Part #41

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A week later
I'm have levy helping me with my dress Mira with my make up Erza on my hair. Juvia is one of my brides maid yes it's my wedding day. Gray ,gajeel ,Laxus and Jellal were Natsu Groomsmen it was sunset and I was finished getting ready. (All the girls dresses are up too)

"Levy I don't think I can do this"I said panicking she was my maid of honour the rest of the girls were already out there.

"Lucy what are you scared of Natsu loves you he didn't stop searching for you everytime you disappeared he's not going to let you go now. He loves you very much or he would not have proposed Lucy you have three beautiful children with him Lucy now let master walk you down the isle before Natsu thinks you bailed on him"levy said I nodded and she left master came up to me and the music started to play I took a deep breath Nashi went out and threw the flowers  now it's time for me to go.  The doors opened and everyone stood up as I was walked down the isle scared what if Natsu runs out what if Natsu does love me anymore,what if he refuses the wedding. I started to doubt my self. Then I heard Kate's voice in my head.

"Lucy my brother loves you with all his heart he litterly would die for you so stop being scared and get married to the man. "Kate said in my head.

"Come on Lucy you are the stronger mists beautiful girl I know. And not many girls can do what you do for your family what you do for your friends. "Gracie said I smiled and I went up to Natsu he held my hands. Then the ceremony started.

"Do you Lucy heartfilia take Natsu Dragneel to be your husband "the guy asked

"I do"I said

"Do you Natsu Dragneel take Lucy Heartfilia to be your wife"the guy asked

"I do"Natsu said

"You may kiss the bride"the guy said and Natsu graded my waist and pull me closest to him and kissed me. Soon we broke apart so I can throw the flowers I turned around all the girls behind me and I threw it I turn and Kate had it in her hand her eyes widened.

"I wasn't even trying to catch them"she said everyone laughed and I looked at my wedding ring we all went out and partied I stared at my ring for awhile.

"Yes Lucy your mine"a voice whispered into my ear I glanced it was Natsu I laughed hen Kate came up with Ember and I took her and held my angel she was laughing away I sat down Natsu sat with me she was happy laughing smiling she was moving a lot. I didn't care Natsu held her she let him too. That night was the best night ever.

(Sorry for the short chapter)

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now