy can you watch Nashi please"I said she nodded I placed her next to levy.

"Someone watch Liliac and rosemary "Erza said and juvia volunteers and she hands juvia Liliac. I walked up to Laxus.

"There is a wheel chair next to Mira's bed bring her out so she is not alone. "I told him he stood and left.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now