Part #35

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Ten minutes before
Me ,juvia ,gajeel ,levy and Laxus are waiting for Mira at the park she said she had to go do something

"Getz Mira takes forever"Laxus said

"What is she doing anyway "levy asked then we heard yelling we all looked and Mira and Wendy were siting at a table yelling at each other we can barely hear it even the dragon slayers.

"What are the yelling about"I asked

"Don't know"gajeel said then Wendy got up and started to walk away then Mira elbowed the back of Wendy's neck and threw her over her shoulder.

"Let's follow"Laxus said

"Wait "levy said then casted a spell.

"What did you cast. "Gajeel asked

"Only we can see each other Mira or anyone Else cant"levy said then Mira the walked up to Wendy's porch and the layed her done the went threw Wendy's coat pockets then pulled out Wendy's keys I locked the door and opened it. Graded Wendy's arms and pulled her In the house well tried. Mira couldn't bend down the far since her belly from being pregnant. Then Erza comes up and picks up Wendy and brought her in and then Mira graded the rope on the porch.

Erza placed Wendy in the couch.

"ROMEO"we both yelled. He came out of the kitchen with a glass of water. And drank it and put it on the counter.

"Hey Mira Erza"he said

"So what's up with getting drunk and then fucking up wendy"Erza said

"Woah woah where did you get that idea"Romeo said

"Wendy she said she have you some booze"I said

"Yeah that's all we played games for the rest of the night "Romeo said

"We now feel bad for knocking out Wendy"I said he looked at the couch. 

"Really guys"Romeo said he laughed.


"We'll leave now tell Wendy we're sorry for knocking her out"Mira said and they left. I went to couch. I picked up Wendy and sat down on the couch and I sat her on my lap. Wendy's eyes fluttered open.

"Romeo what did Mira do"Wendy asked

"Well Mira somehow had Erza with her and when she got here Erza put you on the couch and Mira yelled at me for getting drunk and fucking you up so I told her I just got drunk and we play some games"I said

"Your so are amazing "Wendy said

"Of course I am"I said Wendy stayed in my arms and we put a movie on.

I stared at Lucy arms she layed on the bed silent not moving and she might not move for a long time I played with her hair I know I should go see Nashi but. I can't it's my fault she is hurt I left her alone. She almost died luke ran away what am I going to tell her when she wakes up. I got up and I walked out of the house to the guild I open the front door and everyone stared at me in sadness I walked upstairs to see Nashi storm was just leaving. I walked In Nashi was crying. I walked over to her and I kneeled infront of her I saw she didn't see me her eyes closed she opened them.

"Daddy I'm sorry"Nashi said

"Why you sorry baby girl"I asked

"Luke left because of me"Nashi said

"Nashi you don't know that you don't Remember anything well try our best to find him we have a search party out right now. "I said

"Daddy Is it true I can't walk"Nashi said

"Yes baby I'll teach you to walk"I said

"Really when can I come home"Nashi asked sitting up.

"Nashi you have to stay here until your better until you have walk on your own and that will take years and don't be mad at Luke even though he is the reason why you can't walk"I said tears formed in her eyes she hugged me crying.

It's been an hour since I've been here but grand days it's been two days in earth.

"Luke would you like to see how Nashi is doing"grand said

"Yes please"I said she put it up no volume and the she left. Nashi was laying in her bed. Dad came in and walked over to Nashi kneeled infront of her. Nashi opened her eyes spoke then sat up. Natsu told her something for awhile then she bursts Into tears and hugged dad and was crying her heart out then it turned off.

"What did he tell her to make her cry like that"I asked

"Luke I don't think you want to know"grand said

"TELL ME"I yelled she back away. I had tear running down my face.

"Natsu told Nashi she won't be able to walk anymore and why Nashi recently found out that you did this to her"grand said

"She's going to hate me"I said stared at the wall.

"Luke she might not you never know but Luke time flies here Be for you realize it Nashi is going to be old enough to hold a grudge against you. Luke she has to learn to walk again and she can't go home until she can walk so she is under watch"grand said

"I want to still train even though Nashi will hate me I don't want to hurt anyone else"I said she nodded and left.

Nashi stopped crying then she looked me dead in the eye.

"I want to walk again "Nashi said

"Okay Nashi"I said

"Can we start now the faster I can walk the fast I can be with all the other kids and a normal kid"Nashi said it broke my heart to hear her say that. I picked her up and went over to the mats I sat her on the mat.

"Okay Nashi when your ready slowly try to stand up"I said. I held out my hands she graded them she put her knees up and she pulled on my she got half way up but fell back down.

"Nashi keep trying "I said she had determination in her eyes she graded my hands again she got half way and fell.

"Nashi put your legs straight "I said she almost got hem straight.

"It hurts"Nashi said.

"Nashi bend your knees and try straightening them out again for me"I said kneel down next to her. And we worked on it for hours and hours she never stopped being determined.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now