Part #27

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I woke up it was morning wait did Nashi get to her sleepover. I jumped up but just to be pulled back down.

"Don't worry I brought Nashis to grays house "Natsu said I sighed in relief.

"Well I'm going to get to the guild come if you want but I'll be back at three"I said and I got up. I went to my closet and I pulled out a cute white dress the actual dress went down to mid thigh. Then there was a laced cover that went to my feet then I had some cleavage showing but that is okay. I put on the flower crown Nashi made for me it was a multi coloured flower crown and it was my favourite one. I graded my mini black backpack the didn't even go to my butt but mid back I put my keys Ina fm my whip. Oh and the book I wrote while I was gone I sent the first book to levy I now have the second and third. I left the house and headed for the guild I got there and I went to open the door and I forgot to take my ring off shit oh well I'll take it off when no one is looking. It's 10 in the morning the girls should be here I opened the door I saw Mira,juvia and levy all sitting at a table. I went and sat with them.

"Hey girls"I said

"Hey lu-chan"levy said

"Mira don't you work the bar"I asked

"Kinna took my place I wanted to be a Mage and go in jobs with Laxus more so I gave kinna my place"Mira said

"Lucy Nashi came to my room last night confused about you"juvia said I have my hand under the table.

"What was she confused about"I asked nervous

"She wanted to know why you had an engagement ring on"juvia said the girls all looked at me.

"What you have an engagement ring"levy said

"How did Nashi know it was an engagement ring she never saw one "I said

"She pointed at my ring and said it was like mine"juvia said

"Let meh see"levy said i sighed I put my hand in the table and I took my ring off Mira graded it and looked then juvia saw it.

"She was right it looks kinda like mine"juvia said and gave it to levy.

"Who are you engaged to"Mira asked

"Natsu Dragneel "levy read off my ring.

"Your engaged to Natsu"a voice said from behind it was gray.

"Wha gray what how much did you hear"I asked my face red. He sat down next to juvia.

"Well I knew also Nashi asked us both last night and I told juvia to ask"gray said

"You are very evil"I said

"Am not"gray said

"Are too"I said

"Am not"
"Are too"
"Am not"
"Are too"
"Are too shit"gray said I smirked.

"When did Natsu propose"levy asked

"Not to long ago"I said

"How have we not noticed the ring "gray asked

"Well I Normally leave it at home so no one found out for a while but hey "I said laughing. Good thing we were in the corner and I was leaning up against the wall the guild doors open and Natsu came in he came over to us I scooted up and Natsu sat behind my I layed on his chest he held my stomach.

"Hey Natsu-San"a little voice said we all turn it's Wendy.

"Hey Wendy"Natsu said Wendy sat on the next little bench then Laxus and gajeel cam over and sat with Mira and levy. Levy sat in gajeels lap Laxus had an arm around her neck.

"Wow is that the couples table now "cans yelled laughing looking at us

"Apparently "levy yelled back laughing

"Wendy have you got your self a man yet"Mira asked

"Um-errrr y-yes"Wendy said madly blushing.

"Ohhhhh where is this guy. "Levy said nudging Wendy.

"Um he is not here yet"Wendy said

"Oh he's in the guild"gray said

"Um yeah"Wendy said Carla came in and sat on Wendy's lap.

"So Natsu you asked Lucy to marry you"gray said

"Wait Natsu asked Lucy to marry him"gajeel said

"Yup Laxus he got you beat"I said

"What I could of asked Mira to marry me a long time ago"he said

"Yes but that girl i know her she is the one I got my friends engagement rings from she knows me and when did you ask Mira to marry you cause that ring just got in her hand this morning meaning you asked her last night "I said

"Dang you observed all of that with the two weeks you've been back"Laxus said.

"Yep I'm a smart cookie "I said laughing. I looked at Wendy and Romeo was sitting next to her.

"I SHIP IT"I yelled happily natch covered his ears.

".You ship what"Mira said

"Rowen"I said Mira looked at Wendy to see Romeo.

"Is he your Boyfriend "juvia asked

"Errrr yes"Wendy said

"So cute"levy said giggling

"So Laxus was Lucy right did you ask Mira to marry you last night"gajeel asked

"Yeah"Laxus said

"Dang flame rain got engaged before you did"gray said. We all laughed except Natsu.

"Your Lucy Lucy is on my or I'll be beating you"Natsu said

"I'll like to see you try"gray said

"Boys no fighting"I said gray glared at me I glared back

"So what's your guys plans for today "juvia asked

"Me and gajeel are going to go to this amusement park for the weekend just need someone to watch my two children "levy said

"Ill watch them"I said

"Really"levy said

"Yep"I said

"Hey Lucy would you mind watching two more kids for the week end"juvia said

"Sure why not why"I asked

"Me and gray are going out for the weekend"juvia said

"Well this is a good chance for Nashi to meet some new friends "I said

"Well I think she already did"juvia said

"What ya mean"I asked

"Last nigh cally slept through all the evening and night so Nashi hung out with storm you guys should of seen metallic laughing as storm was blushing at Nashis presence"gray said

"Hey Mira your having your first kid right"I asked

"Yep"Mira said

"I'm having my third"juvia said

"I only have two"levy said

"I got none"Wendy said

"You are having two now Lucy"levy said

"Nope third"I said

"Wait what did you get pregnant in the last five years"Mira said

"Wait third"Natsu said

"Yeah Nashi has a twin brother lurk you guys didn't know that"I said

"You failed to mention that"they all said

"Oh well his name is Luke and he'll be home in two mouths he's with my brother because his magic was messed up so Luke is trying to learn his magic I can't teach him because I do t even know what his magic is my brother sis dits my fathers magic that I did t learn yet"I said

"So you also failed to mention you have a brother"levy said.

"What I though I told you guys this oh well"I said laughing.

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