Fluffy Mullette - Pranks

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Modern AU

Hercules's P.O.V.

It's that time of year again...April. Just kidding, it's not April. But I'm in the pranking mood. I walk up to my boyfriend and prank partner Lafayette, who's reading on the sofa. Ugh, always reading. I get that he wants to be better at English but like, why doesn't he just get a tutor?

"Laffy, hey, Lafster," I shake his shoulders as he groans. I jump over the couch to sit next to him.

"Whaaaat is it mon amour?" He grumbles, not taking his eyes off his book.

"Wanna go prank some people?" I ask eagerly. He slams close the book and sits up.

"Hell yeah," Lafayette says to me, his eyes shining. We share a mock evil laugh before starting to plan some pranks.

Our first victims? Thomas and James. Mwahahaha!

Time skip

I watch as Lafayette sneaks into Thomas's super fancy apartment. How you ask? Because it's so fancy that it has a face recognition lock. And Thomas forgot that Lafayette looks very much like him. I wait a few minutes, standing watch, to make sure Thomas doesn't come back from his date with James early. Lafayette finally comes out, places a bag down on the ground, and pulls his hair back into a bun.

"Didja get all the mac and cheese?" I say while peering at the bag. That couldn't possibly be it. There should be more. Lafayette rolls his eyes and kisses me on my cheek.

"Hercules I hid the rest, I can't possibly carry all of it. I set up a camera though, it's connected to my laptop." Lafayette winks mischievously. A grin starts to appear on my face. Sweet.

One hour later we're howling with laughter watching Thomas trying to find his favourite food with James looking done with life in the background. Ahh, I love pranks.

"Gosh, dontcha just love pranking people Laffy?" I snigger, glancing at my french boyfriend. Heh. French baguette. Heh. Lafayette sighs, trying to calm down from laughing so much.

"Actually, before we starting dating I had never pranked anyone, I had never found the idea of it inviting," Lafayette explains. My jaw drops in astonishment.

"You've never pranked anyone before?" I exclaim in surprise. He's never done some old trick to any of his siblings on April 1st, or decided to take someones pencil and watch them go crazy looking for it?

"Yeah, well, as you know, now I absolutely love it for two reasons," Lafayette kisses me on my cheek and I cock an eyebrow.

"Two reasons?"

"Yes, mon amour. Reason one is that it's quite humorous, huh Herc?" Laf giggles and I smile. It is quite funny to deliver small, harmless pranks that we can all laugh about afterwards. "The second reason, is ah, how you say, because I love to spend time with you, Hercules," Lafayette says sweetly before hugging me. I wrap my arms around him, gosh I just love my boyfriend. He's just so sweet yet cool, and able to hold me, and I'm able to hold him. We deserve each other, Laf and I. We really do.


So I have this book called Wings, and I'd really appreciate it if y'all check it out if ya haven't already. I put a lot of effort into each chapter and plan them all out before writing them.

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