Part #42

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Nine years later:
I'm walking down the street with Just Nashi because Natsu,Ember,Igneel and Layla went on a month long camping trip so me and and Nashi can have time to just be like when she was a kid. We go to the place only me and her go to. We sit at the lake.

"Mom are you sad"Nashi asked

"Why "I asked

"With Luke being missing"Nashi asked

"Of course Nashi he is my child a mother will always worry and miss there child"I said to her

"Even after what Luke did to me"Nashi said

"Yes Nashi everyone makes mistakes in there life you will to one day I made mistakes "I said

"What was your mistake "Nashi asked

"My mistake was not telling your father about you guys when I was pregnant but when I left I met some really nice people Nashi and that mistake actually brought me even closer with your father"I said

"Really"Nashi said.

"Yes Nashi "I said then I heard someone running we quickly got up and that person comes out of the forest and falls a person tried to kill this person I knocked them out the guy it looks like sits up. He has a cloak on put I can see his face but he has a bandana over his eyes you can see some blonde hair.

"Are you okay"I asked

"M-mom"he said scared looking at me then I saw salmon hair to it was a mix.

"Luke"I said hugging him. Natsu stared at him scared I can tell all the memories are all coming back to her she starts to back away until she hit a tree. Luke looked at Nashi she was shaking.

"Nashi I'm not going to hurt you"Luke said with a deep voice.

"How can I trust you "Nashi said bursting out in tears she got up and bolted like looked down in saddness.

"It's okay Luke come on I'll take you home "I said standing up grading his shoulder he stood up tears in her eyes.

I was running tears flowing from my eyes I heard someone I didn't care I kept running I ran into someone. I fell on my butt still crying I looked up and saw storm he was by him self.

"S-storm"I said blushing.

"Nashi what's wrong"storm said kneeling down next to me looked me dead in the eye.

"Why can't I be happy is it impossible for me to be happy why does everyone hate me so much "I said crying.

"Nashi no one hates you"storm said

"Yes everyone does that is why I'm left out in everything i should just die"I yelled at Storm.

"No one hates you trust me believe me please I don't know what I would do without you"storm said tears formed in his eyes

"Storm "was all I could say well the only thing I can say at this point

"Nashi you are special to me and I would never trade a thing for the relationship I have with you "Storm said crying.

"Storm I-"I was cut off but the thing I wanted the most I closed my eyes storm put one knee between my legs his hand was on my neck and his forehead was on mine. I can feel his breath his breath is actually warm for a ice make mage he moved and then I felt something warm in my lips.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now