Angsty Lams - Forget

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Looky here, a Lams hater writing a Lams one shot. Well, it's a good thing it's a ANGST! Mwhahahahahahahahaha!

College AU

Laurens P.O.V.

I can't believe it. Alex cheated on me.

I don't even know who with! I don't even care who with. I need some advice. Okay, Eliza was cheated on by Alexander too. Oh no, he promised not to cheat on me. WHY? WHY? I need to find Eliza.

I find Eliza outside her dorm. She takes one look at me, tears down my face, sobbing, bags under my eyes, and drags me into her room. It's big, it holds the three Schuyler sisters after all. There is a fireplace too, and a bookshelf. Eliza lets me sit on a armchair, and she settles in the other one. She looks at me, silent, as if daring me to speak.

"Elizaaaa why would Alex cheat on me??? He promised not tooooo!" I sob, and Eliza passed me tissues, her face empathetic.

"I understand John, I've been through this. Would you like some advice?" she asks softly. I nod, too afraid that if I say something I will burst into tears again. Just, why would he cheat on me? After all the gifts we gave each other, after all the dates, after everything...I burst into tears again. Eliza handed me more tissues and started her advice.

"Okay John, first you have to let Alexander how you feel, before and after the incident. You have to DO something that will make him feel bad. Ah, but write how you feel on paper or record a vid on my phone. Now give me your phone." She instructed. I passed her my phone, then she lit a fire and burned it in the fireplace.

"ELIZA!" I scream, furious. "I NEED THAT!" She shakes her head.

"No. If you keep that phone, you will be reminded of Alex. Here, log onto your social apps on my phone and I'll delete all photos of Alexander and unfriend him." Eliza explains. I nod, I get it, that makes sense. I log into Instagram, and she starts scrolling and deleting photos. I sigh, and start wiping tears off my face. I still can't believe it. Alexander and I have been together since the start of high school. Now we're in college, has he been cheating on me the whole time? I think of all the good times...and now all the bad times.

"John. John? JOHN. JOHN!" I think of our first date, where Alex bought me ice cream, and I asked him if he would ever cheat on me, because he cheated on Eliza as well. He quickly shook his head and responded with: "My cheating days are over. Besides, I've had a crush on you since Grade 6! How could I cheat on you?" He didn't mean it. What if he has been cheating on me the whole time? Was I not good enough?

"Jooooohn? JOHN! Helllloooooo? Wait... JOHN DON'T THINK ABOUT ALEXANDER!" I shake myself out of my state and look at Eliza. "Geeze...John, don't think about him, it'll only make it worse." she says, obviously worried. I nod, thinking about Alexander. It does seem that in recent years he has had more group projects then usual. But we're in college! That's expected! Right?

My intense thinking is interrupted by a knock on the door, Eliza gets up but I push her back down.

"I got this, I need practice talking to people again." I tell her. She nods warily and watched as I opened the door. Uh oh. Standing there was Thomas Jefferson, for once not in magenta, and he is looking scarred for life! Geeze. I mentally prepare my usual speech, "I apologize for whatever Alex has done." but I realize I don't have to do that anymore. Soooooo...


"Hey...wait why aren't you killing me?" I look at him, confused. I mean, I don't hate Thomas, why would I kill him?

"Riiight you don't know. Anyway, I need your help. Uh, James thinks I cheated on him, when I was forced don't know who to ask, so... can I talk to Eliza?" he asks. I shake my head.

"Nope. I'll help. I need to occupy myself. Let's go talk to James. By the way, who does James think you cheated on with? Also, how the hell were you forced to cheat on James? And uh...are you okay?" I fire questions at Thomas while he starts drooping down by each question.

"Uhm...don't kill me. One, it was Hamilton, two he threatened to hurt James, three, OF COURSE NOT!" He shouts. I blink. Ok, I would've killed him, but he has a fair point. Although Thomas is pretty self conceited, he does care about James. Wait...Alex threatened Thomas? Why would he... Never mind. What is done is done. I have to help least his relationship with James will be okay...

Forget Alexander.



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