Part #19

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I woke up the sun shining in my face I'm naked I sit up I put my shorts back on and my shirt and bra by the time I'm done. Natsu wakes up.

"You know you are use less when I'm trying to pack"I said I put his scarf on him.

"Lets go out friends should be leaving soon "I said I kissed him I looked at my ring it was beautiful. I walked out everyone was in the living room except Kate probably sleeping from packing so late.

"You guys ready to go"I said

"Yep Lucy thanks for lettering us stay here"Mira said

"No problem but you guys must get going your train leaves in a hour and it takes almost an hour to walk there"I said

"Okay lets go come on Natsu"Happy said

"I'm there is actually no room on the train for Natsu so he is staying here until the next train comes in"Mavis said coming up with an excuse.

"Oh okay bye Natsu"Happy said and they left.

"Natsu got finish packing erzas books in a separate box please"I said it was only my team here Natsu kissed me and left.

"So where kate"I said

"Probably sleeping you should go wake her up the rest of us have to finish packing. "Sky said and they went to there rooms I knocked on Kate's door then no answer came so
I knocked again. No answer so I opened the door I saw Ryan shirtless on the bed same with Kate just her breast were covered I closed my eyes and graded an air horn and I squeezed it I heard them jump up.

"Lucy it's not what it looks like"Kate said

"Um get dressed and finish packing with leave at 5"I said and u walked out the door with my eyes closed. I opened them and I went back to my room to see all my books are gone only my bathroom stuff to be packed.

"Natsu my private train is here to take our struff to magnolia can you fill it with the help of erzas team and Jellal"I said

"Okay"he said and took a box and left I gradeda box and went to the bath ro and started packing all my bathroom stuff all my brushes and stuff now I'm done now time for Nashis room. I graded eight boxes and went to her room she had two boxes and all her stuffes are in there.

"Mommy where we going"she asked

"Nashi we are going to my old home to live with your father"I said her face lit up she smiled.

"Really I get to spend the rest of my life with daddy"she said

"Yes sweetie and Antie Erza and her team are coming to and her family same with my team so it won't be that's much different "I said she started to cry so I pulled her into a hug.

"It's going to be fine baby girl and guess what"I said

"What mama"she said

"You ready to be a big sister"I asked

"Yes"she said

"Well get ready baby girl cause mama is pregnant "I said she screamed in happiness.

"Nashi put all your toys in two boxes I'll get all your sheets I already have your books and bathroom stuff"I said she nodded and started I neatly folded her sheets.

I have all my medical stuff in one box my pictures in another,my sheets in another and my clothes in four boxes. I smiled I finally get to go and be happy but I walked to erzas hall to see my boyfriend which was Mason. I didn't even knock on his door I walked in he was packing.

"Hey sweetheart "I said he spun around he smiled.

"Hey Sky you done packing "he asked coming up to me and pulling me into his chest.

"Yep finished"I said

"Nice"he said

"Mason want to live together when we get to magnolia "I asked

"I would like that"he said and put his head on mine I laughed.

"See I'm not short"I said

"Oh your short shortie"he said I punched his chest he stumbled back.

"Shortie has some mussels "he said

"Hey I'm not short"I said

"Oh yes you are how tall are you"he asked

"4'4"I said

"How old are you"he asked

"Eighteen "I said

"I think your younger sister is taller then you"he said

"Then why don't you go date her if my bight matters so much"I said and stormed out. 

"SKYLAR "I heard him yell but I ran out the front door I ran to the forest bushes cutting my legs tears streaming down my face. I hear my name being called but I don't stop I come to a stop when I see a cliff but the rock inner me breaks and I fall from over 40 feet in the air to the water and everything went black.

I was now packing with Natsu Nashi and myself. When Mason burst in.

"Mason what's wrong"I asked standing up.

"It's Skylar she ran into the forest "he said shit.

"Mason go back to your room we will find her just get your stuff to loading train me ,Alana and cadenza will go look for her"I said he nodded and left.

"Natsu you and Nashi start getting stuff to the loading train okay I'll be back"I said and I went to find the two girls and they were in Alana's room.

"Girls I need your help"I said

"With what"I asked

"Mason pissed off sky and she ran into the forest and that forest can lead to many places"I said

"On it should we get the rest of the team"they asked

"Yes and make sure they are finished packing there stuff I'll get your guys stuff to the loading train"I said they nodded and left I went to the loading train everyone was working together. I graded a box and I put it in then I jumped up on the deck.

"Pass me up boxes or put them on the deck
I'll pack this cart"I said they all nodded there is two carts and each cart has there own teams stuff I'm loading mine Erza is in hers I made sections for which one is which  so first was all my stuff it all went in then Nashis. Then I told Natsu to go get sky's boxes and he left. I waited there with Nashi she ran around the yard playing with angel which is a wolf Nashi has. I waited over two hours for Natsu to come back out but he didn't come back I got worried.

"Erza watch Nashi "I said she nodded and left I walked in to my hall all rooms are empty except the beds in all of them and the dressers,nightstands and the book shelves so where is Natsu I cleared erzas areas but he not here. Where can he be. I went to leave the building but was soon knocked out.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now