Fluffy Jeffmads - Storms

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This Oneshot will have huge time skips, each one spaced out by different amounts. I'll tell you when the parts change.

Part 1 (7 years old)

Thomas's P.O.V.

I'm so happy! My best friend James is coming over for a sleepover. I can't wait! I hear the doorbell and I run downstairs. Yes! James is finally here! I open the door and greet him.

"Hi Jamey! Let's go play!" I grab his arm and pull him through my house. James laughs as he says goodbye to his mum, slowing us down. I push through and drag him away.

"Slow down Thomas!" He giggles. I grin, pulling him into my room.

"Soooooooo what now?" I ask him. James shrugs.


"Sure!" I get out all my toys, and I mean all. Couple of Ninjago sets, a boring school set, and my biggest: LEGO Star Wars Deathstar thing! I'm not even that into Star Wars. We start playing around, and I put one of my ninja into their jet. "Pow pow pow! Hey James look! I'm gonna blow up the school! Pchw pchw pchw!" I mimic shooting the school with my Lego dude and his jet. James laughs. Suddenly a clash of thunder rings through my room. I notice James's horrified expression and get up. "Huh. Looks like a big storm." I close the curtains. "You okay?" James shakes his head and gets up.

"Um, where's the bathroom?" he says. I stare at him.

"James, you've been to my house like 10 times."

"O-oh, right." James runs off. Weird. I sit back down and continue playing. Ugh, it's no fun without James. Another clap of thunder sounds, and I hear a muffled sob. Weird. Wait a second...I get up and walk into the hallway, the bathroom is right across from my room. The muffled sobs get louder. I knock on the door nervously.

"Jemmy?" The sobbing stops.


"Are you...afraid of the thunder?"

"What? N-noooo..." Thunder rumbles, and James lets out a yelp. "Okay fine! I-I am afraid of storms..." He confesses. I think for a moment.

"Then don't take it alone! I'll get a load of blankets, and earmuffs or something." I knock on the door again, trying to get James out of there.

"Jeez Thomas, it's not like I'm sick." James laughs shakily and opens the door. I notice his eyes are a bit puffy. I nod my head rapidly, thinking hard.

"Just go to my room!" I rush off as James obeys. Another clap of thunder, and James jumps a little. Fine, a lot! I grab a load of blankets and go back into my room. James is sitting on my bed, breathing deeply. "Yo James! Got some blankets, but I'm not sure if it's enough." I dump like 10 blankets on James as he blinks.

"I-I think it's enough, Thomas." He says. I shrug and sit next to him.

"So, you wanna wait out the storm or continue playing?" I ask, scooting nearer to James.

"Um, I don't really mind." James fidgets underneath all the blankets. I roll my eyes.

"C'mon, you gotta choose!" I encourage. "Choose choose choose!" James sighs.

"Um..." Lightning flashes outside my window, despite the curtain being drawn over it. James snuggles into his blankets even more, so much that all I can see is his nose and eyes. "Let's just wait out the storm." He says, the blankets muffling his voice.

"Alright...do you wanna read or something?"


"So what do you wanna do?"

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