Part #20

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I got lost I had to go to the washroom but got lost I've been searching but this house is huge. I don't know how Lucy bought this house back. I saw the door I walked faster but when I got closer I saw someone on the ground and blonde hair was all I saw. I ran over and turned this person over it was Lucy her nose was bleeding and her neck was red I checked her pulse she was still alive. And she was soaked. I picked her up and went outside towards the train and I saw Erza once she saw me her head spun.

"What happened to Lucy"Erza asked quietly coming up to me.

"I don't know I found her like this"I

"Okay we better leave quickly get her in the train okay then we can leave and take Nashi with just tell her that Lucy fell asleep and don't let her see Lucy's face"Erza said I nodded out Lucy's head toward me.

"Nashi come on"I said she ran up to me with her pet wolf.

"What happened to mommy daddy"she said

"She just is sleeping"I said she smiled and jumped on she went to the seats I went to the medical room and started to clean her up. By the time I was finished the train was leaving and Erza came in.

"Okay she looks good now wait until she wakes up "she said went to turn but turned and pushed me out of the way and moved her to her side and I saw her hole side was burnt how. She touched Lucy but Lucy spasmed and fire covered Lucy as Erza we blasted. And it blew down the door. Erza fell to the ground I looked at the door and Jellal was in the ground same with Mason. Shit then erzas team came to help me. And we got them to a different room and I noticed Gracie on the train.

"Gracie you help Erza "I said she nodded and quickly stood.

"Yes sir Dragneel "she said and quickly went to erzas side Alex is keeping the kids up front. Mike  got Jellal  and damon got Mason. While I went to Lucy I wrapped her forehead ,neck and arm and chest. Once she was done she started to wake up. She looked at me.

"Natsu where are we"she asked

"We are heading to magnolia "I said

"Okay where is Erza"she shakingly asked.

"She is getting treated with Jellal, and Mason while you were sleeping you released a lot of magic "I said

"Are they okay"she asked

"I don't know"I said she went to get up but went back down.

"I think I should lay down"she said and painfully laughed. Holding her stomach I put my forehead in hers.

"You scared me Lucy don't do that"I whispered.

"I won't okay"she said I sat on the chair next to her bed.

"Did they find Skylar"she asked

"I don't know"I said

"Get me my stuff"she said I graded her bag I gave it to her she sat up painfully and graded a crystal.

"Hey Kate did you find skylar"Lucy said

"Yeah wait stop your train we see it"she said

"Natsu go stop the train"Lucy said I opened the door and went to the front of the train.

"STOP THE TRAIN"I yelled he slammed on the breaks.

"What is it now"he said

"We got some injured people to pick up"I said he sighed and sat back. I went and opened the door they came in.

"Number 6"I said and they brought sky to that one she was soaked,and covered in cuts and scratches.i went back to the driver and told him he was good to go. And he started to move again. I went back to Lucy she was standing. 

"Natsu help me please"she said she was trying to get clothes on I helped her then she got out a cloak and put it on.

"What's with the cloak"I asked

"People from all over the world know who I am if they see me they will attack the back only says my last name"Lucy said and walked out the door to the main room I followed she sat on the couch well she waited for me to sit then she sat between my legs. And started to read a book she graded.

It's night and I found a house to live in I magically moved all my stuff there  tomorrow only me,Erza and Jellal are going to fairytail with our cloaks. But I found a perfect room for.m Nashi is was on the first floor so I set up a bed and gave her a blanket she fell asleep I got a blanket and I slept on the floor next to her.

The next day~
It was morning Nashi was sleeping still it's noon  I have Kate coming over and watching Nashi and helping Nashi decorate her room. I heard a knock at the door I put my hood up and it was kate.

"Thanks Kate"I said she laughed and came in I ran to a park and I found Erza and Jellal by I saw scarlet and Fernandez we changed our scents so we can play with fairytail. I jumped in Jellal he was silent so I can scare Erza.

"So Jellal AHH"she said when she saw me I hoped off Jellal.

"Lets go finish your conversation later I want to play with people's"I said they both shook there heads then we left our magic aura could be sensed so people moved out of our ways. We were outside the guild when we heard.

"YOU GUYS GOT TO HELP THERE HERE"she yelled must mean us we open the doors all eyes on us it was alittle girl probably twelve.

"Kid scram "I said she was terrified and ran in fear. I laughed Erza punched me.

"What I can't help it"I said trying to cover my voice.

"Yes well you scared that poor child"Jellal said also covering his voice.

"Who the hell are you guys"Natsu yelled he doesn't know it's me cause of my sent and I said I was coming tomorrow this morning master told them I was pregnant again so they don't tackle me when they see me.

"Ahh you guys are here"master said

"You know them master"Mira said then Natsu smirked and sat down.

"Natsu do you know them"gray asked

"Of course they just didn't hit me at first"Natsu said

"Oh come on are you all really that dumb "Erza said

"We don't know who you guys are"gajeel said

"Okay guys come to my office come on Natsu"he said Natsu stood up and went infront of me I jumped on his back I didn't want to walk. I heard Erza and Jellal laughing.

"Be quite missy or I'll knock the lights out of you both"I said they didn't stop I troweled Natsu even laughed.

"Shut up Natsu or you'll end up knocked out "I said he quit laughing and we made it to his office we all had to stand. Except me I stayed on natsus back.

"So where do you want you marks"he asked

"Um same place same colour "Erza said he put his on.

"Shoulder blade pink. "I said I got off Natsu I took off my cloak and he put my mark on.

"Dark red same shoulder as Erza"Jellal said he got his on his mark on.

"Okay I'll go tell them who you guys are okay then you may come out"he said as left I jumped on natsus back so did Erza with Jellal.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now