Part #40

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One year later

Me and Wendy had our kids both girls we want to go home I can't imagine what there going threw our kids are in the spirt world so they are safe. We are running they are on our tails we see fairytail then I'm attacked and I was sent flying into then Wendy came flying in knocked out.

"Lucy wendy"Natsu said I can't move.

"You'll you"a voice said and I was about to be stabbed but someone graded the blade it was Erza we layed on the floor they took out the hole army. They came to our sides.

"Lucy Wendy you guys are alive"Erza said hugging us both.

"Half alive I think"Wendy said we were both bleeding cuts on our arms.

"Oh right lets get you guys treated"she said then I was picked up by Natsu Wendy by Romeo and taken to the infirmary Natsu started to clean my wounds I was in a private room.

"Lucy don't ever leave like that"he said

"I know I shouldn't of left but I didn't want you guys to get hurt"I said

"So you ran"he said

"Yeah I'm really sorry "I said

"If I remember correctly when you left you were pregnant "Natsu said

"Pass me my keys"I said he did.

"Open gate of the maiden Virgo"I said and she came out with my daughter.

"Yes miss Lucy"she said

"I can take her now you can give Wendy her daughter "I said she nodded and handed me my daughter and left Natsu stared at her.

"Here she is"I said and passed her to him she had natsus eyes and my hair. She was adorable.

"What's her name"he asked

"I didn't name her because I wanted you to name her "I said Natsu looked at her smiling.

"How about Ember"Natsu said

"Ember it is"I said smiling Nashi came running in.

"Hello baby girl meet your sister"I said Nashi hugged me then looked at the guild in my hands.

"Mommy what's her name"Nashi asked

"Ember"I said she smiled

"Mommy can we go home "Nashi asked

"Sure"I said

Romeo wrapped my arms and legs I was in a private room romeo hasn't spoken I read the letter he left me he explained what happened and to be honest I never stopped loving him. He was wrapping my chest then he was done.

"There you go Wendy"he said he was about to leave i quickly sat up and kissed him on the lips and instead of him pulling back he kissed me back. He pulled apart.

"I'm sorry Wendy"he said

"It's okay Romeo to be honest I could never stop loving you"I said he smiled then Virgo appeared with my little daughter. She handed her to me romeo stared at her.

"Is that"romeo started

"Yes romeo meet Hollie your daughter "I said   I let him hold her he smiled.

"Wendy are you still living with Lucy"he asked.

"Well until I can find a new place to live"I said.

"Come live with me"romeo said handing me Hollie.

"Romeo I couldn't "I said

"Yes you can technically your still my girlfriend "he said he's right.

"Fine"I said he smiled and then hugged me.

"Okay lets go "he said I got up but my legs were in pain alexdranra appeared and graded Hollie.

"Ill wait for you guys outside the guild"she said I was on the ground.

"What did you do to your legs"romeo said

"Well I have been running away for one straight year romeo"I said laughing he scooped me up and we went outside and Alex  was waiting she followed us to Romeos house.

"Miss Wendy since you don't have any baby stuff would you like me to keep Hollie in the spirt world "she asked

"Yes please"I said and I kissed Hollie on the head and disappeared. Romeo went into his house and placed me on his bed I really missed this bed.

"So Wendy when did you get tattoos"romeo asked my arm was covered in tattoos

" right before I found out I was pregnant "I said

"Oh"he said and he went to go sleep in the couch.

"Where do you think your going"I asked

"To sleep on the couch"Romeo said

"Nope nope you in here with me"I said his eyes widened I graded his arm and pulled him on the bed and I wrapped my arms around him chest and hid my head in his chest he put his arms around me. 

"It's been awhile since I felt this safe"I whispered and fell asleep.

I got home Nashi was going to stay at Kate's because all the girls are going to be there I let Kate take Ember with her so they all can meet her. I went home and I went to me bedroom and got my pjs on which was a crop top and booty shorts. Natsu came in and out his pjs on he sat on the bed and started to look at this book. I smirked and I went on the bed Natsu was in the middle of the bed and I sat on his lap Natsu dropped his book and looked me in the eye.

"What did I do"I asked

"I was looking at that"Natsu said

"Now your looking at me"I said and I kissed his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck his arms around me waist I moved down to his neck and kissed his neck. 

"Think if this as a late birthday present "I whispered into his ear and I went back to kissing his neck. Until the Collar of his shirt came into my way and I took it off and I continued. Natsu was groaning I turned him and I pushed him in the bed and crawled on top of him for some reason I like his neck so much Natsu took off my crop top and since I don't wear a bra to bed my hole chest was exposed.

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