Angsty Mullette - The Promise

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Hercules's P.O.V.


The headlines screamed. Hercules traced his finger down the paper and read the incident.

Hamilton wins cabinet battle against Jefferson arguing about whether to help France in their revolution. Hamilton's stance was to not help, and he won. Reports say that afterwards Jefferson confronted Hamilton about his french friend, Lafayette, and Hamilton said that "Lafayette's a smart man, he'll be fine."

Hercules's hand shook as he read. Fine? FINE? Laffy was in PRISON! I can't believe him, Hercules thought as he made his way to the harbor. He jumped on the first ship to France and stowed away belowdecks. I'm going to get my Laffy back, no matter WHAT it takes. Hercules thought determinedly.

le time skip~

Hercules entered the prison with a guard and visited Lafayettes cell. When he saw the Frenchman, he let out a sob and ran to his Laffy Taffy's side. Lafayette was chained up, unconscious. Hercules lifted up his chin and the Frenchmans eyes fluttered open.

"Hercules?" he whispered. His voice was weak, and small. Hercules felt tears prick at his eyes as he held Laffy's head close to his chest. He whispered words of comfort as Lafayette sobbed and rambled about his time at prison. "Oh..Hercules you don't know the things they did...ils m'ont fouetté...mon amour..." He mumbled. Hercules, having no idea what he said, just hugged Lafayette harder. (idk if that's right or true) They stayed like that for 5 minutes until the guard interrupted.

"Okay, you two are just TOO cute. I'm busting you outta here." he said in horrible English.  The guard crouched down and freed Lafayette from his chains and Hercules helped him up. Laffy slumped down and Hercules adjusted himself and Laf so that he was leaning on Herc's weight. The guard led them out of Laf's former cell and out of the prison.

"T-thank you." Hercules told the guard, confused by this kind action.

As they navigated the prison, at some point they had to hide behind some crates from guards, and Hercules could feel his Frenchman shaking as the prison guards talked.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here, Laf." he whispered to his French baguette. Laf nodded but still shook. After that incident the honorable prison guard opened the doors to freedom.

"And zhe you go." he beamed in his failed attempt of English.

"Oh, how could we ever repay you?" Hercules asked, leaning Laf on the doorway.

"Oh, nothing. I am leaving to Ame-hi-cah tomorrow." the guard replied in his still horrible English. He turned to Lafayette and they exchanged some words in French. The guard then carefully found his way back into the prison. Laf and Herc limped to freedom, walking on a field until reaching the city, then hiding in a alley.

Lafayette's P.O.V.

Herc let me down to rest in the alley. I didn't dare tell him why I was so weak. Otherwise, mon amour will go try to kill the prison guards and that would not be good.

I caught my breath as Herc slumped down next to me.

"Mon amour, why are you here?" I asked him.

"Alexander freaking Hamilton won a Cabinet battle, and now America's not helping France in their revolution." he mumbled while handing me a newspaper, hatred in his voice. I took the paper and couldn't believe my eyes. Thomas fought to help France, while Alexander didn't? The Frenchman remembered the promise Alexander had given him before the Battle of Yorktown. He had said that he would be with him when he fought for Frances freedom. But Alexander broke his promise.

The two sat there for a while before hearing shouts and dogs barking. Hercules sat up and got to his feet before helping Laf. "Come on Laffy, we gotta go!" he said urgently. As Lafayette struggled to get to his feet, the shouts became louder. He suddenly had a revelation, and when the Frenchman finally got to his feet, he ran straight for the shouts. Herc grabbed his arm and pulled him away. "What are you doing? Those are the prison guards! We need to get outta here!" he hissed, panicky for the life of his French fry.

"Hamilton broke his promise. What use is fighting anymore?" Laf whispered, voice shaking and tears starting to peek out of his eyelids. Hercs eyes widened as his grip on Lafayettes weakened.

"No... Laf NO!" he screamed as the Frenchman ran towards the prison guards. Hercules ran after him, more afraid than he had ever been in his life. He quickly hid as Lafayette tackled one guard, whose dog immediately bit Lafs leg. He screamed and got off, but the other guards tried to pin him down. Lafayette thought, welp, no going back now, and punched another guard in the nose and kicked another one weakly with his bleeding leg in the crotch. (wow nice laffy)

"Juste lui tirer dessus!" the lead guard shouted to the others. Laf knew what that meant, and he paled. Laf tried to get up, but suddenly a flaring pain shot up his already bleeding leg.

"NO!" Herc revealed himself from his hiding spot, running over and rested Laffy's head on his knee. "Laf..." Hercules sobbed. The guards around them pointed their guns at Hercules, unsure of what to do. "Laf...why did you do this...Laf no..." Herc screamed. Lafayette stroked his boyfriends hair, knowing his time was almost up.

"Tuez Lafayette, prenez l'autre prisonnier." the lead guard barked at the others. Another gunshot rang out, hitting Laf's stomach. The pain was unbearable, and he groaned while Hercules pulled him closer.

"Hercules Mulligan...I love you...tell Hamilton se visser..." Laf breathed his last breath, as the world slowly turned black.

Hercules's P.O.V.

Hercules cried as his Frenchman remained lifeless in front of him. He glared at the guards as they closed in on him.

(oh gawd this is the saddest part this is a pain to write 0_0)

Hercules stood up, still clutching Lafayette. He turned to the lead guard, tears streaming down his face.

"JUST (OH GAWD i hate writing this part) KILL ME ALREADY! LAFAYETTE IS DEAD! JUST KILL ME!" Hercules screamed, grabbing the gun in a attempt to shoot himself. The lead guard pulled his gun back, eyes open in surprise. Hercules kept screaming, more tears welling up and streaming down his face. Finally, one guard shot Hercules in the chest. He fell to the ground, Hercules's vision going blurry. At last, he thought, I will be with Lafayette. Hercules drifted off, seeing only black.

A blast of white brought Hercules to see Lafayette, in a white building.

"Mon amour, you are finally here." he smiled, and Hercules did too. He pulled the Frenchman into a hug, ending with a French kiss. Now everything was alright, no matter what. Hey, they might even see Laurens around here. And when Hamilton gets here, we're gonna kill him for a second time, Hercules thought.

Alexander's P.O.V.

There was news from France that after my most recent cabinet battle victory, Lafayette and Hercules are...dead. I regret everything. I should've been there, helping them.

Raise a glass to...No. I don't deserve to say that anymore. Huh, Washington wants to see me. Better go to his office.


You're welcome for making you cry.


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