Part #14

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We went into our rooms and changed into our outfits we have ten minutes left i quickly changed then waited for Jellal and Erza when we had one minute left they came out. Dang there outfits where nice.

"Gezz there starting"I said we got to our teams who are I

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"Gezz there starting"I said we got to our teams who are I. Out tunnels four tunnels Erza is in one,I'm in one,then there is black Hell, and then Shadow hunters. I peeked out this is the final battle so every guild is here so they see what they go up against if they ever go up against them. They started calling out teams.

"FIRST WE HAVE SHADOW HUNTERS"he yelled they ran around the areana the leader has a flag with there mark on it.

"SECOND IS BLACK HELL"he yelled they did the same and in a line next to them the leaders in front.

"THIRD IS IMPOSSIBLE EIGHT"he yelled Erza and Jellal in front both holding a flag running and got into there positions

"AND LAST IS ROARS OF HELL"he yelled and I ran out with my team and got next to erzas team. Then we went to our tunnels

"First match is from Roars of hell Kate and gracie vs there captain there one of the strongest in there team let's see if it's strong enough to beat there captain "he said we made our way to to the areana kate as gracie stood infront of me.

"Ready set go"he said they charged at me ready to punch me but most I teloport to the other side of the arenas but as soon as I turn around a big black flaming beam is coming to me then all I put my arms ove my head and I waited but no impact. Once the smikw was almost gone I heard.

"Did Lucy make that strong attack it looks like Kate and gracie are out of breathe"he said the smile fully clears I saw Igneel blocked that attack then disappeared the. They started to attack me so I switched places but then I got hit and my world went black.

We watched the battle Lucy teleported  thing them but her back was turned and they did a unison raid and lucy didn't have time to move and it hit her with full force smoke everywhere it took twenty minutes for it to clear. Kate and gracie were panting and lucy was bleeding badly in the ground. They saw this and ran to her side I ran out there. Even with that blast she shouldn't of knocked her out. We put her in a stretcher I told them I'll check her out and fairytail said they'll meet me there I was almost there Lucy woke and puked then she layed back down trying to keep her eyes open I told them nurses to get me an ultrasound machine. I put her in the same room as Mira since that was the only bed prepared so I moved Lucy off the stretcher she puked again. People I'm fairytail were watching as Lucy looked sick she should of not participated in this event if she was sick it made her worst.

"Lucy can you speak to me"I said making sure I was clear.

"Ugh my stomach hurts"she barely could say before she picked again then machine came I lifted her shirt she made it easy and requiped into a tang top and booty shorts. I put the gel on her stomach and I took the thing and I moved it around her stomach I looked at Leona she had to come im her partner. I nodded for her to put a sound barrier up and she did now they can't hear.

"Lucy have you had sex lately "I asked.

"Y-yes"she said

"Lucy your pregnant "I said she looked at me.

"What"she said panicked

"You are pregnant your having another kid Lucy"I said she went silent.

"Let me heal those wounds then I need you to rest for a couple of hours and I've already signed you out of the competition and Erza is taking your place okay"I said she nodded Leona put the sound barrier down.

"Abby give Lucy lots of fluids and in a few hours she is good to go"I said and Leona followed we went back to the arena.

I looked at everyone.

"Lucy you look pale"Wendy said

"Ugh"is all I could say then Abby went to put this thing on me I snapped and I punched her face I started to kick and scream. Sky came running back and tried pinning me down then a niddle came they tried to put it in me and a memory of my dad came in view.

"DONT HURT ME"I yelled and he kept punching me. I tried hitting him them everything went black.

Lucy was put to sleep  she fell onto the bed. Skylar made sure she was okay.

"What is going on with her"I asked

"I can only tell family"Skyler said

"We are her family"Mira said

"Its side effects of the spell Kate and gracie used they didn't know Lucy can use that spell and if that spell is used on a user if that spell it will bring back childhood memories "Skylar said

"Okay what's up with her throwing up"levy said

"I can't say that much he only Lucy can say"Skylar said

"So when will the spell wear off"gray asked

"In a hour which she should be up after that"Sky said and left the room again Happy flew over to her and sat in her bed and lucy layed her unconscious the nurse got the ivy in and gave her some medicine.

"Press the red button if she wakes up"the nurse left Lucy layed there completely still breathing fine.

"There's something else going on Skylar didn't tell us what what wrong with her stomach "juvia said holding her four year old son storm.

"Wait the puking and paleness I think Lucy's pregnant "levy said.

"No that requires sexual intercourse "Wendy said

"But Wendy remember "Mira spoke Wendy's,juvia and levy's eyes widen.

"She is pregnant "they all said then Kate came in and Cana. Spoke

"Does Lucy have a boyfriend "she asked

"No most of the guys around here are to scared to approach her"she said and graded her bag and left.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now