Part #10

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I was smirking I see confused looks on people's face I telepathically started to talk to gracie.

"Gracie use ice dragon elbow and aim for his stomach okay I'll do that same and it will knock him out"I said in my head.

"Got it"she said back. And we waited for Miss scarlet to turn we were both smirking we want to show her we are able to get out situations by our selves then we both yelled


"ICE DRAGON ELBOW "gracie yelled then he went unconscious we stood up.

"Let's get to the mansion before more come"we both said at the same time

"Okay lets go lead the way"miss scarlet said as we got to the mansion Nashi was inside and that man was being brought to the magic council.
I lead them to Lucy's hall to her living room then I heard Miss scarlet yell.

"ILL GET LUCY"she yelled

"This place is nice"a girl that looks like sky said

"Well we try out best to kept it clean but Lucy and miss scarlet don't help they fight all the time"I said then the wall broke and miss scarlet hit the wall and fell on her stomach hurt losing something Lucy ended up having her arm behind her back and Lucy's knee is on her back.

"Erza give it back"Lucy asked

"Never "miss scarlet said in a childish voice.

"Erza don't be a big meanie "Lucy said pouty

"This is mine"she said in a childish voice again.

"Fine I'm calling extremes ROSEMARY"Lucy yelled I laughed then a little girl came in that looked like miss scarlet and sir Fernandez.

"Rosemary your mom wants you to do her hair and make up"Lucy said

"YAS NASHI COME HELP MEH"rosemary yelled and graded her arm then Nashi came running in and graded Miss scarlets other arm and they started to drag her. Lucy got off of her and Miss scarlet passed out funny.

"Lucy I don't get you your serious one minute then childish the next"gracie said

"What do you expect "Lucy said


"Lucy me and gracie have to go back to our rooms may we leave"Kate said

"Yes girls "I said and they left.

"Lucy good to see your well"master said

"Yeah "I said and I went to my cabinet and I got my swords I used in battle out and started to clean them I took a cloth and wiped the blood off.

"So you learned new magic"levy asked

"Yep "I said

"What magics"juvia asked

"Teleportation,mind reading,requip,celestial star,dragon rider,takeover ,ice make,celestial make,enchantment magic"I said there jaws went wide.

"You learned that much magic""cans said then Ryan came in with a file.

"Lucy this is for you"Ryan said handing it to me.

"Thank you Ryan "I said looked at the cover it said EMERGENCY LUCY HEARTFILIA. I opened it and a file came out it had Nashis name on it. And there charging her for abuse and Zane I don't degree burns on a victim.

"May you guys excuse me"I asked they nodded

"KATE,GRACIE LETS GO"I yelled they came running.

"Where we going"they both said at the same time.

"We storming the magic council "I said

"Really finally I've always wanted to do that"gracie said.

"Lucy your storming the magic council "Makarov said

"Yep got a problem "I asked

"Yeah you can get killed"elfman said

"Kate go get Nashi ready she is coming and gracie go get cadenza"I said there eyes went wide.

"CADENZA "they both yelled.

"Yes got a problem "I asked

"No mam"they both said and ran to there jobs

"Lucy why are you storming the council"Ryan asked.

"There charging Nashi and I will not allow that"I said

"She is like four years old why would they charge her"levy said

"Stupid reasons "I said and I graded my Zodiac sword.

"Who's cadenza I know everyone who works for you "Ryan asked

"Cadenza she is really strong and if I sent you near her she would probably kill you she is erzas twin"I said everyone's eyes went wide then Nashi came running in and jumped in my back.

"I'm ready"she said

"I see that"I said

"Lucy your brat is faster then she looks"Kate said

"What does that mean Bitch"Nashi said laughing

"Nashi where did you learn that word"I asked

"Uncle Ryan taught me it but he said not to say it infront o-OHHH oops "Nashi said

"Really ryan"I asked

"What she'll learn one day"Ryan said

"Okay Nashi call Ryan mother fucker got it"I said

"Got it"she said resting her head in my shoulder. Then gracie came in with cadenza.

"Lucy when I said call me if you are down my anything stupid I did t think it was this stupid "cadenza said

"Oh well are you coming or not"I asked

"Sure.why not" let's go and Nashi your in my back this time"cadenza said and she hopped off. And ran over to her.

"Kate jump on"I said she laughed and jumped on she is really light. And we all ran for the forest.laughing soon approaching the council so gracie got off anf Nashi stayed on cadenza then we approached the guards came charging at us we all knocked them out every guard there was until we got to to chairmans room we kicked down the doors. They stayed outside and I went in.

"Lucy what is the meaning of this"he yelled angery

"What the Hell charging a five year old with something she was doing to help you guys"I said

"Lucy we now what she did was to help us but the guy is now in the infirmary Lucy with lots of burn wounds what did you have to use to contain him"he asked

"Nashi used fire lock it was the only spell that was strong enough "I growled.

"Lucy you have to understand "I cut him off

"That file there will be no record of that my team is right now destroying any left files"i said

"Lucy that little girl is a harm to this world and there must be something done and why do you care you just watched her"he said

"SHE IS MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH"i yelled I asked cadenza to send in Nashi she came in shaking.

"Sir this girl you said is a harm is not a harm to anyone she is scared to death right now"I said

"Sorry miss heartfilia there was no record of her last name or her parents "he said

"We take our leave and if this mistake happenens again I'll tear down this building "I said I picked up Nashi and I walked out I saw head of teams in the council bleeding in the ground the only person not injured is the chairman. We walked out of that building they should learn not to mess with us.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now