Part #26

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Daddy came back down I graded his hand and he walked me to Antie juvia a and uncle grays. Cally is storms twin sister. There birthday is today so storm is also having a friend over. Daddy knocked on the door and juvia answered.

"Hey Natsu hey Nashi come in cally is up stairs"Antie juvia said I hugged daddy and walked in Antie juvia came in. Andwent to her room I have to talk to her. I knocked on her door cally was sleeping so I just put my bags in her room. Uncle gray opened his bedroom door.

"Nashi is something wrong"uncle gray asked

"Can I ask you guys a question "I asked

"Sure come in"uncle gray said I walked in and I sat in his bed Antie juvia and u cle gray sat in front of me.

"Nashi is something bothering you"juvia asked

"Mommy she is wearing this ring but she never wears rings it's like yours Antie juvia"I said she held her hand out.

"Which one"uncle gray asked.

"That one"I said pointing at the one in her ring finger at the bottom of her finger.

"We'll asked her tomorrow okay Nashi"Antie juvia said

"Okay bye"I said and I left there room and went to cally's she was still sleeping I graded a marker and I drew on her face she still didn't wake up. I pouted and I went out of her room and I walked down stairs and I saw storm and his friend playing a card game.

"Can I play"I asked

"Sure oh this is metallic "storm said

"I'm Nashi"I said

"Nice"metallic said and we started playing games I won every game.

After Nashi left my room I looked at my hand.

"Why would Lucy be wearing an engagement ring"gray asked

"I don't know my self "I said.

" ask her tomorrow "gray said

"Yeah I'm going to"I said laughing and I walked down stairs with gray and we saw storm and metallic playing with Nashi.

"Where's cally"I asked.

"Cally is sleeping "Nashi said

"Oh okay"I said smiling I went to cally's room she had scribbles on her face I graded a cloth and started to wipe her face. It became late and Nashi came in and curled up next to cally.

"Good night "I said and I turned off the lights. I head down the hall way to storms room and they were already asleep. Now something I've been waiting all day to say. I walked into my room gray was taking off his shirt.

"Um gray "I said nervous.

"Juvia what's wrong"gray said coming to my side and bending down to my level.

"Juvia is-is pregnant again"I said I looked him in the eye the only thing he did was smile.

"I'm glad we get a family together and it's growing. "Gray said and I got in bed. And gray pulled my into his chest I Barriered my head in his neck. Soon the darkness consumed me.

I'm at my home with Lisanna she is sitting next to me drinking hot coco.

"Hey lis "I said

"Yeah mira"Lis said looking at me.

"Remember when we were kids and you and Natsu always said you guys would get married. "I said

"Yeah why"Lis asked confused

"Don't you ever still want that to happen"I asked I knew she used to love Natsu a lot.

"Time to time but Lucy can make him more happy then I can like he'll when I disappeared Natsu didn't stop going to the guild completely,when Lucy left he didn't come to the guild for four years Mira. And plus I have someone else in mind"Lis said blushing.

"Who who"I asked grabbing her arm.

"Bixslow "Lis said her face is now completely red.

"Oh yes I ship it"I said

"Yeah I guess I get to be an Antie after all and maybe  so do you"Lis said making me confused.

"What did elfman get ever pregnant "I asked

"No your pregnant I get to be an Antie and I'm going to the doctors tomorrow for the results "Lis said i squealed.

"That's great Lis I hope you are pregnant "I said happy for my little sister. She smiled and got up and went to her room. I got up and I graded my coat. And I walked to the river where Laxus first asked me out and the memories came flying back to me from three years ago yes we kept our relationship a secret for that long. I sat in the branch.

I was sitting on a branch thinking about how the guild changed. We all miss Natsu and Lucy even though we know where Natsu is no one can see him he locked himself in Lucy's apartment.

"Mira"a voice said. I look down and I saw Laxus I smile I have a huge crush on him I climbed down the tree and I stood I front of him.

"Aren't you supposed to be on a mission"I asked

"Yeah but I finished quickly I wanted to ask the girl of my dreams out"Laxus said he likes someone else I didn't let my smile even though I wanted to cry in saddness.

"What did she say"I asked slightly not that happy.

"I don't know you tell me"Laxus said wait is he...... asking me out.

"Mira would you be my girlfriend "Laxus said grading my hands.

"Yes yes I will"I said crying I hugged him crying then we kissed.

Flashback over:
I smiled at the memory of that night I will never forget it but now I'm starting to think he does not love me anymore he is always hanging out with this girl. I know I sound like a bit h but I don't like it. I don't want to raise this baby in my own. But I will if I have to.

"Mira"a voice said i look down it was Laxus he had saddness in his eyes is he going to break up with me. After all these years. I climbed down I looked him in the eye.

"What do you need"I asked happily

"I went to your house and you weren't there so I knew you would be here and it's perfect that your here actually and I needed to talk to Lis anyway.  "Laxus said what did he actually want to break up with me the place he asked me out.

"What was so important you came to find me"I said already knowing what he is about to say.

"Welll"he said and scratched the back of his head.

"Laxus are you going to break up with me"I asked

"No I would never "Laxus said then he sighed  I stared at him in shock as he got down on one knee.

"Mirajane Strauss would you be mine forever and marry me"Laxus said.

"Yes yes I would "I said crying and I kissed him he then placed that ring on my finger he then stood up.

"Wait what did you have to ask Lis"I asked

"Well your parents aren't here so I asked your brother and sister if I could marry you oh and before you ask the girl I was hanging out with a lot I need her help to get the perfect ring for you"Laxus said

"Really you went through all trouble just for me"I said

"Of course I would I don't want to be with anyone else except you"Laxus said. He sat in the ground and I sat next to him and I let the darkness consume me.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now