Part #17

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We all laughed at Mavis's reaction then we all left the den and everyone was shocked.

"Oh did they hear me yell"Mavis said

"Yep it's not that sound proof if you tell thy can hear"I said

"Crap"she said

"Okay everyone go start packing your stuff"Makarov said

"Lucy you need to unlock your room"Natsu said once everyone left even my team went to do what they were doing.

"Nope your staying with me for an extra day"I said

"What"Natsu said

"Yep I need to talk to you tonight "I said

"Tell me now"Natsu said whinnying

"Nope now go help them I got to talk to my team"I said he sighed and gave my a kiss on the lips since no one is in the room then he pulled away and walked away my face red. I went to Kate's room since they were all in there I walked in they all looked at me.

"Lucy why is your face all red"Leona said

"Um girls I need a if your guys opinion "I

"Okay we are listening "sky said I sat with them In there circle they all stared at me.

"Girls do you guys want to go to fairytail"I said

"Yes you know we always wanted to go there you've told us all those stories on how they helped you"Alana said

"Well then pack your stuff we leave tomorrow afternoon after fairytail leaves"I said they all screamed in joy they all piled on me they they got off of me cause sky pulled them off.

"Sky why did you pull us all off"Kate said

"I forgot to mention I'm pregnant "I said there mouths opened wide.

"Who's the father"Sky said smirking.

"It's Natsu "I said she screamed.

"MT SHIP "she yelled Kate fainted.

"Wait Lucy what about you if we leave you would be all alone"gracie said

"I'm coming with you so you really think Natsu would leave me alone knowing where I am"I said laughing.

"Does Natsu know"Leona asked

"Not yet I'm telling natsu tonight "I said

"How will Natsu take the news though
" gracie said.

"I don't know"I said


I went out to fine Lucy I hear her in Kate's room I went to knock when I heard.

"Not yet I'm telling him tonight "Lucy said

"How will Natsu take the news though"gracie said

"I don't know"Lucy said I walked away just in case so I went to the kitchen to get a cup of water. I drank in I love Lucy I want to marry her I actually had a ring when she left I have it in my bag I'm her room I'll have to propose tonight. I put the cup down the girls all came out of Kate's room and they ran to there rooms Lucy did not come out so I went back and I sat with the guys I. The corner.

"I can believe how much Lucy changed"gray said

"Yeah it's crazy"gajeel said

"Natsu you still love her don't you"gray said

"Yeah why"I said

"Well if she is pregnant who's the father "gajeel said I didn't think about it for all
I know she could of already of been pregnant when we slept together.

"I don't know"I said

"I think you missed your chance dude"Laxus

"I know and I don't know what  going to do "I said I closed my eyes and sleepiness consumed me.

I'm packing my stuff slowly I have the picture of when we first got here my and gracie were holding sky by her holding our necks Alana and cadenza holding Leona even though cadenza was not a sex slave she feels our pain. I felt tears roll down my face I put it a box.  I can't believe I'm leaving this place this was what I've always wanted. I already have my clothes away all my armour I'm in a white dress with some light pink. And a flower crown. I started to cry then the doors open. 

"Go away gracie"I said

"I don't think I'm gracie"a male voice said I shot up and turned to see Ryan. He walked over to me he is my boyfriend I've been dating him for a year now.

"Ryan what are you doing here"I asked

"Kate your special to me and I don't want to lose you "Ryan said

"Your not going to lose me I'm just going to fairytail"I said

"I'm going to fairytail to Erza said we can come"Ryan said

"See we will still be together"I said smiling.

"Yes but I want to do something before we leave the place we first met"Ryan said I didn't know what was happening but I was pinned against a wall and I was kissing Ryan I'm kissing back. I took his shirt off.

I'm in my room it's night Nashi is in her room reading her book before she goes to sleep I have my clothes packed. It's by the door Natsu comes in as I'm moving the last box of clothes to the pile.

"Lucy where you going"Natsu asked coming up to me and wrapping his arms around my stomach.

"Natsu I have to ask you a question "I asked he was behind me his head on my shoulder.

"Go for it"he asked

"How did you react knowing you had a child"I asked

"I was happy actually even more happy when I found out it was with you"Natsu said

"Natsu I'm pregnant "I said

"Congrats Lucy"Natsu said a little more sad

"Natsu your the father"I said I felt his grip change probably in surprise he turned me around.

"Are you serious "he said

"Yes I am"I said he kissed me.then he pulled away and looked me in the eye.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now