Part #6

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I woke up with this killer headache I was being held by someone strongly I last remember going into a bar for some reason. I look up and I see blue had and a red thing in a boys face. It was Jellal. Crap I sat up my legs so sore I was naked I layed back down I'm guessing Jellal is naked to. I shook him he woke up.

"What happened last night"I asked covering myself.

"I don't know "he said he sat up and the cold air hit his chest he looked down and then looked at me. 

"Did we"Jellal asked

"I don't know I can't remember anything I only remember up until I went into a bar "I said

"My lord"Jellal said and rubbed his face.

"I'll go make food"he said and got some bottoms on he out boxers and some pj pants on I sat up and I found my clothes not to be in this room only my panties so I put them on and put jellals shirt on which went down to mid thigh. There was a knock on the door and Jellal answered it I overheard it.

"Sir last night there was a noise complaint people said there was screams coming from this room "he said I heard him laugh.

"Okay thank you"he said and closed the door he looked at me and laughed.

"I guess you need to learn to be quite "he said and continued making food.

"By the way you look great with my shirt on "he said I laughed.

"I can't find my clothes "I said he finished cooking and set it on the table and it smells good it was blueberry pancakes I started to eat we finished and I wiped my mouth. Jellal seemed to have disappeared so I went and checked his room he was making his bed he turned to me I walked up to him and sat in the bed.

"I just made that "he said

"I know"I said I pulled his arms pulled him closer and I kissed him then released him and went to find my clothes.

I woke up to have way less pain which I was happy about I look to my side and saw sky.

"Hey sky"I said and sat up.

"How are you feeling "she asked as she helped me up.

"Better then yesterday "I said she laughed so did I. I looked at my stomach I smiled.

"Sky can you tell me the gender"I asked she nodded and put her hands out and closed her eyes.

"You are having a girl"she said I smiled she removed her hands and opened her eyes.

"Thank you sky for telling me now come go get the rest of the girls and meet me in the living room "I said she nodded and left I got up and put some sweat pants on and a baggy shirt. And went out to the living room they had some pretty ripped up clothes.

"Okay everyone follow me"I Said they followed me and we went tommy mothers room. They saw all the clothes and stared.

"Each of you pick out four outfits except for Kate she already got hers"I said and they ran
To pick them out it only took like two hours.
They showed me.

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She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now