Part #24

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I woke up and Natsu was gone I was confused I sat up I heard laughing. I got up and I walked down the stairs and I walked into the kitchen and Natsu and Nashi were making pancakes.

"Having fun"I asked they turned and saw me and burst out laughing I was confused.

"I'll go get dressed okay"I said

"Okay mommy"Nashi said and went back to laughing. I walked up stairs and I put on a black dress that went to my ancles and my shoulder was cut and it was a long sleev just cut at the shoulder and my hair down,and a black flower crown. I brushed my hair and went down and they were done cooking.

"Did you have fun cooking with daddy"I asked Nashi.

"Yep we special made your pancakes"Nashi said laughing I looked at my food. It had a flower on it I laughed the flower looked dead.

"We tried but daddy didn't know what he was doing"Nashi said Natsu laughed.

"Oh I know he can't cook"I said

"Hey I can cook"Natsu said and graded my pancake and she it and Nashis too.

"Fine we will eat Mira's food instead "I said and hair flipped him. He gasped Nashi laughed he tickled me.

"Natsu no "I screamed laughing.

"Nashi come help"Natsu said and she started ticking me to.

"Your both evil "I yelled and I quickly got up and I bolted for the door. They ran after me I was turning corners soon I lost them and I ran for the guild it was noon. I broke the door down and I ran and hid next to Mira.

"Lucy what are you doing "levy asked looking over the counter.

"Hiding shhh I'm not here"I said I made sure my scent was changed. I heard Nashi laughing then she asked.

"Where's mommy"she said laughing.

"She's behind the counter"gray said curse him I got up and jumped over the counter and I ran threw the building. Nashi filling meh my scent is back to normal I exited the back door only to be pinned to a wall I looked at the person it was Natsu.

"Your evil"I said

"Yay"Nashi yelled.

"Hey Nashi can you do me a big favour "I asked

"What is it mommy"Nashi asked

"Go to antie Kate's house and hang out with them for an hour. "I said

"Yep can me and Kate bake today"Nashi asked

"Yep get going"I said Natsu did not let go of me yet.

"Now you mister why don't you let go of me"I asked

"I don't think that's going to happen"Natsu said he moved my hair and started to kiss my neck where he marked me. I held in my moans by covering my mouth.

"Natsu not here we are at the guild"I gently whispered. He let go and put my hair back.

"Fine then"he said then I was lifted up and I was over his shoulder good thing I have a long dress on.

"Natsu let me down"I said he opened the door to the guild. And walked down the halls turn I got me yelling at him to let me down.

Ten minutes before.

I was talking to Mira when Lucy bursts into the guild. And hid. Next to Mira I leaned over the counter.

"Lucy what are you doing "I asked

"Hiding ahh I'm not here"Lucy said then Nashi came running in.

"Where's mommy"she asked

"Behind the counter"gray said I face palmed. Lucy then popped up. She jumped up and over he counter and ran down the halls Nashi running after her no one noticed and continued to do what they were doing.

"What do you think that was about"I asked

"Who knows anymore"a voice said we turn its juvia and storm.

"Hey juvia and storm"Mira said

"Antie Mira I'm turning five tomorrow "storm said.

"Really wow your growing into a man"I asked said

"Hey girls"juvia said laughing.

"Hey how are you"I asked

"Good good "juvia said her and gray are married and storm is there son. 

"PUT ME DOWN"a voice yelled everyone looked to the hall Lucy ran down.

"NATSU PUT MEH DOWN"yep it's Lucy then they came out Lucy over natsu's shoulder.

"Hey Lucy"gray said

"IM MAD AT YOU"Lucy yelled at gray as Natsu walked out the door.

"Gray what did you do"juvia said

"Lucy was hiding and gray told Nashi where Lucy was"Mira said laughing.

"Geez gray your so mean"juvia said laughing.

"I didn't know she was hiding"gray said

"Oh yeah right she hid behind a counter dummy"gajeel said he was holding my sleeping son metallic.

"Hey levy want to come to the beach with me ,juvia, gray and storm"Mira asked

"Sure if gajeel and metallic can come"levy said

"You bet"I said she laughed.

"Okay gajeel lets go"I said and we left.

Natsu got home and then placed me down I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Aww muffin did you get carried all over the town"Natsu said in a funny voice.

"It's not funny"I said.

"Why are you so mad at me"Natsu said I started up the stairs.

"Because you embarrassed me "I said I was about to open my door when I was suddenly turned around and pinned to the wall.

"N-Natsu"I said

"I didn't get to finish earlier "Natsu whispered and moved my hair again and started to suck on my mark again. I moaded loudly Natsu held my neck and sucked on my neck.

"Natsu n-Nashi should be home any minute "I said then the door opened and Natsu let go of me. I moved my hair back and walked down stairs as Natsu went to lay down.

"Nashi lets go play cards"I said

"Okay "Nashi said happy and ran to her room and we played for the rest of the day.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now