Fluffy Jeffmads - Blush-day

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Requested by @MminutiaeMerakii

Special one!


Thomas's P.O.V.

I stare blissfully at my boyfriend, James Madison, as he sits and reads peacefully by the lit fireplace. The wood crackles, the sound filling the room as well as the sound of burning. It's wintertime and James just wanted to relax at home this weekend. I cheerfully complied, and here we are. I sigh contently. James looks up from his book to see me looking at him.

"Really, Thomas?" He laughs. I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"Guess it's cuz you're too cute for me to handle." I flirt mischievously. This is how it's always been. Me dishing out the flirts, and James blushing back to them. But today something different happened. James doesn't blush, and I can tell that he's resisting the blush from appearing on his cute chubby face. Is that possible? Probably. I mean, the person writing this seems to think that.

"Aw yeah Thomas? Well..." Taunts James, before he says his flirt back. I feel heat rise to my cheeks as I sit there dumbfounded. I didn't believe James had it in him to actually say anything flirty. And him saying THAT, well, I think I'm actually...blushing. James's eyes widen and light up.

"Are you..blushing?" He says incredulously, with a cute smile on his face. I try to come up with a blush-worthy flirt, but my mind is blank.

"What, no." Is all I manage to muster up. Wow, great job Thomas. Really bringing pride to the Jeffersons. By now James had closed his book and is now sitting up, an amused smirk on his face. My already (cough cough) 'blushing' face starts to heat up more. Curse blushing!

"Did I get the ever-stoic, hardcore, total badass* Thomas Jefferson to blush?" James says, moving over on the couch closer to me.

(Quick A.N. for the *, I don't usually like swearing in my chapters but for this one occasion I'll excuse it. Plus it isn't so bad of a swear word.)

"No...It's..." My eyes search around the room for an excuse. They land on the window, where it's snowing outside. "It's the cold. Yeah." I smile nervously. James raises an eyebrow.

"Huh. It's the cold. And not that I told you 'your face is freaking adorable and I bet the rest of you is too?'" James says, totally pokerfaced. I start to feel more heat on my cheeks and I'm sure they're totally red right now. Like, tomato style.

"N-No." My voice cracks and I cover my mouth, embarrassed. James starts to laugh and I let out a uneasy chuckle.

"I c-can't believe I a-actually made y-you blush!" James says in between gasping for air. I roll my eyes, he's totally putting on this laughing act on purpose. I dunno, but I always thought that James would never make me blush. It's kinda...no, really, really, REALLY, embarrassing. I slump down in the couch as a small smile appears on my face. I start to laugh too.

"Why are we laughing so much!?" James giggles, and I can see some tears of happiness prick at his eyes. I laugh more, and I kinda feel like my blush is going away. Finally!

After a few more minutes of laughter and screaming in randomness, we actually stopped chuckling.. I move closer to James and put my arm around him. He gets the cue and slumps into my welcoming arms.

"Hey, James?" I say softly. He snuggles up closer to me, grabbing his book again as well.

"Yeah, Tommy?" James says as I hold him tight.

"Please don't try flirting with me again. Please." I say with a serious tone, but with just a hint of humour laced in it. James snorts and we share a giggle together, before he opens his book and starts reading. I look around the room. Here, it's just me and him, messing around on the first snow day of this winter, which is December 1st.

I think I quite like December 1st. The first day James made me blush...yeah, we could have some sorta tradition on this day! That could be fun. I smile to myself and start reading over James's head.

Blush-day, that does have a nice ring to it, huh?

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