Part #7

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Five months and five years later~
I gave birth to a beautiful salmon haired girl she has natsus hair and my eyes her personality it nothing like me or Natsu. Her name is Nashi I didn't give her a last name since I didn't know who's last name to give her. So I left it blank Nashi has some medical problems when she was born but most of it is fixed she is clean I hope. Nashi is currently outside with Erza and her daughter yeah Erza ended up pregnant and her daughter is like three or something and she has a eight month old daughter and Jellal and Erza are getting married in a few months. I rarely see Erza but I still have the scars for years ago but I know I can finally move one but not in love my heart belongs to Natsu I've never took off his scarf. Except for going into the shower or something. But I have to go and train my girls today it's sky we are working in her sky dragon secret art it's taking her the longest time to learn it she knows. Sky god magic,sky demon magic and now is learning dragon and the last one takes years to learn which is sky angel. She is trying her best to learn it but she cant seem to get the secret art down it keeps failing. I get out there and I see sky is not there only her sword and a letter attached it said

Were coming

I ran in the house I picked up Nashi and put her in a sealed room with her toys and Ryan. I ran to erzas hall she was gone shit they got her to. I got to my hall only Kate and gracie were left they finished learning there magic and they are known as the twins from hell.

"Girls gear up they got miss scarlet and sky,Leona and alana we got to get them back"I said the graded there swords and we started to run to the hide out.

I woke up to see I'm tied up I see the hole guild here and three other girls. A cloaked man came in laughing.

"Hello fairytail and Dare devils"he said laughing

"What the hell do you want"a girl that looked like Wendy said

"Miss marvel don't get so fiesty your free to go when we have your leader"he said who's there Leader.

"Then why are we here"Mira yelled

"Well there Leader is Lucy heartfilia and we need her and we're hoping she brings erza scarlet "he said then two men came in holding a girl and a bag over her head and her head hung down.

"Master we got someone for you that you might like"he said

"Lets see"the guy said they pulled off the bag and red hair came up a guy holding this girl pulled her hair to lift her head.

"You got my Erza scarlet I'm quite impressed you managed to do that and knock her out put her next to miss Mcgarden "he said and pulled her over to the other girls. They tie her up and leave the room.

"Miss Strauss are you smart enough to tell me where Lucy heartfilia is"he asked

"Me and Lis have not seen Lucy in like five years"Mira said.

"Not you two her"he said pointing at a girl with long purple hair and a nose piercing.

"I will never give up the information so I'm useless "she said smirking.

"You also forgot two girls Katelyn Dragneel and Gracie Fullbuster"a girl that looked like levy said.

"Wait there not here I though the two girls were graded to"he yelled in rage.

"Sir we couldn't get them they are to strong for us to handle "a girl said looking down he smacked her across the face she fell to the ground.

"I'm getting bored lets toucher one of you let's see Lilly and Devin grad me Natsu Dragneel "he said and they came to grad me but three spears smashed into the ground shooting them back.

"Why hello Lucy heartfilia "he spoke and the three spears came together and a person came in view it was Lucy she laughed.

"I though I told you to leave my friends out of this"Lucy said

"And I though I told I want you daughter now give her to me"he said his eyes went red.

"Over my dead body"Lucy said and two girls appeared next to her.

"So you brought the twins for hell I see the only two people left in that team of yours what is it called oh yeah Dear Devils"he laughed the two girls next to Lucy looked at Lucy.and Lucy shook her head no and said something to them. There eyes went wide. And Lucy started to run for the master and the two girls woke up Erza and un tied her and the other three girls and they started to fight the other people in here. Then the two girls started to untie us we were tied with magic restrictions so they couldn't get them they went down the line seeing if any of us had loose and a girl with pink hair got to me and tried to u tie my feet.

"Kate behind you" the other girl yelled and she turned.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now