Part #25

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Today Nashi and Natsu wanted to stay at home so I'm going to go hang out with the girls we are all going to the beach without our boyfriends and kids.i got there and went to sleep while waiting for them to come.

I'm pacing my bathroom oom I don't want it to be true Ryan is out with a friend. I'm pregnant I have not told anyone yet I look like a mess my hair done in a sloppy bun. My eyes red and puffy I don't know what to do. The front door opened I quickly looked away.

"Hey Kate I'm back"Ryan yelled. I didn't answer I just counter where the pregnancy test layed positive actually there is four of them all positive. The bathroom door opens I fell Ryan staring at me.

"Kate what's wrong"Ryan asked I couldn't sto staring at the tests.i glanced at Ryan he was staring at them now.

"Kate are you pregnant "Ryan asked I slowly nodded. I felt him hug me and put his head on mine.

"It's alright Kate I'm here for you"Ryan said I slightly smiled.he held me I turned to him and he kissed me I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. Ryan started to pull me and soon my neck hit my bed. My arms wer pinned above my head and he kissed me again.

I was woken up by Mira she was poking my forehead.

"Lucy how long have you been here"levy asked

"What time is it"I asked

"It's one we were all a hour late. "Juvia said

"I've been here for three hours then"I said laughing.

"Lucy why are you always early"Erza said

"I don't know it's a habit "I said and Erza helped me up and I sat up.i looked around the beach no one was here.

"So Lucy how is your and natsus relationship "Mira asked

"Good how's yours and Laxus's"I said lo king at her smirking as her face turned so red that erzas hair was out to shame.

"Um-errr good"Mira said

"MIRA BLUSHED"levy yelled we all laughed Mira punched my shoulder.

"Let's play a game"I asked

"Sure cards good"juvia asked

"Yep can we play gold fish"Wendy asked


"I'll beat you this time Lucy"Erza said glaring.

"No you won't red head"I said trying to get her triggered.

"Okay continuing juvia can I have the cards"Mira said and juvia passed Mira the shuffled cards. She gave us each five cards.

"Counter clockwise okay starting with Wendy"Mira said

"Erza-San do you have a 3"Wendy asked

"Gold fish"Erza said and Wendy picked up a card then it was my turn.

"Mira do you have a king "I asked

"Yes here"Mira said I took the card and put it on the ground.

"Levy do you have a queen"I asked she pouted and gave me her card.

"Erza can I have your nine"I said she gave me her card I am winning now.

"Juvia do you have a eight "I asked

"Here how are you so good at this game"juvia said handing me her card.

"I played it a lot as a child "I said picking up five cards I was out.

"Erza do you have a five"I asked

"Sadly yes"Erza said handing it to me.

"Wendy do you have a jack "I asked

"Gold fish"Wendy said I picked up a card jack.

"Oh come on"Erza said

"Juvia do you have a A"I asked

"Gold fish"she said and i picked up a jack.

"Okay my turn juvia do you have a jack"Mira asked

"Nope gold fish"juvia said

"Lu-chan do you have a A"levy asked

"Here"I said and handed her my card.

"Erza do you have a queen"levy asked

"Gold fish"Erza said.

An hour later

We played four games I won all the games Erza threw her cards as I won the fourth game.

"How are this good Lucy"Erza said

"I know my stuff"I said

"Yeah clearly "levy said laughing we graded our stuff.

"See you girls tomorrow "I said walking away towards my home. I pulled out my keys Nashi should be back from school soon the. She has a sleepover tonight with her friend cally. I got home I walked up to my room Natsu was sleeping I gently put my bag down I walked to natsus side and I moved his hair and I kissed his forehead and I walked down stairs. I graded Nashis bag from her room it's a gym bag she uses for sleepovers. I put pjs ,a new change of clothes,brush,tooth brush. And her dragon I then walked down stairs with her bag. I sat I. The couch and started to read my book. I then fell asleep.

I'm running home I'm so happy I burst threw the door and mommy is sleeping in the couch shivering I graded the blanket and I covered her. I walked In the kitchen and I made my lunch for school tomorrow. I did my homework then soon it was five pm mommy still sleeping she can't sleep sometimes better just go wake up daddy. I ran upstairs. I climbed on the bed I poked daddy.

"Daddy wake up"I said daddy moved and looked at me.

"Nashi what time is it"daddy asked

"It's 5:00 pm and can you bring me to my friends house mommy is sleeping"I asked

"Yep go and brush your hair then we'll go"daddy said

"Okie daddy "I said I ran to the bathroom and quickly brushed my hair the. I ran down stairs and I put my homework in my bag neatly. I put my coat on. I put my backpack on and graded my bag I walked into the living room daddy picked up mommy and brought her upstairs I looked at mommy she had this ring in her finger. She never wears rings.I'll just ask Antie levy tomorrow or Antie juvia.

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