Part #11

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It's late and we got back to the mansion and I put Nashi to bed and went to my room I looked around my room and I saw my blade from five years ago I went over to it and pick it up and I Leaned against the wall. I played with it one cut won't do anything I put it to my wrist but someone graded my wrist I look up it was Natsu I have his scarf on to I look him in the eye he grads the blade and burns it.

"I'm not letting you do that to your self anymore Luce"he said my face is red

"N-Natsu w-w-what a-are you do-doing in her-here"I asked

"Luce I'm sorry for what I did to you "Natsu said

"It's okay"I said my face is so red that it puts erzas hair to shame.

"Are you lying to me"Natsu said still really close to me then I moved forward and I kissed his lips he kissed back and now my back is pushed up against the wall. I put my legs around Natsu waist he puts his hands on my butt we have not separated the kiss yet. But then we separated panting.

"Lucy I though you hate me"Natsu said

"I could never hate you Natsu no matter what you did"I said and I kissed him again this time fighting for dominancy our mouths are in sink. I secretly put a sound proof barrier up and a no entry one that it even Leona ,levy or freed can break no one can it's in dragon language. But then I'm thrown on the bed and Natsu is in top of my and kissed my lips again and on top of me I removed his shirt breaking the kiss.

The next morning:

I woke up in a warm place I hug this thing it's so warm I heard a chuckle I open my eyes and see Natsu I squeaked and hid under the blanket he laughed again and tickled me I'm glad the sound barrier and the no entry spell is still up I screamed cause of him he tickled me.

"Mercy please"I yelled he stopped

"Your mean"I said crossing my arms.

"Oh am I now"he said smirking

"Yes you are"I said he kissed me then he pulls away.

"You said differently last night"he said I blushed he chuckled again I punched his shoulder lightly

"Hey not funny"I said and I sat up I graded my house coat and went to the bathroom and I took a shower. I can't believe that happened lasts night I better not get pregnant I get out Natsu is gone I'm happy for that.

I put my clothes on and left Lucy's room I smelled food I walk out everyone was eating I sat there unnoticed.

"So where is Natsu"Wendy asked Erza.

"I don't know maybe he went for a walk and forgot his way back or he is in Lucy's room"Erza said

"Can't you go in Lucy's room and check"master said

"No Lucy puts spells up at night to make it impossible for people to go in."Erza said

"I was in Lucy's room"I said board they all stared at me shocked.

"When did you get here"Mira said

"I've been here for awhile "I said then Lucy came in and took an apple.

"Lucy Natsu was In your room"gray said

"Yeah what about it"she said them left the room and we heard screams Erza laughed

"What was that"Wendy said

"It's how Lucy wakes up her team she dumps water on them"Erza said eating her cake

"NASHI WAKE UP"Lucy yelled then came back in with a black backpack and set it on the table where there was black lunch box she put it in the bag and a few books then Nashi came in and Lucy got her son food and she ate.

"Nashi go get dressed and brush your teeth when your done eating then I'll brush your hair "Lucy said Nashi got up and ran to her room Lucy picked up Nashis plate I realized Lucy was wearing a long white dress and her hair down. And a flower crown looks like real flowers.

"Lucy let me help you"Erza said and pick up plates and took them to the kitchen Erza came back out.

"I didn't think Lucy cleaned this place up herself"I said

"Uh the girls help her today and tomorrow they will clean this hall up"Erza said

"This hall you mean there is more halls just like this"gajeel said

"Yes that would be my hall Lucy has a girls team I have a boys team and my team has two leaders "Erza said

"Who's the second"levy asked them we heard a child screaming and Jellal came in with a crying baby and a bottle and baby food.

"Erza she won't eat it"Jellal said and hands the little girl to earza and the food Erza takes the plastic spoon and put the food infront of the child's mouth and she ate it.

"I GIVE UP"he yelled I heard someone laugh in the background it was Lucy.

"Don't worry Jellal Nashi liked you as a baby"Lucy said

"Yeah but Lilian is my own bold and she don't like meh "Jellal said

"Didn't rosemary like you as a baby"Erza asked

"NO"he yelled

"You done messed up"Lucy said laughing.

"That's it "Jellal said and ran towards Lucy who ran we can hear them yelling these a little girl came in.

"Mommy daddy can do my hair like you can"she said to Erza  and Erza laughed. She put the baby on the table and graded the brush and put a elastic in her mouth and graded the girls hair and put it up her hair was blue. She tied it the girls bangs out.

"Thank you mommy and daddy can't pack my lunch either"the little girl said and Erza sighed.

"KATELYN GET YOY BUTT HERE"Erza yelled and I heard someone run and Kate ended up at the door.

"I didn't mean to miss scarlet it was an accident "kate quickly said.

"I don't know what your talking about but I need you to feed Lilian her food and bottle is right here "Erza said and handed her the child and picked up the other one Kate sat down.

"Now small child lets try this"Kate said picking up the spoon and brought the spoon up and she ate it.

"Really"we heard Jellal say he was at the door

"Sir Fernandez did I do something wrong did I hurt Lilian"Kate said worried.

"Kate you did nothing wrong okay just bring Lilac to my hall when your done feeding her"Jellal said and left.

She was my star....  And I lost her (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now