Part #33

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I held up my black key it's the fire dragons key Igneel. I know I shouldn't use him but mommy she means everything to me.

"Uncle gray can you get me up really high"I said he yelled

"ICE MAKE PILLAR"he yelled I was forty feet in the air at least.

"OPEN GATE OF THE FIRE DRAGON IGNEEL"I yelled no one would be able to hear me there was a bright light I jumped

"NASHI"I heard Luke yelled then I landed on a scaly surface it was Igneel

"Save mommy"I
Said he hit me off of him and I landed in daddy's arms I pray mommy is alive. Like pulled out a key Igneel waited.

"OPEN GATE OF THE SKY MAIDEN GRANDEENY HUMAN FORM"Luke yelled and grandeeny came out and already knew what she had to do she jumped on Igneel and Igneel shot down into the valley.

"Wendy come heal the kids"gray said daddy put me down. And Antie Wendy came and healed me I felt fine then I felt luke at my side Antie Wendy said I shouldn't move it could make it worse so I layed there.

"Hey Nash"Luke said

"Hey Luke "I said

"I'm sorry it's my fault mom might die"Luke whispered no one could hear except me.

"Natsu take Nashi to the infirmary she'll be safe there"Erza said I was picked up and Luke followed daddy once we were alone daddy left to see if they find mommy.

"Luke it's not your fault mommy is hurt she knew what she was doing Luke it's not your fault. "I said

"It is my fault I lost it because you were hurt I knew I should have never came home I'm a bad person"Luke said I quickly stood up I looked and him he stood right infront of me.

"Your not a bad person luke"I said looking up at him.

"I'm sorry Nashi "Luke said and the graded my head and the next thing I knew my head was slammed into the table breaking it. I fell backwards on the ground and my sword next to my bed went threw my stomach

"Luke"I managed to get out before it went black.

We were waiting then that girl that went with Igneel came up Lucy in her arms. She placed Lucy on the ground Lucy looked fine and not hurt.

"Lucy is fine she might wake up today or wake up in week months I really don't know"she said and disappeared I ran to Lucy and picked her up and Wendy went in before me everyone went In before me I walked In side and I walked up to the infirmary when I got there Wendy was against the wall her mouth covered I looked st what she was looking at what she was looking at. There was Nashi a sword threw her stomach her head bleeding badly she layed unconscious I quickly put Lucy on a bed and I went to Nashi little cuts on her neck.

"Wendy go get master"I said she ran out then soon master came in.

"Wendy start healing her Natsu come on we will look at the cameras "master said I went out.

"Mira pull up the cameras in the infirmary for the last twenty minutes "he said and everyone looked at the screen even Mira. I saw myself put Nashi in a bed luke right behind me I left Luke said something that angered Nashi she stood up like walked up to her said something to her and then graded her head and smashed it into the table then Nashi fell backwards a sword went through her stomach Nashi spit out blood and a word then went unconscious luke graded his sword and put it to her neck then cut Nashis head dropped. Luke ran to the window and jumped out the window.

"We need to find Luke start a search party"master said I went to the infirmary Wendy treating Nashi I held Lucy's hand. It's all my fault I should of never left them alone.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now